CRank: 5Score: 42320

360-only gamers need to take all this saved money from not buying any games in 2011 to buy a PS3, since it's clear your wallet isn't exactly going to be strained...

4914d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment

Also, the wild card is "true installed base". We know roughly how many the Ps3 and 360 have sold, but we do not know how many 360s are actually in use or how many new 360s were purchased after a RRoD (which can't exactly be tracked, but I've seen firsthand dozens of people over the years who bought a new 360 instead of sending theirs in).

Sales aside, the thing gamers should care about is games coming out, and Microsoft's sole focus on Kinect should be c...

4914d ago 29 agree7 disagreeView comment

Hopefully Faux News will issue an apology like they did for Mass Effect (they claimed it had full nudity). Not only is this "sex game" not even out yet, but it's not even coming out for 360.

4915d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

(on a side note, I'm playing Dragon Age right now on PS3 and have never noticed the framerate drop below 25+)

But anyway, CoD has the name. It has proven once again that quality is not important to mainstream gamers. We saw this with the decline of Madden over the years, and we saw it again when the Wii came out with bare-bones minigame collections. Now we're seeing it with Call of Duty.

4915d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Move has a narrower range in many games. Players need to stay in the camera's "view" in order for that accuracy to matter. The Fight is an example of a game that has great along as you stay in view. On the other hand, Kinect is much MUCH more forgiving of broader motions.

4915d ago 6 agree16 disagreeView comment

Anyone is allowed to love Kinect games. I think why people are so against Kinect is that:

1) It doesn't perform nearly as well as Microsoft claimed
2) What games are there to play that I actually want to play?

4915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm happy my PS3 will be getting a lot of fun games for it. And I hope that other gamers will be honest enough with themselves to put down their loyalties and see all of the awesome games on the PS3 this year.

4915d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

The trend I'll always remember:

Reviews going from slightly opinionated to nothing but straight-up paid advertisements and smear campaigns. How so-called "professional" reviewers managed to miss massive problems like the servers issues with Black Ops (across all three versions) or Gears 2 is beyond me.

4915d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

Most shooters take themselves “so seriously”

Like Gears of War.

If I had a dime for every time I heard a macho "Anyaaaa!" or "My wiiiiife!" bawling session in the Gears story mode...

4915d ago 45 agree11 disagreeView comment

I disliked the "auto" platforming. In my eyes, what's the point? Platforming in Enslaved felt less like platforming and more like "hunt the pixel" in an adventure game. Since you couldn't really fail, you spent all your time carefully adjusting the analog stick until you found the "correct" angle to make the jump.

4915d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't call yourself a gamer while also ignoring the PS3 in 2011. It's that simple. PS3 has so many exclusives, I'm still going to have to push some into 2012, and that's not including all the multiplats I wanna play.

4915d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love love love PC gaming, yet I have ignored 90% of the big-name PC games in the past 5 years such as Crysis, WoW, Starcraft II, Sins of a Solar Empire, the recent Total War games, etc.

Why do I love PC gaming, then? Because PC gaming will have something that consoles will likely never have: a passionate indie scene that makes inexpensive and even free games by the hundreds every year. I can go to one of dozens of gaming websites and play 100s of free indie games that have ...

4915d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which studio is handling this one? GTA4 didn't blow my mind in any way, shape, or form, especially not in terms of graphics/technology.

Red Dead Redemption was a fantastic game, but I wasn't exactly blown away by the graphics or technology, either. It was the story and characters that grabbed me. Also, there were tons of (admittedly funny) glitches.

So, I'll just ask: who is expecting this game to "blow them away"? Because if you're ...

4915d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

My "GotY" is MGS: Peace Walker.

ME2, RDR, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Bad Company 2, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Limbo, Golden Sun, Donkey Kong Returns....the list goes on. All these games I enjoyed, but I enjoyed Peace Walker the most and for the longest period of time. That's why it was my GotY, and that doesn't have to affect anyone else's choice.

See? An easy way to choose GotY.

4915d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

2010 had some great games, but 2011 is going to blow it away, especially if you have a PS3. Mass Effect 2 Complete, Killzone 3, LBP2, and the best console versions of Dead Space 2 and Portal 2 before summer even hits...

4915d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

Exclusives tend to be "system sellers", too, so while not every exclusive is going to appeal to everyone, there's the added dynamic of the developer of said exclusive trying to sell you a box with their game. With a multiplat, all that matters is selling the game, regardless of the console you buy it on.

As such, exclusives tend to receive that extra little oomph that multiplats don't. For instance, Halo's online servers have always always always been mo...

4915d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

I have played Demon's Souls since Day One, and I'm still playing it fervently to this day. Every true gamer should at least try it. Although it doesn't have a great storyline, it stands up there with the "must play" games of this generation like Little Big Planet, Mass Effect, and RDR.

4915d ago 28 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don't own Kinect, but I've been able to play it on several occasions. It's better than some say, but it suffers from a lot of problems that reviewers have magically given a free pass to.

For instance, I was amazed that you could add players simply by stepping in front of the camera! I thought that was so cool. On the other hand, anyone who claims Kinect doesn't have some serious lag is hallucinating.

4915d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Even though the software lineup for Kinect is (in my opinion) terrible, people shouldn't downplay Kinect's abilities. I've used the Eye with and without Move, and yeah, it's great. However, Kinect ain't shabby. Just because on paper it is 5.5% less this or that than the Eye doesn't really mean anything. It's the software that counts.

4916d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

I could care less about sales. As far as games, Sony and Nintendo are gonna dominate my time. PS3 will have lots of multiplats and exclusives I wanna pick up, I'll likely buy a 3DS later in the year, and I still have several great PSP games from this year to catch up on. I really wish Microsoft would get their act together because I got a wad of extra money coming my way and was pondering getting a 360 again, but since Microsoft has clearly stated "2011 is all about Kinect", it&...

4916d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment