"Those Who Look With Clouded Eyes See Nothing But Shadows."


CRank: 5Score: 129500

Don't let the door hit you on the way out Jim.

249d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree. It might not have hit the mainstream news cycle as much as the recent controversy, but we already were on a rodeo with Unity last year when they aquired ironsource with the specific goal to push monitization on developers as a central design focus early on in production.

Many developers weren't interested in prioritizing a maximization of profit at the cost of their creative goals. Apparently John Riccitiello (Unity CEO) couldn't grasp why so many devs w...

254d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

My decision tree looks something like this:

1. If game releases feature complete and doesn't rely on post-launch patches to fix critical issues -> buy disc version.
2. If game releases with critical issues and/or adds essential features through post-launch updates -> wait for potential release of "complete edition" containing patched build on disc.
3. If physical release is not available -> buy DRM-free version of the game on PC (mo...

255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude is trying to save his "good-guy Phil" image. If history is any indicator it'll work on significantly more people than it should.

257d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting that the Series X refresh will be on TSMC's N6 node even though it's scheduled to launch late 2024. I would've expected it to be on N4 by that time. Just for comparison, the PS5 has been on N6 since the launch of the CFI-1200 model last year. It's worth noting that N6 offers backwards compatible design rules for N7 (which was what current gen consoles launched on), so it might be that Microsoft just didn't want to invest into porting the SoC design to 5nm based...

258d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow. What a trailer. They've shown so much. Looks like they're hitting it out of the park... again. February can't come soon enough.

262d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've jumped ship to Unreal late last year, despite many people telling me that Unity was much better suited for the scale and budget of my project. Best decision I've made.

The CEO of Unity is an idiot and the writing was on the wall that he's gonna do something incredibly stupid like this sooner or later. I feel for the developers that are too far along in their project too migrate to another engine.

With the scale of the current backlash I c...

263d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Petebloodyonion: I don't see how that's relevant considering the peak concurrent player-count was reached on release week for all of the games I've listed. That's generally what happens with single-player games.

266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When comparing Starfield's peak concurrent players to other big RPG titles that released more recently it's hard to get around the fact that Game Pass has almost certainly had a negative effect on steam sales.

CyberPunk 2077 - 1.05M
Elden Ring - 953k
Hogwarts Legacy - 879k
Baldur's Gate 3 - 875k
Starfield - 330k

Personally I would expect a new AAA IP from Bethesda to be more competative with tho...

266d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

VRR is of limited usefulness in FFXVI. It only eliminates the vsync judder between 48 and 60 fps. It obviously can't do anything about the inherent stutter of low frame rates and since the game doesn't have a software-based LFC implementation you still get the standard vsync judder spikes whenever the game drops below 48 fps.

Not to mention that even with LFC, the very nature of a fluctuating frame times between 16.7ms and 30ms will have some inherent "judder&...

273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Overall review scores landed pretty much where I expected them to. It seems that the ign review makes a lot of fair criticisms though, most notably for me personally that the transitions between space and planets aren't seamless. It kinda blows my mind that Bethesda didn't prioritize this feature considering the setting of the game and the fact that this is a current-gen only title.

277d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

"As I said above, I'd like gamers to add up what they got this year in games. Compare the prices of what the games cost and how much on average they spent monthly for it. I'd bet they are spending less than what the games cost."

Duh. Comparing the cost of games you chose to buy with getting conditional access to games someone else chose for you is ridiculous. Especially when they can change these conditions at any time.

Situations like t...

277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I unsubscribed a couple years ago. I did buy a month when Elden Ring came out, but I rarely play multiplayer so I don't need it.

277d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Excellent news. The Darkness is one of my all-time favorite games and the sequel is great too. I've just recently had a great time replaying them on my PS3. Unfortunately it's kinda hard to recommend them these days, because they're stuck on PS3 and 360 so a remaster would certainly be appreciated. Nightdive has been killing it lately.

280d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Makes sense to me. Square is probably hesitant to just put it on Xbox without a deal with MS, because good sales are by no means guaranteed and MS is probably not willing to spend the money to get Remake on Game Pass right now, because it would be awkward with Rebirth also having a timed exclusivity deal with Sony. I assume they'll wait until all the exclusivity deals run out and make a Game Pass deal then.

They might also try to to talk Square out of an exclusivity dea...

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@EvertonFC: I think you're overestimating the market for this by a lot. I'd be very surprised if it manages to sell anywhere near half of what you're suggesting. To be honest I don't know why this even got greenlit. I just don't see how you market such a limited use-case device while avoiding confusion about what this actually is.

I'm admittedly biased against handheld gaming and even more biased against game streaming so maybe I just can't see t...

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just speculating, but my best guess would be that the low CPU clock speed isn't doing the Switch any favors here. The port will probably be based on the 360 version so there's quite a big discrepancy here. It's possible that Bluepoint didn't need to bother with CPU frame times too much and left the game code mostly single threaded for the HD collection, because performance would've been limited by the GPU. If it comes with an unlocked frame rate it would be interes...

284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The launch fiasco and dishonesty left a bad taste in my mouth and completely turned me off from the game, but I'm kinda tempted to try it now that the game is in a much better state and the expansion is getting released. If they launch a complete edition on disc I'll probably pick it up.

285d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree. If anything Microsoft is trying to avoid a class-action lawsuit. I bet their lawyers are checking their options and go over every piece of marketing material for the Series S as we speak.

Quite a strange situation they've put themselves in for no reason. The fact that the Series S CPU is basically equal to the Series X tells me they tried to avoid this very scenario, but then they screwed themselves with the memory and to a lesser extent the generally weak GPU...

293d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

@CBaoth: I share some of your criticism, but I don't really see what most of your rant has to do with the PS5 Pro to be honest. If you don't want to buy a new console to play the same games, than don't buy the PS5 Pro. I don't know what else to tell you.

294d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment