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Kojima: Buy more PS4s so that i will release PP.
Gamers: Release PP so that we will buy more PS4s

3840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"PC - PLATFORM": 2 terms, 2 big lies:
They are not "personal computers" and they are definitely not a "platform".

3841d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

No because there is no point in beating a dead horse. Its already dead!

3843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to buy a console that will rape Geforce Titan for only 400 bucks.

The promotional motto of ps4 should be something like: "PS4, the fall of Titan"

3845d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For the time being, ps4 APU is almost equivalent of a geforce 680gtx, But gradually in the next 5 years will reach close to the level of capabilities of a Titan.
That's all ps4 owners need to know about the "overall" power of their hardware. Everything else is meaningless jabber.

3845d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

[ ...With my left hand completely off the controller, I was able to slice and dice through tons of enemies simply by inputting the same sequence ad nauseum... ]

It sounds exactly like the kind of game you 'd like to play if you hold the controller with your right hand while you use your left hand to eat Doritos.
Doritos Demographic will embrace this game.

3863d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its the same like BF4. PS4 version is identical with the PC version at very-high.
But it doesn't really matter because KZ:SF is by far the best looking fps in any platform. And i can't see any upcoming fps capable to match it for the next 2 years or so.

3864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My prediction:

If clocked at 1.8 Ghz then the power of the PS4 CPU will be 100 Gflops + Compute Power equivalent to the 50% of the GPU's raw power (Ideal/Maxed out).
In other words the 90% of the power in PS4 CPU will be of Heterogeneous nature.

3868d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

So we now have Three(3) Triple-A (3A) games from ND...
Sounds to me like an indirect confirmation that Half-Life 3 is coming!

3868d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats great news, the 3A list is growing bigger and bigger.
Now the icing on the cake would be the announcement of a Rockstar PS4 game.

3869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't like it because (Single-Player wise) it seems to have the best graphics for a FPS in any platform and it will make me look like a console elitist...

3870d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

^uh.. The "PS4's gpu" is not a gpu but an APU and only ignorants would compare the two 1:1

3873d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

The pc you have just suggested to him can hardly match the same settings with a PS4 for a couple of years until the developers harvest the advantages of compute power + low level optimisations on PS4.
After that he will have to upgrade again his GPU.
So you tell him to pay 600(700 with OS) in order to built a pc where he will be able to play only the multiplaform high-profile games with the same graphic fidelity of PS4 and after a couple of years to pay another 300 to 400 for ...

3873d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

KZ:SF runs @ 1080p and 40 fps (average)
BF 4 runs... @.. 900p and 60 fps

Both games use the same power but they make different compromises. You can't eat a cake and have it too...
Personally i would rather see a 1080p battlefield running at 40 frames for the single player mode.

3874d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC GPUs can't do heterogeneous computing. That means that if you try to use a significant amount of compute operations on PC GPU you will slow down its performance.
PS4 apu will be able to execute heavy and complex compute operations without significantly affecting GPU performance.

To make the short story shorter, PS4 APU can deliver up to 50% higher rendering productivity than a PC GPU of the same raw power.

3877d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Objectively speaking, the in-game character models of KZ:SF completely destroy the ones in Crysis3 both in heavy shading work and design wise.
I 'm very impressed with what i saw in the gamersyde trailler!
I have to admit that there is a new king and a new graphical benchmark in the fps genre and this is KZ:SF.

3879d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment

Don't waste your time watching this video. It's the same old shitty looking version. Just with more gameplay footage this time.
Now that the game has gone gold GG need to release a HQ video with footage from the final version.

3880d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

More powerful than the very weak wiiu and the weak x1 : Yes
Light years ahead : No

3882d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

The problem is that the early adopters are mostly core gamers and this time (unlike the previous generation) most core gamers already have a pc with a gpu from 1.5 to 4 Tflops. So there is not the enthusiasm there was back in fall 2005 or even fall 2006.

3885d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

So every pc gpu out there is outdated in comparison with PS4 and the first gpu who will match this technology is not out yet.
I would like to know how some pc-Clowns feel right now about wasting boatloads of money to build powerful but technologically inferior pcs and then they were bragging about it in the net...

3890d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment