CRank: 5Score: 42320

Old, but cool find. I've tried to save him by shooting the gun out of his hand, but he dies anyway.

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too bad Sonic is still too young to drink (in the US, at least)

Because he'd certainly be doing shots of Bacardi 151 if he saw the games being made in his name.

4899d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too bad Killstreaks are one of the things that makes CoD crap in my opinion. It encourages camping, griefing, and lame tactics. Ooooo, you just shot five people, so now you get to teleport into a chopper and shoot everyone.

4899d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think CES this year is gonna be "year of the smartphones".

iPhone proved that gamers like it. Other phones will follow suit with their own hardcore games.

4899d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

But after buying a third or fourth 360, it gets old for people...

And believe me, people do it. A lot.

Edit @ MatthewMk2
Sorry to hear so many consoles died on you! To be honest, I got rid of my 360 shortly after completing Mass Effect because I was terrified it would fry. But I have much experience with the RRoD....managed at Gamestop for a year from 2007-2008, and every single one of my 360-owning friends has experienced at least one RRoD.

4899d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I gotta disagree, Balt. Though the Wii is average - at best - for the hardcore gamer, the DS is chock full of fantastic games across every thinkable genre.

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Woot woot! PS3 3D game compatible?

4899d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

My #1 request of game journalism:

BE HONEST about game glitches/bugs/bad game design and score accordingly. I can decide for myself whether the game looks fun or not, but you're not helping anyone when you neglect to mention (for example) issues in Fallout: New Vegas, a gamer buys it, and then the game crashes 10 times within an hour.

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii and 360 have already been hacked to play pirated games, but I think we're still a ways off until PS3 pirated ISOs are commonplace. Imagine downloading 15-20 Gigs for a single compressed ISO file.

4899d ago 48 agree14 disagreeView comment

With DS, PSP, iPhone, and soon 3DS and PSP2 on the market, Microsoft would get elbowed out of the market. How are they gonna make games for it with 3 studios?

4899d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

The secret to a great exclusive is...

...a great exclusive! But when you don't have one coming out this year, well...

I kid. I kid. I can't wait for Fall, either.

4899d ago 77 agree11 disagreeView comment

Yep, I'm with you there, Balt. I've been using The Fight over this past week and it has been quite a workout!

4899d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wasn't interested in this game until this week (seeing the gameplay trailer). I love the first Deus Ex and have beaten it dozens of times over the years. But it looks so dang GOOD! And hearing all of the cool aspects of the game (like, you can complete the game while only killing the bosses) gets me so psyched.

Sorry Portal 2 and Killzone, but mid-Spring might belong to this game.

4899d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jade Empire! I would trade Dragon Age 1 and 2, all the Mass Effect DLC, and my left foot for that game.


4899d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gonna watch. Hopefully they show off the new PSP. Did Microsoft already do their show?

@ lamback - I know it's not a gaming show, but there have been gaming-related announcements at CES. Nothing wrong with hoping.

@ Nyc_Gamer Thanks!

4899d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

If Activision loses, I hope it causes Kotick's dismissal (of course, he'll take millions upon millions of $$$ with his severance. That's how US corporations work these days).

If anyone needs to get stabbed in the heart, it's Activision. I feel sorry for any developers who work for them.

4899d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fun list. I like reading things like this.

4899d ago 30 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh EA. I like ya, but sometimes you can be selfish. What's the point of this? I'm not picking this game up until the price drops a bit (my personal choice. Good luck all of you who buy this Day One).

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I like the Sony brand. It's full of great developers who encourage one another, help one another out (like Santa Monica helping KZ2 devs Guerilla Games), and congratulating one another.

It's so refreshing compared to someone screaming "DEFINITIVE! DEFINITIVE!" in your ear.

4899d ago 69 agree2 disagreeView comment

Never funny when people can't play their games.

4899d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment