
CRank: 5Score: 54480

"Boxed" means sold at retail. Same reason Mario Kart 8 shot up during black friday.

Codes sold at retail (including in console bundles) count in the retail "boxed" , not the digital charts.

744d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone using logic should see that this is the perfect PR line. He got it from Jim, afterall. It's very intentional, and well crafted.

It gives lip service to their loyalists, but is also true to a certain extent. Sony simply does not want to risk a major disruption to their ecosystem. We already see them pushing the limits on all available revenue streams, but they're careful to not disrupt things too far.

They know that those big, expensive SP ...

754d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How would that "alienate" the console?

Day 1 for live service games makes sense. GaaS is all about player count, retention, and monetization. Maximum impact if Day 1.

For their SP games, expect them to keep staggering releases. They can double dip as well as reestablish the cycle once sales on console have been maxed out.

More PC releases are coming, and Sony will do so in whatever way is best for them.

754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like the Wii U?

754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's financials.

They sold 14.5m copies of 1st party titles from January through March.

I imagine most of that is new releases like GT7, HFW, and GoW PC, but it would also include all 1st party PS4/PS5 titles that are still selling.

Miles Morales seems to stay on the sales charts, for example.

755d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't disagree.

But Origins released in 2013. Safe to assume they already put a lot of resources into it.

756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'd be one thing if they never intended it to release for last gen. We're looking at something different, though.

We got a game that is putting a hold on the last gen versions intentionally. If sales are slightly less than optimal, you can bet they finish optimizing those PS4/X1 versions within a year of release.

They're likely only doing skipping last gen for now because they don't want to delay it again.

We can look a...

756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Harsh way to learn that there is an "appear offline" setting for a reason, Brandon.

756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure it'll come eventually, but I'm not seeing a spike coming just because of Ubisoft right now. Could be wrong though.

They have some big stuff on the horizon, but even if they dumped the full Ubi+ catalog into GP today, most of it is older titles.

Smarter move for now might be to make Ubi+ a GP ultimate perk like EA Play to further help convert XBL subs into the GP group.

756d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

We reading the same article? Same as MS, 3rd party sales were down (Thanks, Vanguard).

"We learn that sales for the full fiscal year 2021 have increased 3% (83.5 billion yen) year-on-year due to the increase of sales of hardware partly offset by the decrease in software sales, mainly among third-party titles.

Operating income (profit) is essentially flat due to the fact that Sony is taking less of a loss per PS5 unit while selling the hardware compar...

756d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment


Hearing different things. Either by luck or happenstance, I played fine all weekend, but many weren't lucky.

I heard it was specifically the servers that handle the authorizations that went down. Not sure, though.

There has to be a way to engineer the OS to account for these situations, though.

757d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

These 3rd party add ons are built by certain groups, for certain types of users. The effort that goes into them is impressive.

Ironically, here is one of the rare instances where you can directly "support the devs."

I wonder what the response will be from the altruistic players around here...

757d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I say let the bad press sit in. They need to hear the complaints.

It seems like the simple fix is to just extend the check in times. Change it to weekly or something.

I don't expect 100% offline hardware in 2022, but there needs to be some kind of buffer there in case of outages or whatever.

757d ago 40 agree20 disagreeView comment

I was there day 1 for Vita. System, Memory Card, 1 game, and a case set me back $400. I was happy to pay it, but I knew there was no way younger players and casuals (key demographics for handhelds) would be buying in at those prices.

On the flip side, I waited for the 3DS XL to hit $149.99 before buying in because it wasn't worth it to me at the higher prices.

I feel like both Nintendo and Sony misread what it took to reach mass-market success. Ninten...

757d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't mind these posts, and would even "thank you" by using your affiliate links.

But can you consider putting the prices instead of just the %'s? It's not even an issue with doing the math, it's just annoying.

MS and others do the same thing on their big sales. I would be more likely to click and buy if I just saw a price tag.

First world problem, I know.

757d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guess it depends on how "mobile" it ends up being.

But I agree. I'd also like to see someone step up and make the fortnite/rocket league of Kart racers.

Get core gameplay right, and then have characters, tracks, and carts from across all sorts of brands and properties.

761d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Grain of salt on the "non-partisan" part, but I get the sentiment.

Generally, Kotick is accused of having direct knowledge of the misconduct before allegations came to light, but chose to ignore it. Still think that's an Activision problem more than any one exec, though. More troublesome for him personally are the insider trading allegations imo.

This NYC matter is more about the former, but isn't a suit in the typical way we'd think...

761d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

In just about every scenario, Kotick would eventually walk away with a fat wallet.

Sucks, but it's reality.

And yeah, this won't do much in regard to the acquisition.

762d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Lol, are you his alt account?

No, it's 100% not true. Numbers don't lie. But go off, I guess.

762d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment


Every bit of that is untrue.

Activision was down to about $65 per share at the end of 2021 into 2022 when MS moved to acquire. The drop came from the reports and claims that came to a head last Fall.

Since announcing the deal in January, Activision shares have steadily gone up to the $78-79 we see today.

It will likely continue to climb as the likelihood of the acquisition becomes more clear, and the closing...

762d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment