This site has gone to the dogs without an open zone.


CRank: 5Score: 69170

Definitely one of the more "serious" looking Tales games. They must have plans to bring it to the West.

P.S. The trailer is up on the JPSN in case you weren't aware. Go grab it! :)

4825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for Xillia though. It 'should' come here if enough people buy Grace F, according to Namco's recent change of attitude.

4825d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

but they are a tad misguided. Your opinion on what "is" or "is not" worth bubbling isn't absolute either, nor is it relevant as I'm referring to the 'community' consensus here.

Its also rather easy to cast judgement when you have an 8 bubble, ivory tower :)

Your speeding analogy is lacking a few key pieces of information. Cops can miss people who speed, yes. In this case, two speeding cars - myself and the other party - w...

4825d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I'm not for abolishing mods at all - that would be insane. I'm all for having clear, delineated rules and order in this place and people who don't abuse their positions of power, there's a difference :)

Worth noting is that I did not receive a notification or notice of any sort as to why I was debubbled/ moderated, it just happened. In any other case where I've stepped out of line, I have been contacted by a moderator.

4825d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the former - open zone- you'd find all the crazy, unbridled fanboy rage that we see today in place of general chat. In the gamer zone, people had to post more moderate and intelligent things or they were marked as 'off-topic' or 'wrong zone'.

It was a MUCH better system. Since the merger, all the usual suspects who generally stuck to the open zone have polluted any reasonable level of discussion - regardless of console preference, we actually had some ...

4825d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its a fun game for what it is. Definitely has style and moments of greatness even if the overall experience isn't spectacular.

4826d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of all the Eastern games out this quarter, Trinity seems to be getting more favourable reviews (which isn't saying much >_> - average about 6.1/10 - Metacritic is NOT an average and is missing a tonne of reviews); Hyperdimension Neptunia, not so much. Ar Tonelico should do o.k. with the critics too. More on topic, Majin was the only game of Game Republic's that actually got decent reviews. Consequently, that was the one that I disliked the most on account of the horrid Western...

4826d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here, let me help. tinezdwe said: "So it's only sub hd on ps3?if that's the case it's freaking hilarious."

I replied to THAT. Its hardly damage control when you reply to someone with, ya know, the PROPER INFORMATION. LOL. You then went off on a series of insane rants about how I was wrong, resolutions and whatever else. So that's what ACTUALLY happened, not whatever melodrama you've concocted in your peanut of a brain.

Any ques...

4826d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Game of the CENTURY. I'm dropping every game I own when this comes out.

4826d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why your so insecure that you feel the need to defend or attack a sloppy PC port on either console.

You need to chill. There's no 'vague damage control'. Less than 720p is sub-HD by definition. The PS3 version is apparently, more sub-HD, but to what degree or argument does that actually matter? Nothing that I said is false or damage control. The only person I'm embarrassed for is you.

You contended that I was wrong in stati...

4826d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

Digital foundry:

"Native resolution on Xbox 360 is confirmed at 1152x720"

7 paragraphs into the story.

Edit: Only on N4G can people disagree with actual facts lol. Its subHD on both platforms, deal with it people.

4826d ago 40 agree8 disagreeView comment

From the MP demo. So its sub-HD on both platforms.

4826d ago 51 agree14 disagreeView comment

Great game, can't put it down tbh.

4827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I specifically mentioned multis in my post. My point is that MS assume that the current exclusive-dry lineup will be sufficient for the average 360 owner. And in fact it will. I'm not contending this, so there's no need to refute anything I've said ;) It's the diehard 360 fans, ones who have been there since the original Xbox, who are getting the middle finger here. The CoD crowd don't care, most have never even played Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect or any of the great exclusiv...

4827d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"3rd exclusive". I know you meant AAA, but I recently grabbed Trinity: SoZO, and Hyperdimension Neptunia, and Ar Tonelico 3 is out in 2 weeks. That's 3 more full exclusives just off the top of my head. Expect even more exclusive JRPGs this year too.

4827d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

should not be surprised. They (MS) take market trends and capitalize on them. The company is great at buying and supporting trends, not so good when it comes to innovation. Heck, the entire company was founded upon patents Bill G. bought when people were too stupid to see their future worth.

It's a company of opportunists and financial visionaries, not artists. And never, not once, have they shown themselves to be consumer friendly. Anti-trust lawsuits, RROD fiasco - &...

4827d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

That said, let's be honest, PC gaming is never as easy as "click and play" unless its Bejewelled :)

There are patches and drivers and a multitude of hardware/ software configurations to diddle with. I make most of my own rigs, and have been a PC hobbyist for over 20 years, so I have a pretty good sense of what's involved.

So yeah, in comparison, consoles are as easy as flipping a switch. Less hassle, by far. Fewer luxuries and mods, but t...

4827d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That and Kodelka/ Shadow Hearts.

4827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

every title you listed. PC is still a sizable market, but almost everything these days is coming to consoles (except for a few indie and most PC strategy games).

I started as a PC gamer, waaaaaaaaay back in the day, but there's something to be said for the ease of console setups. Just insert/ patch and play. You lose out on some of the mods though, but you get things like achievements/ trophies, network support and access to games that a PC doesn't have.

4827d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Then add another $25-$100 worth of DLC and a savvy consumer starts to wonder if its worth it.

I try and buy discounted whenever possible unless its a niche title that needs to be supported. AAA stuff can always wait for the inevitable sale (for me). Only AAA games I might buy new this year are DA: 2 and Skryim (and about a dozen JRPGs, but they all fall under "niche").

4828d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment