Xbox One is like the Iron Patriot! Cyclops is like....well you get the picture.


CRank: 6Score: 27030

People still think bandwidth caps is going to stop Steam and Sony from moving forward with their digital plans?

These cable companies aren't stupid and they know people will pay to play. I wouldn't be surprised if these companies are working hand in hand.

3793d ago 1 agree31 disagreeView comment

Well said Maniac, I can see full defense mode from a lot of the sony fanboys already, A blind man can see that this is Sony's way of controlling their games through their service. It's only a matter of time before they offer PS4 games and this becomes the only way to play them.

It'll be interesting when Sony does do away with physical games and we start to get the apologist starting to say they don't mind because "it's such a great deal" or they ...

3793d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

David Cage said is his many numerous interviews blowing his own horn.

Oh man, "excellent"?? Let me fix that statement for you because you are obvious off of some 211 Steel Reserve at the moment:

"But you have played this garbage game and your opinion is excellent."

No one is trolling, just stating my view of this paticular game that was hyped up to be some kind of awesome experience.

Of course you thin s...

3802d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

But what about DRM and the likes of it all that all you Sony fanboys were so adamant of never supporting?

Steam has all that sweet DRM that you Sony fanboys were so mad at MS for trying to implement.

Now all of a sudden Steam is the way for most of you to go? Oh the sweet 180's you all do.

3802d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Beyond Two Souls most definitely, all the hot air hype and grand standing Cage blew on about story driven games and other nonsense and it turned out to be a turkey with over priced Hollywood actors in it.

That is not the future of gaming.

3802d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

"cuz with the game's attach rate, it certainly appears to be a system seller."

Or it could simply be because it really is the only game remotely interesting out for the PS4.

3804d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

TJ Combo is a must for season two! I want him to be the first season two character announced.

3804d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's only something to see if VGchartz tracks PS3/4 ahead then it's rliable.

It's nothing to see or it's known fubar if Xbox is ahead as said by sony fanboys all last gen when Xbox 360 was constantly ahead according to VGChartz. I remember you all stating they undertracked PS3 or VGChartz was ran by a known 360 fanboy.

The flip flopping you sony fanboys accomplish is historical.

3804d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mmmmmmm, more bitter salt from the sony fanboys who truly believe that exclusives from 3rd parties are some sort of sin.
I love this stupid mentality.

Oh and don't forget, Crackdown, Conker, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, (Ms.)Splosion Man, Lost Odyssey, and many other first party IP's...oh no...did I burst your bubble.

Sorry that you can only regurgitate what you see other sony fanboys puke on this site.

3804d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

"as an option rather than a more focus feature, unlike Xbox One."

So it's an option on Xbox One too but yet there's more of a focus on their options then Sony's PS4?

And you only say this because Sony has told you this themselves even though they are focusing on the same media tv and music content MS is. But because MS chose to show you more of what their system could do this automatically translated into Xbox One is not a focused gamin...

3804d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol, I hear you on the baby age thing. It baffles me too when people say that. If you want to be that specific then give me the hours all the way down to the minutes.

On Topic:
I bet Nintendo could easily just re-release this game for their virtual console to get the trademark back.

3804d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox One has gotten into the hearts of gamers and the line up plus future games down the road shows just that.

3804d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

Indeed, should we really be mad at them though? It was pretty obvious that this game was not only rushed to meet the new gen launch but also to compete with the new CoD.

Not to mention everyone glossed over the initial gameplay and design and just focused on graphics and resolution. Going into this new gen we as gamers need to look at the bigger picture and demand stability, great design, functional multiplayer as well as great graphics.

3804d ago 18 agree3 disagreeView comment


You are seriously wasting your time with the sony fancamp. They see an Xbox eccentric article and instantly go into bind, rage mode. You can see from this comment and other above and below that they are so hurt that extra features are starting to come standard with every Xbox One version of a multiplat game.

3804d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And when the same was happening to Xbox users on FIFA people came out and said Live was hacked.

Simple minded people with agendas who just want to see the other console fail that is all it is.

3804d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey INDIE GAMES!!! And the top 15 for consoles and PC

Why are there no comments in this story? I thought the indie games were the saviors of this generation...guess everyone is to busy playing CoD.

3805d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Age of Mythology! Wow, I loved playing that game on the PC way back in the days.

I can see them doing this for the Xbox One and combining maybe the RTS with the MOBA type of design and gameplay.

I would also be down for a Gears 3 for Xbox One. Maybe add some of the elements from Judgement(maps/weapons/enemies )to the game.

3805d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course they would. No one wants to flail their arms around and look like a supposed idiot but the same are willing to strap this box over their eyes blocking out all reality and looking like a total spaz.

N4G indeed.

3805d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A MechAssualt would be boss.

Make it a huge online battlefield, and make the mechs as customizable as possible, visually and mechanically.

They should go all out on a game like that. Especially with the high interest in Titanfall.

3805d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The salt and tears in this response lets me know you're already bored with KZ: Shadowfelloff.

I bet you were one of the many on this site running around yelling they couldn't wait to play this on PS4 when there was talk of it being multiplat. Then it turned into you getting it for your mythical high end PC and now the salt has grown tremendous and turned into you not wanting it at all and just waiting for part 2 to come to PS4 right?

No one said it w...

3805d ago 14 agree14 disagreeView comment