CRank: 5Score: 42320

Interplay was king of the '90s. Descent, Out of this World, Clayfighter, Baldur's Gate, Fallout, and Planescape Torment. Too bad young gamers haven't had the joy of playing these games.

4901d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect itself doesn't cause scratching. It's the jumping around that MIGHT shake the floor and MIGHT scratch the disc. I know that 360 hardware has problems, but this seems like quite a stretch, even for the 360.

4901d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

If GT5 is any indication, they'll give the review to someone who doesn't even own a PS3 and whose favorite games are Call of Duty and Gears of War...

I kid. I kid (but in case that really happens, I called it)

Personally, I can't WAIT for LBP2! This game is gonna be so fun, regardless of what any stupid opinion (review) score says.

4901d ago 41 agree14 disagreeView comment

It's sad that Square is asking for help. I don't view that as a good move, I view it as a desperation move. S-E thought they knew best when it came to FF14. They thought they knew what MMO players would want. They ignored the beta users. And then they failed. FF14 failed big time, and they're desperate to recoup the massive losses.

4901d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

If Microsoft really does announce this...

...then you can bet the 360 is on its last legs. Sorry, but with all the costs of the 360 and the fact that 90% of the Xbox Game Division's money comes from XBL, licencing, and software, I don't see them supporting the 360 much longer if this W7 phone/gaming handheld becomes a success. They'd be smart to port XBL to the phone and make it a phone/handheld hybrid like the iPhone.

Edit @ below
Maybe ...

4901d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

I want Microsoft to release older Xbox games retouched to HD like Sony is doing. C'mon! I'd love to play Phantom Dust, the original Halo: CE, Mechwarrior, Otogi 1 and 2, Call of Cthulhu, Jet Set Radio Future, and stuff like that!

Thankfully Stranger's Wrath is being made for current consoles in HD...I knew I believed in God for a reason.

4901d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

Golden Sun didn't need changes, IMO. It is built to be a classic-style RPG. The combat is quick and engaging, the puzzles are fun, and the storyline is simple.

Handhelds were definitely the way to go this year if you're a JRPG lover: DQ9, Golden Sun,Valkyria Chronicles 2, and more.

4901d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Y'know, they added next to nothing to this download, but my buddies and I bought it on PSN because let's face it: this is the first time in 15+ years that this game has been available anywhere other than the occasional surviving arcade cabinet.

4902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I use Metacritic all the time, but not for the average score. I use their collected list of reviewers to pick out a few high, mid, and low review scores and read those reviews.

But I do agree with your sentiments. The "average" on Metacritic is meaningless. It only became meaningful for a brief season when certain fanboys used Meta score to label certain games as "AAA" and any game that didn't get a 90/100 or above average on Meta was of course not &q...

4902d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Really glad you enjoyed the game! I have also been baffled by the horrendous reviews of Move games. I played The Shoot demo and enjoyed it (although it isn't quite what I'm wanting to play at the moment), and I also enjoyed Tumble and especially The Fight, yet all of these received horrible reviews. I simply cannot understand how any of these games could score anything less than a 6/10 at the ABSOLUTE minimum.

4902d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not that I'm disagreeing with the OT (kids are indeed annoying, especially on popular online console games like CoD), but I've encountered just as many idiot players who are adults. If anything, I've learned that idiocy knows no age limit, but kids can be especially annoying since you wonder where the parents of the kid are.

Playing Halo 2 on the original Xbox dampened my appreciation for online gaming on consoles. Then, playing Gears of War, Modern Warfare and th...

4902d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't speak for gamers on other platforms, but as for me, a gamer who will be playing on the PSP, DS, and PS3, I see plenty of games for me to enjoy, and that's all I need.

4902d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


People are STILL harping on how you can't import a ME1 save into the game? Do people realize that ME2 on the PS3 will incorporate an ALL NEW intro to allow the player to make these choices? Let's not kid ourselves: Mass Effect 1 has only a handful of meaningful choices that carry over to ME2, and these mainly relate to how you deal with the Council, the lover you take (if any), and how you deal with the rachni.

As for me, I'm going to be to...

4902d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dislike GotY comparisons, as if an award from a website means anything over your own personal opinion. I grew to distrust GotY awards as soon as I began to see them appear on video game cases. Now, the majority of GotY awards are just veiled advertisement.

4902d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not everyone likes simulators, so I can totally understand the negative reviews of GT5.

That's the fatal flaw of reviews these days: the author has to relay their personal impressions of the game and then somehow weave them into a review that is supposed to represent the opinion of the majority of gamers. It simply can't be done, especially when the guy who reviews the game is so clearly unequipped to write a balanced review of the game in question *cough*IGN*cough*

4902d ago 20 agree8 disagreeView comment

I was playing Dragon Age on console today and realized how bland the combat is.

Sure, Bioware knows how to craft a good story, but could they make a good Halo game with good multiplayer? With Halo, the emphasis has ALWAYS been on multiplayer with storyline being secondary (and before Halo fanboys jump down my throat, the story IS secondary. 90% of the plot elements and characters are ripped from popular sci-fi. Let's stop pretending that Halo has an original story).

4902d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I wonder why people talk about "loss of exclusives" as if Sony is the poor little lamb getting all of its exclusives stolen.

Last I checked, Bioshock, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Ninja Gaiden, and Mass Effect (as well as other games) were 360 exclusive titles that are now available on PS3. On the other hand, I have yet to see Motorstorm, Resistance, Uncharted, MGS4, or a single one of the PS3's biggest titles being made available on competitor's consoles. Peop...

4902d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kinect-hybrid could be bad news, too. Frag out! I guesture to throw a grenade by taking my hand off the controller and waiting 1.5 seconds for Kinect to detect it? Melee attack! Yeah, I take my hand off the controller and b*tch slap my opponent.

Gears 3 is a gamers' game. It should be aimed at gamers, not aimed at furthering Microsoft's Kinect delusions of grandeur.

Oh, but I thought that "hybrids" don't count? Because RE5, Heavy Rain, ...

4902d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I LOVE Demon's Souls. I'm just a few trophies away from Platinum, and even after I Platinum I'll still be playing it.

Edit @ below
How many hours? It depends. It can take anywhere from 15-20 hours on your first playthrough, depending on how well you do and how many optional things you accomplish.

However, the game is at its best at subsequent playthroughs.

4902d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting article. It is sad how some of the most popular games on the market - Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc - are also rife with some of the worst racial stereotypes.

@ below
That's not at all what I meant. I was talking about the racial stereotypes of the video game characters themselves, not the people who play the games.

4902d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment