Y'all started this war, now we're going to finish it!


CRank: 5Score: 3920

Linux is not why a person buys a PS3.

I don't doubt the guy is a fanboy who bought the PS3 just to call Amazon and start yelling about it not having linux. A place like Amazon would definitely refund a new purchase of a PS3 without a second thought for a positive customer experience.

For Amazon it has nothing to do with the reason they want to return the product. They just want to customer to stop yelling.

5161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

see www.eorzeapedia.com

its a pretty awesome website.

Im really excited awaiting this game. FF14 will stay alot closer to the FF roots then FF13 did. You cannot get a more open world than that of an MMOG. The textures of the fantasy world are just intense, its a beautiful game. This MMO is going to be killer. You should all take part.

My planned guild has about 20 hardcore people for sure joining and another approx. 20 possible members, if you are...

5162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Move and Natal both, so that we can get on with non-gimicky game development.

Motion control is not ready for anything besides wii games and "big red balls". When the tech is cheap enough to be really good we will see consoles and games that make it "the new gaming experience".

I love what someone said about Natal gamplay looking like "the signal" from Team America. F-in hilarious and true.

5169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

physical media will be around for a long time.

way too many older generations too used to buying hardcopies. not to mention they will all live longer then previous generations. even if young people can be trained by corporations and the media to not want to have a hardcopy version of their product, that just isnt enough of a demographic for Digital download to compete enough to own the market for a long long time.

Sony is lucky; bluray is going to be around for ...

5175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Of course my preferred place to purchase is Best Buy. But I think walmart is the lesser of those two evils.

gamestop and EB should only sell Valve and M$ games that way all the douchebagery can be kept in one place for me to avoid.

5175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played EQOA for a bit, then started playing FF11, played it for years. When i sold my ps2 (stupidest move ever) I started playing FF11 on my laptop.

I cannot wait for FF14. Its going to be beautiful. I think its hilarious that people completely ignore the success FF11 was and still is. They will see, haha, FF14 will be even bigger. mark my words

5176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way I see it, this is going to be sweet.

I like PSN as it is. So when I have the option to pick up features like Xgamechat, cloud backup, extended warranty and a few others, im going to do it.

The fee wont be horrible per year. I know it would be less then what I pay to eat out per month. And I figure Sony has been good to me with free online play already. This is going to be sweet. I just wish they would come out with the service already.

I love me B...

5182d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Such a fitting little acronym.

This company is American Capitalism at its best and worst.

They are out to make money and god help us, they do that like nobodys business.

But in order to make money they use any tactic that they can pass off as quasi-legal, and we have seen how many times their "quasi-legal" has come under fire.

In terms of what this company brings to the consumer... I would have to say Windows and not much e...

5182d ago 29 agree3 disagreeView comment

they have said that the game will be released with high requirements for PC users. Hopefully that means this game is going to be beautiful and really utilize the PS3's abilities.

5183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make the gosh darn system Sony, so people can buy it!

5183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


PS3 only does hilarious wit.

I swear! We got Greenburg calling out Sony fans like a grade schooler and a host of other losers in M$'s pockets spewing BS towards to PS3, instead of hyping up the 357's abilities. It's all so classless.

But when Sony fights back, its with style. They actually have something to say about their system and its abilities in comparison to the other system, not "360 fans suck!"

LOL M$ professiona...

5184d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

nuff said

5184d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i have seen his flaming comments all over N4G lately and most of it was negative towards the PS3.

He is like Bungie, he says a bunch of FUD... then tries to get cred by saing something like "Killzone 2 is awesome. i love the lighting"

or in this case "Heavy rain is the future of gaming", which btw, may as well be antihype, since many people feel that to be complete BS as they have a strong desire to have more controll in games.


5187d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

working for the biggest bunch of douchbags this world has ever seen.

5187d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

will soon start coming into gamestops and other used game stores from dissatisfied fps players and 360 fans will start buying those. the fanbase is not into ff13 and will buy it used more likely then not.

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there are so many quality PS3 games,
the system install base is younger and can't go out and buy every hit,
there are new exclusive games coming out like every month,
FF13 in the stores I went to looking at prices were near sold out,compared to the x360 game which was stuffed in the crack between the game and its neighbour.

I still have not bought my PS3 version of the game. I intend to, of course, at a later date. There is reason to believ that in future s...

5187d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

turning gaming itself into an FPS will move their console, and it does.

People attracted to the sort of juvenile, aggresive and bully like PR Microsoft and Greenburg imploy, as well as bigots who feel the need to "buy american" as if it is somehow benefitting them(like it isnt their stupid presidents they keep voting for and their wars that are f*cking up their country, nope!, its out of country corporations.... while in truth its Corporate America that is and alwasy...

5189d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still would not pirate this game ( which is available now). Because I would still be buying it on my PS3...

Or maybe I would pirate it. Im not too happy with SE's decision to make it a multiplat when they could have made it much better as an exclusive.

5195d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

The framrates are not going to be noticable, but the graphics will be.

Obviously SE does a decent port. The PS3 is better. The biggest issue is the content taken out of the game to fit it on the DVD and the flow of the game modified for the same reason.

Why FF13 was ever put on the 360, a machine for Halo and Gears, is beyond me.

5198d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

that they came out at the same time and the 360 version is supposedly .1 better then the PS3... lol

that's interesting.

5198d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment