
CRank: 5Score: 7880

Yes, I owned it only pre-trophy release, so I want to play it again bc a)trophies and b) it's a damn good game.

Only wish Vita didn't go out on such a whimper. Considering JRPG fans are the ones probably still playing it to this day, they could have given us something solid. Demon Gaze 1 or 2 (although I already own 1), or a similar labyrinth JRPG, or something else entirely. At least 1 non-indie.

Hitman 1st season is very solid! I have been wanti...

1951d ago 23 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Shaggy2303 lol, I can see why you're a fan.

I actually just scrolled through my facebook friends list and found 1 reference to it, but it's pretty badass. A painting of it by one of my artist buds. It still doesn't explain the meme, but I see it has infiltrated my social circle even.

Check it out, he has it set as public:

I must be living under a rock. I haven't heard a thing about this Shaggy meme.

1951d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

JackBNimble That's a strawman argument. I've heard family and others say that we should give up gaming, because we're adults now. I don't believe that either.

As a husband of 8 years, father of a 2 year old, I have absolutely no shame in playing Nintendo with them, and some by myself.

I never said Nintendo is my favorite these days. Maybe you'll understand too one day when you start a family.

1953d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

@sampsonon That's a pretty blanket statement. Did you grow up in the 80's and early 90's when Nintendo franchise were coming around? Have kids? Have a wife or girlfriend you enjoy playing Nintendo with, because they are more into lighthearted games?

After '95, the Playstationbrand did become my primary gaming consle, but there will always be nostalgia for what I grew up on. There's nothing like sharing some Nintendo time with my wife and daughter.

1953d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

@staticall Yes there has to be parity for crossplay... but Creative Director of Warframe, David Sinclair said cross-progress is much more doable and they aim for it. No promises, but there's hope.


1954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, yea that's why I had to quit FFXI in the mid 2000s. The game had so many ridiculously long raids and fights. Not to mention the long ass NM camps w tons of gold selling bot users waiting to snatch the kill. So frustrating bc they were always there. Some were close to 24 hour camps if I remember. Some shorter. I loved the game & community, but had to walk away. Too demanding. Pandemonium is after my time.

1954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ILostMyMind I just mentioned 2 free-to-play games that are not pay to win. I have never spent a dime on either one on any platform.

I'd just like to continue progress whether I'm gaming on my PS4, PC or laying on the couch playing my Switch in handheld. That's all. If you don't own multiple platforms, that's cool. That's your case, not mine. I'm only speaking for myself. Again, I don't care about the crossplay side of it.

1954d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I honestly don't care about crossplay that much. What I'd like though is cross-progress. I just started Warframe on the Switch in November (for the portability. Not touching docked.) have it on my PC (for sneaking game sessions during work), but put most of my time on the PS4 since near system launch. It's a pain to restart, and I do still want to go back to the PS4 version. I like my trophies. I'm the same with Smite. Played most on PS4, some on PC. Waiting for the paywall &q...

1954d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Ok, that's not as bad as I thought... 912 hours in 38 days. That's 2.5 hours a day IF I played everyday. But I don't. A lot of binging. Still, 2.5 hours a day would not be bad at all if I spread it out.

But then I game on my Switch & PC also. (XB1 on PC, pretty much only Forza Horizon 3 & 4)

At least my Vita gaming time was included in the 38 days. I gamed a lot on it this last year.

1955d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, yep. I have confirmation that I'm not taking my career serious enough. I freelance, so I make my own hours. Granted, I left GT Sport running overnight a number of times for the time played progress unlocks. Also have a habit of leaving my PS4 running. But geez, I sure hope I'm not close to this 38 days of gameplay!

1955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep. I'd rather wait than have another Metroid: Other M or Federation Force. This has got to live up to the Prime series. None of that forced story. I prefer that mysterious air that previous Metroids always had, not convoluted dialogue heavy plots. The old stories were told by the environment itself and what you discover as you go along. That's what I've always loved.

1956d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's my thought... they're not necessarily bad, they're just okay. I wait until they drop dirt cheap every time. Of course Dirt Rally is still the best. Dirt 4 was a step backward, but I still had fun. Looking forward to Dirt Rally 2.0. I play WRC alongside them though just for the WRC official tracks that don't show up elsewhere, particularly the ones here in Portugal.

1957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never played Colonial Marines because I heard nothing but bad things about it. Earlier last year I heard about the modding community on this game for PC. I saw Colonial Marines on sale for just a few buck, so I picked it up just to play the mods. Still haven't gotten around to it, but this was a good reminder to check it out now.

1957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's cool if that's your main draw, but I've loved Ace Combat games since it was Air Combat on the PS1. I had a flight stick last gen. Glad to see it back and doing well! :)

1957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Announcing Diablo IV with a release with in the next year, or at least the end of 2020 would help. (not that I am rooting for Activision)

That's because I do still believe in Blizzard. I really think Activision pressured them into going mobile, because the Blizzard I have always known prioritizes quality games over cash-grabs. Diablo Immortal was a disaster announcement. Never should have been announced before Diablo IV. After? Sure. Not that I would care. I can't ...

1958d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

@Ratchet Lol, I used my American Netflix account here without a need for VPN. Netflix only clamped down on restricting people to their region after they finished rolling out that new wave to most countries.

I'm an American expat living here, so I've never actually been without it since Netflix started.

1958d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We always get things late here in Portugal. :P

Netflix didn't even arrive here until October of 2015.

I was able to do the PS Now trial here though a number of years ago using my US account. It didn't run that well, being so far from the American servers. That's good that we'll have some local servers now. I should be able to get on the free trial with my Portuguese account to make sure it's a better experience.


1958d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Konami can go pachinko themselves.

1959d ago 51 agree1 disagreeView comment

@MetroidFreak21 Aw, that's a shame. I wondered.. I can vaguely, even now, remember a pretty low framerate. Still, I'd like to have a trip down memory lane.

I actually still own the cartridge also, but in storage at my parent's house somewhere. I don't live anywhere close to try it out.

1961d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment