Xbox One is like the Iron Patriot! Cyclops is like....well you get the picture.


CRank: 6Score: 27030

Half a game? I guess single player only games are half a game too right?

the same amount of time, perhapse even more went into making this game. And its just as fun as any single player experience.

these biased, game reviewers, right n4g?

3727d ago 18 agree15 disagreeView comment

Push Start is obviously biased and was paid by Sony for a low score right N4G?

I mean we have to assume this since we assume the same for all low inFamous scores.

3727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another great review....paid by MS??

3727d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

So PS4 cameras are out of stock? Because gamers really want one? You mean ps4 gamers want a complete package and experience?

no no no, according to n4g no one wants the camera.

Once again this shows the lack of knowledge n4g places on the gaming world. Its obvious that gamers ps4 and xbox 1 want the camera and want to use ALL of the features and functions the new consoles provide.

but as usual, sony fanboys claim no one wants a camera and th...

3727d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

It is a game changer. It will prove that you didn't need this super GDDR5 and this 50% POWER that most were regurgitating here on N4G. When we see the games finally on par with each other then all the excuses the sony fanboys had will be null and void.

sony went with raw specs for their sheep to plaster all over the net. MS went with flexible software that can be changed and managed better and do everything a ps4 can with less.

E3, cant wait.

3727d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Defintely a gimmick. You are still sitti g on your butt with a huge Star Trek:TNG strapped around your face.

if people thought waving their hands and arms was silly then they should definitely feel dumb with this piece on cut off from all reality.

3727d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Look at the tears everyone.

of course as usual, now vgchartz can't be trusted and its ran by xbox fanboy, it purposly undertracks sony products. Just like the media is biased against sony, game journalists hate sony exclusives, MS pays game reviews to give low scores to sony games.

am I missing any other excuse you guys like to use whenever something doesn't go your way?

oh, oh....US and UK is not the world.

Im sure ...

3727d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

Lmao, of the bitter sony fanboy. Lets drag Titanfall into every bad sony game review.

bubububu Titanfall doesn`t do anything new too!

I can just picture you lot crying that statement pointing at the Titanfall box tissues in hand.

3727d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Oh no!! 7.5 this website is bias against MS! This reviewer was paid by Sony! Game journalism is ruining the video game industry!

im so maaaaaaad!

3727d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love it. What it comes down to are the sony fanboys bitter and upset that Sessler rated Titanfall higher than inFamous. Break out the tears as you claim everything from paid by MS, bias and everything else to defend a sony game that once again is all flash and no substance.

its the same game as part one and two with a shinier coat.

Bubububu Titanfall is CoD with mechs....

but Titanfall doesnt have two prior games with the same formula as i...

3727d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Of course they do. U can see it in every comment as they try their best to downplay the game.

1. Titanfall was a timed exclusive and they couldnt wait to play it on their ps4.

2. Then MS went behind Respawns back and took it away. No problem, sony fanboys declared PC rigs to play the game.

3. Then they said they dont want a CoD with Mechs.

4. Then they said it was over hyped and didn't understand the appeal of the game. ...

3728d ago 10 agree25 disagreeView comment

It has nothing to do with anything. Sony fanboys arent happy unless their scores are over evryone elses and if they aren't then that site, journalist, video game reviewer is biased or is paid by MS.

its like clockwork, one minute they praise a site the next they hate it and are blaming other games for the score.

even though this score is still way above good.

lord forbid a xbox exlusive gets a good score....lord no...

3728d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Im glad Sony is starting to pay for 3rd party exclusive content. Something they said they would never do but had to.

3728d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So because its optional its popular? Why not just include it if the majority want it?

I think the only one grasping at straws is you and your very thin defence of all things sony.

3728d ago 8 agree34 disagreeView comment

Wait this cant be true! According to the many developers and hardware experts here on N4G dx12 will do absolutly do nothing for the Xbox One.

I know, this must be all smoke and mirrors made by the illuminati known as MS to trick everyone right sony brigade?

This is the difference between sony and MS. Sony went with raw hardware to make it look good on paper. MS went with software, improved api's to make a low spec machine work just as well as the "50...

3728d ago 22 agree13 disagreeView comment

Movies, TV, Nasa?? No, sony fanboys dont want all that, they dont want any other focus or attention for a product unless its just games.

I mean that was the complaint for anither reveal correct? I'm sure it will be applied here too.

3729d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

Of course gamers are. I remember when sony fanboys stood firm with their claim that they would never, ever pay to play online. But all it took was sony to make it mandatory and they quickly abandoned that belief. Swept it right under the rug.

3729d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look at the n4g sony spin team coming to the rescue.

where are all the arm chair n4g analysts who said Titanfall would have no effect on X1 sales? Where's the front page sony warriors that said Titanfall wouldnt move any X1's?

I expect full spin and backtracking which I am already seeing from this point on.

3731d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Will this game get the same criticism from the folks here DmC got for also being 30fps?

doubt it. There should be no explination with all the devs and fanboys hyping how much more powerful this console claims to be.

3737d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

You have that really cool share button. Also get Knack, I heard that game was pretty cool.

3737d ago 11 agree46 disagreeView comment