Xbox One is like the Iron Patriot! Cyclops is like....well you get the picture.


CRank: 6Score: 27030

Bu bu bu bu bu bu its not next gen if it isnt 1080p!

now I expect every sony fanboy to start saying how xbox fanboys always say resolution doesnt matter.

Total proof that a gamer truly cant tell if a game is in 1080p unless told. And like true blind followers u took it and ran. Now full spin is inbound.

so all this 50% power and the ps4 still cant do 1080p @60fps??

3746d ago 62 agree36 disagreeView comment

OMG!! The final blow to MS!!

Raise your hand if you're a terrorist with plans to blow up their nation's capital or the next Burning Man event......

Anyone?? Anyone??

Call me sane but I doubt the NSA would go out of their way to spy on you cats complaining about resolutions and when the next Halo/Uncharted is coming.

There was one paragrah that mentions the 360's Kinect, that NSA was going to look in...

3749d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Because any dev working on ps4 is getting paid in flowers and chocolates.

3749d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hey remember when sony fanboys said indies only want Ps4, or MS doesnt care about indies, when a certain mod and mods kept saying MS doesnt go out and get devs on board, how they said no one would sign up for ID, and yet here we are...

oooops, but as mentioned above the indie hype train from the sony fanboys has stopped and its not important anymore.

so fickle.

3749d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Quick, n4g this your chance to come post and just repeat what the majority blindly say about MS and get bubbled up.

wow, somebody must have an active google search with keywords "MS", "bad" to be digging in the back of the internet for these sites.

3750d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Remeber when it was all about exclusives, exclusives, exclusives. This site used to always and only focus on that. Everyone would pull out their lists, joke about how exclusives on 360 werent real exclusives because they're on PC.

now that has changed, now that the ps4 has less exclusives the arguemwnt focus has been switched to resolution. And sony fanboys are claiming its always been that arguement, also padding their current lists with indie titles that also appear on ...

3750d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Love the sensible, down to earth comments I'm reading here about a new ip being canceled.

Good to see comments on here reflect that. If only we had you guys during the Black Tusk incident.

I love Blow and his "business suit guy" reference. Careful Blow dont want to bite another hand thats feeding you.

3750d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

No, this cant be true. According to n4g every development on xbox one has to face some kind of bottleneck or pain in the a** problem or else it means that dev was paid off by MS.

3750d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

That's to bad. Hopefully the guys laid off will find work quickly.

lets see if this site and certain folks will make this a big issue the same way they did when Black Tusk's new IP was canceled.

3750d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

You heard of David Cage?

3750d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


you have to remember a lot of sony fanboys are holding near decade old grudges. So comments like sniper's will come out of no where.

3750d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The truth is no one will notice. Its just the fanboys on this site being ridicolous and shooting the little ammo they have left. Once they are out of that you will quickly see them change subjects and focus on that.

I suspect once the resolution war is over they will start to celebrate and focus on sales.

3750d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like the rumors were true. More of the later releases for x1 will be in 1080p and 60fps.

Crap, what will be the next fiasco to complain and worry about?

3750d ago 38 agree19 disagreeView comment people, that should tell you everything you need to know.

3757d ago 10 agree28 disagreeView comment


yea I liked that historic moment too as they snuck in a small detail of paid online play.

sony loves to show big explosions to make their fans go ooooh and ahhhh, then employ some backhanded design in the background.

3758d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Now that was hilarious.

3758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good that MS is constantly updated and making thier service the best.

Dat Titanfall tho! Going to have to take at least a couple of days off from work when that officially hits.

3758d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure I never mentioned anything about "more innovation". Just what I saw and my opinion.

funny how if anyone gives their opinion that is less than steller for a game they get called a troll or fanboy. Yes my name is xboxfun, this means I cant like games from sony or nintendo?

Love this community for gamers, I guess theres some kind of high school click thing I'm not aware of.

3758d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

This game was all flash and no substance. It provided nothing new, it should have just been called Killzone: Hey its a FPS.

3758d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Love the Witcher series! Can't wait to get this for the Xbox One. I hope everyone goes out and buys this game, these guys know how to pour sweat and hard work in their games.

3758d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment