Xbox One is like the Iron Patriot! Cyclops is like....well you get the picture.


CRank: 6Score: 27030

As usual for n4g.

sony saves a game from obscurity or cancelation and n4g stands up and applauses and declares sony the gaming god of the new land.

a story about nintendo or ms doing the same and nobody belives it. Theirs money hatting or some huge conspiracy going on behind the scenes.

We have already heard the story that MS was more interested and came to Respawn with tje resources they needed first.

But as usual this and o...

3707d ago 95 agree87 disagreeView comment

Thats great that Sony can make some kind of profit for their struggling business. But at the same time it sux that they had to let go of what was the biggest company with the most popular frqnchise to do it.

oh well, I'm sure it was no big deal as Square knew Sony had to do it. Which is probably one of the main reasons sony couldnt keep FF exclusive to its platform contrary to what most on he said.

lol@ the spin the sony defenders are putting up. Remeber ...

3708d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment

Completely missing the point. This is being done through Playroom and its definitely not intended for this act, this isnt youporn, pornhub or any other site where this behavior would be acceptable.

No, this is being done where a 5 year old kid could access and watch.

I really hope sony cracks down on this display and ban for life any persons abusing these features.

3714d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

So basically this is sony's version of DayZ and all the other hundred of zombie survival games.

You would think with the hype and success of LoU they would make a MMO out of that. But better safer than sorry.

3714d ago 3 agree38 disagreeView comment

Of course it is, unfortunately sony has already proven that their fans will re-buy older titles with just a facelift. Sony has practically made it a standard as now most are following suit.

and with PSnow and being able to RENT older titles you can bet that BC is a thing of the past.

3715d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

So devs are also lazy when they complain about the esRAM and bottleneck for xbox one. Since it has been proven that the X1 can do 1080p and 60fps. But devs go with the easier route which is the ps4.

so according to your logic all devs that didnt take full advantage the X1 are lazy.

but of course this isnt what you meant because it would mean a huge hole in your logic and arguement as you try to defend your most powerful console in human history.

3715d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony needs to stop talking about games and start actually showing stuff!

3715d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

Wait...according to the hundred dof articles submitted by Darkride, Xbox was losing so much money that MS was guaranteed to sell Xbox.

I mean lets just disregard that MS spent a billion for new games, servers and r and d. And MS is no where near as financially devestated as Sony. And yet the financial analysts on n4g are quick to spread their FUD and pass the rumor as truth.

I wonder if we'll see the main culprits in this article try and spin this.

3715d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


Don't do that Nolimit. Sony told them that their machine is a gaming machime first so sony fanboys automatically believe its true.

Sony is definitely smarter than MS. MS likes to tell their users what they plan to do with their machine. Sony tells their fanboys what they want to hear then implement everything MS is doing quietly.

it truly is a brilliant strategy.

3717d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Of course google is. They have only been talking about it forever.

how is this gaming related?

3717d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good lord this game has a ton of glitches. Where was the QA for this?

3717d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

Boxing? Lol, Johnny Come Lately as boxing is a dieing sport greatly overshadowed by the mixed martial art sport.

but at least they're trying to keep up with MS, gotta give them credit for that.

3717d ago 4 agree48 disagreeView comment

Sony is pretty well known for abandoning their peripherals. Thee vita is stuck in a perpetual nightmare of portswith nothing note worthy or exciting releasing for it.

im sure sony could make a lot more money with their tablets since those are all the rage with everyone nowadays.

Sony is definitely spreading their market thin by having this feature for tablets. Plus with psnow you can more than likely rent ps3/ps2 and eventually ps4 games on the tablet. Plus ...

3717d ago 14 agree35 disagreeView comment

This is obvious PR spin to sell more copies for the ps4. I wonder if Sony paid this dev to say something this ridiculous.

Lmao, now the sony fanboys are here to go to war with the so called PC elitists who claim to have the betterr hardware. Now the sony fanboys have to fall back on other ammo like software now matters.

Funny how the sony fanboys flip flop from one argument to the next.

3717d ago 16 agree25 disagreeView comment

Yea serious, Game of Thrones is about to start.

3718d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Foxtrot, the voice of reason here on N4G. Thank the heavens above for this ray of truth for us lowly gamers.

lord forbid anyone be excited for MS new found declaration to games. NO! Foxtrot must swashbuckle his way in and dash any type of excitement with his go to line of PR TALK. Of course sony gets a pass because they also to talk about games but foxtrot cant be in two articles at once stating that sony is all PR talk so thank god he only chooses the MS article to spread hi...

3719d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Shhhhhh, BC is not important unless you rent it from sony then its the best thing since wet on water.

bu bu bu bu what if your internet goes out! And where are the servers located?

hey, I'm asking questions...automatic smart not blind guy right here!

3719d ago 10 agree26 disagreeView comment

A "well said" just for saying that? And the many other comments getting bubbled up for making fun of xbox fighting back.

another flaw in the system.

but of course there was a blog that said this wasnt a sony fan site not to long ago correct?

3719d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Oh no! A demo of the cloud and sony defense is scrambling to downplay it!

quick bury this article in n4g news, too many sony fanboys are getting marked down and spat in the face becuase once again they're getting proved wrong. Just like a certain Killzone article that got mysteriously buried.

Too funny, now sony fanboys wamt intimate details on how this work.

3719d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony needs to stop talking about it and show us something.

3719d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment