Y'all started this war, now we're going to finish it!


CRank: 5Score: 3920

1. People who use the term "teabag" as an adjective are going to think anything Halo PWNS everything else, including MW2.

2. Saaking will never get his bubbles back, but that is not for lack of people agreeing with him and clicking the green button. I feel, with Saaking, there are probably bigger things at work. Nod to the mods.

5210d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You talk like its the gamers that BECAM fanbois. Thats not what happened

Microsoft used PR and money to create fanbois out of the people who bought their system. Greenburg and others continues to fan the fires of the console wars and 360 fanbois.

360 fanbois-> aggressive about the 360 being bigger and better

PS3 fans-> retaliate providing facts that prve the PS3 is as good if not better

There is a difference and it starts at the to...

5210d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha




But seriously... the only reason that any of my friends have an xbox360... can you guess? can ya? can ya? it rhymes with piracy.

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you think, honestly, hahaha omg Im laughing as I type this, whoo, ok ok, *cough*... you think;

that when a person walks into a store, or uses Amazon.com and looks for "Final Fantasy 13", and they have both PS3 and Xbox360... that they are not going to see the PS3 version? and that seeing the PS3 version they will still choose 360?

The only people buying this on the 360 are people who only have 360.

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely rediculous. RROD didnt even get this much press per average hour or what not.

We are talking about full media coverage of a "blip" in service and yet there is a barage of coverage.

360 has consoles down and out forever ,and en precedent-setting masse, and they get topical coverage and positive spin about their customer service...

lmao and xbots choose the system that PR and money makes appealing instead of quality. I would ne...

5211d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

is not what he is saying, as it makes sense; people will always love hardcopies of their materials and will part with that format very very grudgingly (if at all).

The problem is that the author used the PS3 glitch in his title in such a misleading way. People would not expect the article to be about Digital Distribution, but about the future or PS3 reliability.

Its a troll title on an article that would not have generated as much popularity on its own merits. ...

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess someone decided to make it clear to the American Xbox users... Alas, where did the U.S. public education system go wrong... in all areas of curiculum I expect.

5212d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbots are ridiculous.If Sony actually went under, which is what they all seem to want,their next console, and who knows when that would come out, would use CD drives and its maximum rez would be SD. Seriously, Microsoft has done little for console gaming and Xbots sit there giddy at the propect of Sony failure.

Lol, at least there would be positives to Microsoft and is shoddy products leaving the marketplace. Sony and other companies were here long before Microsoft and they wil...

5212d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This fixed things with my PS3.

Disable internet
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Cheers! should do wonders.

5213d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Disable internet
enable internet
time and date
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Did fix my time and theme, and someone messaged me saying it helped them as well. :D

Good luck.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

N4G is better then this sh*t. This is not news take it off, it offends my intelligence to know it was approved.

BTW I think I found a fix for the issue. Fixed some stuff on my PS3

Disable internet
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5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disable internet
Enable internet
Time and Date
Change via internet

Everything back to normal for me. Try it.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disabled my internet
then enabled it
and then went to date and time
and clicked "set via nternet"

and all my stuff went back to normal

dunno if i fixed it, but it was saying 1999 , now its not and my theme went back to normal too, yay green!

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

while Sony fixes a small problem that affects one small part of your gaming experience, you have got bigger problems then PSN being down.

I know most PS3 players do not have have an issue, its the Xbots who do not even have a PS3 who are jumping all over this. At least this is many of our first PS3's... you are on your what second/third/fourth 360 and you think you are in a position to talk??

Go play Halo.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust a 360 owner to start spewing army crap.

Im glad americans are proud of their military. They ought to be. With the amount of their national income they put into fighting the evil terrorists they could have a well-educated and healthy population with a much lower unemployment rate...

but I guess if you keep'em stupid, poor and unhealthy even the military will look good. And America can continue their imperialism with your blood and lives... but hey, when yo...

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would think the Japanese above all would understand the quality of the PS3.

Americans living abroad in Japan...that must be it. I wonder if there is an American military outpost in Japan... Maybe their replacing their rrods every few weeks and that is what makes up the entire Japanese 360 sales.

Just a thought.

5216d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Papraxis, you need to comment more on these boards. I wanna see a Para comment for every Bungie comment.

At least then ill have something to balance out the devastatingly moronic comments I have to read from that bot.

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FPS for console gaming is what World of Warcraft was for MMOs.

Big success all of a sudden in genres can do terrible things.

Think music and big successes...like say Britney Spears and the correlating lack of variety as musical talents are streamlined to be similar to what is current.

Gaming and movies are the same...

Really, fads stifle(sp) originality... but that is life I guess.... It just REALLY sucks that right now FPS and the ...

5218d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment
5218d ago

No offence.. but Halo players:

Play an FPS.
Own an Xbox 360.
Pay to play online.
Believe a halo game will have graphics worth talking about in comparison to other games in 2010.

So yah, I think d**B is apt... but thats just me.

From personal experience-

There is a Halo player at my work.There are in fact many, however I will talk about the one I know personally. Why do I call him a Halo player you ask? Why not ...

5220d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment