"Those Who Look With Clouded Eyes See Nothing But Shadows."


CRank: 5Score: 129500

Couldn't agree more. Not sure if this was already confirmed, but I'm also happy to see that Ludvig Forssell is still in charge of the original soundtrack. I wasn't sure if he'd score the sequel since he left KJP.

123d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a show. Probably my favorite State of Play so far. Death Stranding 2 looks nuts.

123d ago 16 agree14 disagreeView comment

To each their own, but I don't understand the obsession with themes personally. I barely spend any time on the homescreen and when I do, app specific backgrounds serve a purpose by emphasizing what I'm hovering on. I just don't see much room for customization.

130d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The phisical market is still large enough at this point that Sony would probably want to at least offer an optional disc drive for backwards compatibility purposes.

It is hard to say where the disc market will bottom out ultimately and whether what's left will be too large for publishers to ignore, but I don't think comparing the console market to the PC market makes much sense.

On PC you have ways around DRM on a per-game-basis, while on console ...

134d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I do pretty much the same thing minus the pre-ordering. If a physical release relies on patches to fix critical issues and/or add vital features, I consider it a digital-only game.

I also make exceptions for indies, since it's more understandable that a physical release might not be feasible on a tight budget. For digital only games I usually go for the PC version.

135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, but Ninja Theory were independent back then. With Microsoft publishing there is no reason to delay the physical release.

136d ago 20 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not playing off discs has nothing to do with it. The key part is that you have the data and a non-expiring license locally. That's why having a feature complete and fully functioning gold master is important. The license on the disc is just there to prevent piracy.

It's not really about physical vs. digital media. The data on the disc is digital to begin with. The issue with centralized digital storefronts generally is that the license you're getting has an expi...

137d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony should've just made it so that both games point to the same trophy entries on their server. It's kinda stupid that you basically get a second platinum trophy for free. Not that the competative aspect of trophy hunting is worth much anyway, when there are shovelware games specifically designed to give you an easy platinum in the least amount of time possible.

It's also strange to me that Sony still hasn't implemented a way to reset your trophies for a s...

139d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

A feature like this can't work on the system level alone. It would just be part of the SDK which developers can implement if they want to. So it wouldn't be universal and it almost certainly would be tied to PS+ with an option to turn off pop-up notifications for the game tips. In other words the feature might require you to be online, but the games should work fine without it (offline).

158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would require an integrated microphone which the PS5 doesn't have. It would also require some standby processing which would however slightly, increase standby power draw. Not to mention that you'll pick up a controller or media remote the moment the console turns on anyway, so it doesn't add anthing, except for potential privacy concerns.

158d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In case anyone needed any more confirmation that Insomniac is effectively being turned into Marvel Game studios... Even though I knew this was happening, seeing the roadmap visualized like that is kinda depressing.

It boggles the mind that Sony doesn't see the danger in making one of their most talented studios work on the same types of games for at least a decade and a half (More likely two decades). By the time they reach the part of the roadmap where they intend for ...

167d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Part of becoming better at something is failing for a while, so depending on how aggressive the dynamic difficulty adjusts, it will more likeley than not have the opposite effect. Granted if the gap between player skill and difficulty is too large, there won't be much of a learning experience either, but manual difficulty options and choosing the right games to build up the fundamentals for beginners seems like a much more reliable way of acquiring a basic skillset.


167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Frame generation isn't great at this point. It works well enough for most people when the base frame rate is already high, but 30 to 60 is not a scenario where I'd want it on, because the sample rate is too low and the difference between the native frames is often too high for the generated frame to bridge that gap without creating distracting artefacts.

It's a similar problem that happens with upsampling resolution when the base resolution is too low. These tec...

174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do not be sorry. Be better.

174d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I initially dismissed these rumors, thinking they might be out of date plans when RDNA3 was meant to be much more performant than it turned out to be. For a midgen refresh these specs are unimpressive. In fact I'd find it hard to believe that Sony would go through with these plans, if they were real to begin with. Since these rumors keep coming up however, there might be something to it after all.

I just don't understand why they'd launch a Pro console that isn&...

174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@porkChop: I'm not fully convinced it is a mobile game either. For all we know this clip might've been some early proof of concept for a small aspect of the game, but since we haven't seen anything else and this trailer doesn't specify platforms, while the only gameplay clip we've seen shows something designed around touch controls, this is still a plausible outcome. I'm just trying to be realistic about my expectations, since we don't have much info on this game. ...

177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Chevalier: Would be news to me that Peele has the required expertise to be a game director. Also if you just listen to what Peele said on stage it's pretty clear that Kojima is in charge of this game.

177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@EvertonFC: Lmao. I'm not talking about the dude filming, but the person shown playing the game in the corner of the screen. The graphical interaction indicators also looked like they're meant for a touch screen.

178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure about Blade, but remember the leaked footage of OD last year showed someone play on a phone: https://youtu.be/6q_OsaftT0...

To be honest, if this is just a mobile game I'm gonna be disappointed. Hopefully we'll get more info in the upcoming days.

178d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

He's definitely directing both. Judging from the leaked footage a while back this will probably be a much smaller scale project compared to DS2. Hopefully we'll get more info on this soon.

178d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment