

CRank: 5Score: 15130

Actually looking at it again, they may possibly be different builds.

The scoreboard in both video's are different, aswell as the pitch radar being different sizes.

5764d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not to sure the brightness will be any different, especially in the PS3's favour (must multi-plat's in the past have been brighter on the 360). In this case I reckon the game will be identical on both consoles.

Its probably most likely the TV's brightness output.

5764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey there MiiTwo's!! ;)

5764d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah EyeDentify was a game that showed so much promise.

How about releasing another couple of EyeToy Play's, but for the PSEye instead?

Casual party games aren't only subjected to being played on the Wii.

Back were the days when the boxing, and olymics were done on the PS2, and were just as enjoyable, if not better than there WiiPlay counter-parts.

5764d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol tell me about it, the long lost bro i never had!!

Anyway.. Yeah i feel that Sony is gearing up LBP to be a massively appealing as possible so that they can shift hardware aswell as software and reel in those elusive casual gamers, that seem too have shifted from the PS2 to the PS3.

If all this goes to plan then i feel that we'll be seeing alot of Sackboy for years to come.

He's not exactly the easiest character to whore out (Points @ Mario) either du...

5764d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol SpaZaA, i just replied the exact same thing a few comments up, but yeah i agree with you.

Characters such as the Master Chief, Snake, Kratos etc. are iconic, but don't spread across all generations.

Put it like this.. You ask almost any1 in your family who Snake, Kratos, and the Master Chief are, you'll most likely get scratching heads all around the room, unless ofcourse they have played the games, or you have told them. Do the same with Mario, and Sonic and you...

5764d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although the Master Chief is an iconic character for Microsoft, such as Snake and Kratos etc are for Sony, thats exactly what they are Icons.

When we talk about Mario, Sonic and (for me) Crash etc, as Iconic as they also are, they are Mascots for there given brand. I use Mascot in the sense that they represent there brand, but they stick with us throughout our gaming history, and also appeal to a broader generation in particular kids ie. Sackboy be next for Sony, especially as th...

5764d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Like you i also understand what he's getting at, but Mario will always be the face of Nintendo, and aslong as Nintendo's around Mario will be right there with them.

Same applies to Sonic, and Sega.

Both Sony and Microsoft dont really have any 'Mascots' which for them is a good thing, as they dont need to rehash the same tried and tested games from generation to generation as Nintendo does with Mario.

Actually... Sony's closest im my eyes would be Crash, ...

5764d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As much as ingame custom soundtracks would be pretty good, the fact i have a bluetooth dongle hooked up2 the PC just so i can use my bluetooth headsets 2 speak to friends across games, and during games (between loading etc..) is ridiculous.

Kudos 4 microsoft on their corss-game-chat, as its really the only feature that the PS3 is sorely in need of.

5764d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

A good read BlackCountryBob.

1 thing you missed though was the fact that although it may be competing with highly anticipated games such as Gears of War 2 or Dead Space, theres also the the fear that the light that is GTA is starting to deminish with their new direction in realistic gameplay.

Lets face it, GTA III to San Andreas and also the "Story's" series on the PSP are much more addicitve and adhearing to play and with the soon to be Saints Row 2 in the...

5765d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I 2nd that.

For some reason the appeal of Crysis never really got to me. As graphically impressive as it was, the original FarCry was the first FPS too make hurdles in free roaming and at its time (and even today) was also visually stunning.

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although i had my doubts with it no longer being under the wings of Crytek, i'm starting to come around to the fact that the game is sounding more promising the more and more i hear about it.

Simple things like taking the wind into account when using the flamethrower and how the flames spread, give the game that little extra appeal showing just how much thought was put into the development process.

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its good to see a bit of friendly competition between these companies. And now that we've seen both NVIDIA's GPU solution, and AMD/ATI's (possible) CPU/GPU solution, it'd be nice to see what Intel has up its sleeve, as there sounding rather smug about the whole situation.

5765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always preferred the Tenkaichi series of games over the original Budokai's.

How about seeing a Tenkaichi game with the same elements, only sooped up for next gen, and the same sorta graphical flair, as Naruto on the PS3. Do this then i'll consider buying it, as the last attempt a a DBZ game wasnt up2 scratch.

5770d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

kl, didnt know that they were part of a 6 month develpment cycle. Fact is though if they have spent $22 million on both the engine and crysis and this took aprox. 6 years then they obviously feel that they have up'd their game as they are expecting to start development on the Crytek 3 engine next year, and have it completed around 2011/12.

Or Crytek 3 may possibly be an extension of the 2nd engine, rather than built from the ground up?! Hmm...

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those games hold more to the fact that they are conceptually funny, but games such as 'Escape from Mokey Island', and 'Grim Fandango' etc (the funniest games are always adventure game...) are games that could actually put a smile on your face for the complete duration of the game.

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont go getting every1 down.. lol, its only 4 months not 6!

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully ur right.

As good as this game looks and as hyped for it as i am, i gotta say i cant wait for whatever the ICO team and Naughty Dog studios are upto...

I really like the look of this and just hope that its given a fair review from most

5771d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol, $22 million isnt actually that much especially if that includes the full expense for the development of the engine aswell.

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Possibly, but the difference in the 2 engines (Crytek, and Crytek 2) is massive but it'd be intersting to find out exactly how much money was spent on the development of the Farcry, and the original Crytek engine... (Runs off to find out...)

5771d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment