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How about a sequel to SSX Tricky? Thought it was alot more fun than SSX3 and SSX:On Tour. Never played the Wii iteration.

5548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely disagree, and if anything it will be the other way around.

The fact that the 360 is tighter than a straight guys @$$ means that microsoft are gonna play it close to their chest on wether or not they believe that there system would benefit from it or not. If so theyll also most likely produce the same concept and achieve a similiar system themselves.

Whereas wether Sony would do it or not makes no difference... The fact that itll most likely be Linux base...

5548d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Although none of the new features of the new DS appeal to me, can see why people would want to purchase one.

Its not a sleek looking as the DS Lite though... Rather ugly when you look at it in te comparison screens.

5548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although we didnt see anything in regards to streaming HD games etc. The interface itself is really fluid and well thought out.

I wonder what those showcase videos are actually videos of, ie. if there someones brag clips etc.

5548d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubs for the comment m8, that made my day!! :D lol.

5548d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Having been meaning to pick up the games in the series i think i'll just way til this version is released.

5548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It possibly will be. Will all be down to how well their servers and infastructure handle under high stress loads. Right now they are rumoured to have lag down to 1 millisecond, but if this rises up to noticeable and unplayable amounts when their servers are maxed out it may cost them.

Right now though they'll be aiming to take the market by storm and Steam looks to be their main competitor.

5548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah. You'd think they'd add the amount made in sales so we could see the actual profit, and make sense of the article in the first place since it was an apparent 'sales breakdown'

Could have made for an interestinng read but instead was used to push Direct2Drive.

5548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont forget their ever expanding selection of full PSP games also. Expect most games to appear on it soon enough with all major releases from now on for it too. I see them gearing up towards this PSP-4000 with no UMD slot.

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know why Crematory is getting disagree's, as other than the lag issues (I nor none of my friends have had any lag in mathces. Just the same as a normal game) the rest of what he says is true.

To get in a bit pracy etc.. a party system is vital to the game. Its a pain in the ass when you try to join a game with friends on it, only to find out that your on opposite sides and cant play together without chopping and changing servers. As for the clan win/loss system that is al...

5550d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Having played through most of it already i can tell you now, that although it doesnt have anything to do with previous installments story wise, its gameplay is just as gd. The whole castle building, and collecting 108 stars etc. is all there. My only problem with the game is tht its a little easy.

A new console installment would be nice though. Or even simpler for them would be if they'd try and give us the Suikoden I+II remake/port tht our jap friends got on there PSP 2 YEARS AG...

5554d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All together i got 58 Blu Ray games and 20 PSN games 4 my PS3 (albeit 4 of them are doublers i got when i bought my 2nd 60gig before they were sold out.. Oh and 1 doubler got lost in the mail so they sent another and i ended up with 2!!).

Personally im not gonna sit and debate wether or not the PS3 needs to make a comeback as the fanboys hv already came out in arms but i would like to see the PS3 catch up in sales to the 360 for no other reason other than to give bk to Sony what ...

5554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"In it's journalists, it's reviews and the quality of our news"

+1 bub for the unintentional ryhmme! lol.

5558d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahaa, Cyber Warfare...ish...?!

Ahh well hopefully they get it sorted as mininova, and the Pirate Bay are the only torrent sites i use wen i cant get my hands on something through newsgroups.

5564d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still got my copy 4 the PS2. Like solideagel1 said further above the main antagonist of the game in seymour isnt quite as epic or interessting as most of the other villains in the FF series, but Sin is without a doubt the best story driven character/concept in the series which keeps you hooked, definately the best FF game. Its similiar to how chrono trigger revolves around defeating lavos but twists as the story progresses.

Definately pick it up if you havent!! Arguably the best ...

5565d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Completely agree m8. The best thing in any industry at times is competition. Both Sony and Microsoft (I suppose the Wii does aswell to some extent) benefit from each other and their products strengths and weaknesses. It gives us as gamers a better overall experience due to an increase in quality across software and features etc..

+ bubs Cajun as alot of what uve written in the comments section (ive read anyway) has been spot on :D.

5566d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What the DS seems to have is alot of support for RPG's and side scrollers. I think these to genres work really well on the system and are what drive sales. Most people like to delve into a good RPG, and everyone enjoys a good side scroller or platformer, Heck i still play New Super Mario Bro's.

I think what the PSP needs is really good quality games, and a bigger library of genres that are pick up and play and have more depth. I'd like to see alot more RPG's localized for it, but...

5566d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

True, i mean look at Sega's Game Gear. At the time it was just a portable Sega Master System and had games that were alot more graphically impressive than Nintendo's 8-but gaeboy. The thing was just a Portable TV with Sega's last gen console built in. Thing was massive mind you and munched through batteries. But like anything other than the Mega Drive (Genesis), and to some extent the Dreamcast Sega's venture into the handheld market tanked aswell.

5566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tell me about it. Although the PSP hasnt sold nowhere near as much of as the DS, doesnt means its 'murdered' it.

The fact is the DS is just like the Wii, only with slightly better third party support. The amount of utter rubbish thats released on Nintendo consoles is astonishing (There are many really good titles though, just seems to me theres alot more jargon than good). I mean come on, how many pet games do you need to own? The fact that Nintendogs is really the only good pet ...

5566d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah its really nice to see capcom showing so much support for Home, and also both the PSN and Live.

I just wish they'd release a game that sticks to its Survival Horror roots a bit more. Anew RE:Outbreak anyone?

5569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment