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I downvoted you to help you feel welcomed.

852d ago 35 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've seen opinion pieces on here for shooter fatigue, battle Royale fatigue, modern shooter fatigue, shooter franchise fatigue, looter shooter fatigue, etc. Hell, I even recall a Mario fatigue.

852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know you're making a good argument when you pull out Zune and Win Phone...and no, they weren't going through the same thing. Unless you're thinking it's 2014?

Instead of investing further and expanding, they cut their losses and moved away.

10 years of losses is either assumptions or fabrication. I'm looking at 30% gains in just one year, and close to 200% since dipping back into MS shares. Please tell me more about your concern...

852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully not the EXACT same treatment. Let's have MP working from day 1, guys.

Smart move though. Port Gears 1-5 (sorry Judgment) into UE5. Give Coalition another UE5 warm up game.

I'm curious if they'll unify MP. Otherwise, we're all playing Gears 3 MP, right?

853d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess my handful of MS shares makes me the authority here? (I certainly can't do worse than the kids above who keep showing us why they failed 3rd grade math).

Well, as a "stakeholder," idgaf about ROI on a deal that is a year away from closing. Also don't really care about profits from a division that is in its expansion phase, where we reasonably expect maturity won't be reached for another decade +.

People need to stop applying...

853d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dig into a MS exec named Noah Musler. He's a big reason Obsidian and inxile came on board.

He's also a former SEGA guy.

854d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Most rumors say COD deal is through 2022, so MW2 or whatever is still going to be multiplat. There's also a chance that they have some timed deals in place for suspected Spyro title and the next THPS remake.

But this is Sony's response to the big stock hit they took this week. They also know MS can't come out and say much about any exclusivity plans right now, so might as well reasure shareholders for now.

859d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

People get triggered by the "anti-consumer" talk. That's why I find it better to just say timed deals are bullshit that do nothing for me, a consumer.

865d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell yeah! Just Dance 2022 in top 5!

Let's gooooo!

867d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

That sounds like an... interesting ....use of your time.

868d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

February 4th is the release date.

You don't expect news about it in the few weeks prior to release?

868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Versatility of the Quest is its best selling point.

871d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

A lot of people concerned about what's in your pockets...

I'm with you though. I'd like to tinker with a series S and put it into an arcade cab in the future. You're going to struggle right now to find comparable hardware at that $299 price point, and it would be a cool project.

I use my Shield or Vita right now for my gameroom emulation. They do most things Gen 5 and prior very well (Saturn is still a PITA) but Gen 6 stuff is a struggle. ...

873d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll be interesting to see if Sony keeps PSVR2 tied to PS5 (figuratively and literally). A wireless option and PC support would be their best bet imo.

I run Quest w/air link. Gives you all of the perks of PCVR plus freedom of going wireless. If it wasn't for the versatility, it wouldn't be worth it for me.

875d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

People might be upset that the "jackoff" line is a bit far, but you make a fair point. This is Toyama's baby more than anyone else's.

If we're really be honest, SH2 was the best of the series for most players. I bet few people could even name the teams that developed all of the games past SH3 once Konami started whoring the series out to others.

Of all of the people and teams associated with SH, a lot of people seem to put Kojima ...

882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The "author" wrote an article about a console war shit post they pulled from Twitter.

Hottest article of the day around here!

888d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

You're a true hero. Thank you for your service.

888d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Just another sock account. At least I hope they get paid for it.

It's always the same pattern. New user. Immediately submits multiple articles (usually just from the same site). Get classified as "contributor." Then proceed to shill.

889d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's fair. I suppose my view of the commentary surrounding both projects them (in my mind at least) into these seperate (but equally as insufferable) groups.

For Cage, it's stories like this one from the always objective Kotaku that stands out:

892d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nailed it.

I've enjoyed the irony to all of this too..

We had to hear about Wendig being too far on one side of this tiresome socio-political divide, and now we have to hear about Cage being on the other.

Meanwhile, there's just a group of us SW fans sitting here simply asking for good stories, characters, and themes devoid of all of the bickering over ideology.

Bring "balance to the force" by just...

892d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment