
CRank: 5Score: 6240

defective media that is news!!!!! (not) Come on even with the best Quality control some defective product will get into the trade channel. This is not news.

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The battle will go on. Yes this is good news or at least not bad news for Blu-ray but in no way conclusive. China does not use use DVD the present dominant format; they use vcd instead. But such a hug market is positive for its potential as HD penetration there is still low (about 20 million was projected by the end of 2006. Price will be the decider as that will bring the mass adoption and consumption

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with much of what he said. However I can not see co-existence b/c the consumer does not want to have to think about formats; they want to buy it and play it. Co-existance in video games is different b/c gaming is an interactive experience and generally requires a bigger commitment in time by the player. Gamers will usually pick the machine on the basis of the games they wish to play.

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sad reality is that the consumer always pays one way or another. Prices will drop when there is a secondary market for used HD media. But that will not happen until the format issue is decided. Remember the studios want lower production costs to increase their margins.

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for what it portends. It portends that HD DVD is getting closer to the mass market which is the ultimate target; the day is coming closer when there will be HD DVD players in the sub $100 range. Some people might think that the mass market is not the target of the competing formats; but they are clearly deluded.

The studios want to make money by selling as many discs as possible while having a potentially more secure format to prevent piracy. Sony and Toshiba want the roya...

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 matches the sales of the 360 they are only standing still. They have to outsell 360 quite substantially. The Wii long term performance remains to be seen, its initial performance was impressive; but both M$ and Sony are eying the Wii market with envious eyes and they are going to try and compete.

6123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are claiming a commanding lead. This is sought of like Sony saying "next gen does not start till we say it does" (this is not intended to start a flame war about the next gen systems; I am just saying there is a very real credibility gap between Blu ray claims and reality). If they have won I would see it. I would see it in the video store, I would see it in Best Buy. The Consumer has not backed either format in any meaningful way yet. Adoption will happen when the tech i...

6123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

agree that this is very possible.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

may not necessarily be better; but it generally sells better. Back in the day when it was betamax and vhs; vhs beat out the better format by being cheaper. In this case I don't believe that Blu-ray is superior except for storage capacity and that distinction for movies is moot as the HD provides sufficient capacity for movies and special features. Cheap is sells whether you like it or not.

6124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"we sell for less" has been their motto; that is why they have been so succesful. While no price is confirmed yet the fact is that the company is known for affordable electronics. I know that Wally mart is not selling HD DVD machines this x-mas but their competitors may be. The reason for mass DVD adoption was that you could buy one for $60 and eventually $29.Clearly this is potentially huge. Lets see Blu rays counter to this. HD is far form dead and this could be its death kne...

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as I expect that the exclusivity deal was probably paid for by the Blu ray group and therefore BB benefited and did not loose.
As I understand it they would not have that much Blu ray product as the market remains very small as there has not been mass adoption. The whole point of the exclusive deal was to sttempt to convince the consumer that the that Blu-ray was the dominant format and have consumers jump onboard. The reality is that both formats are marginal and their market is t...

6124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

it is after all a propaganda war for both sides; they both need to keep repeating the lie that they have won; in the hope that the consumer will believe it.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

neither HD format sells significantly well compared with DVD to get the studios excited. Further , price will be the significant factor in selling these machine. This format war will go on for a long time and it is possible neither side will win. There is also the issue of HDMI for many HD TV owners who will have to upgrade their TV to get the benefit of the HD content b/c they bought a HD TV two years ago without HDMI. I think a lot of consumers will be unwilling to do that after already...

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is how many people have Hd tv with HDMI. Remember a lot of the early adopters of HD TV don't have HDMI. These machines will not output HD without it (the exception bing the 360). This is another fly in the ointment for the average consumer; of course a lot of them will be unaware of this.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the sales are so insignificant for both formats in the general scheme of things. As the article indicates price will be a major weapon. It does not pay to be an early adopter when there is a format war!! Hopefully the things will shake out a x-mas. Hope the consumer wins.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony believed that they were at the top of the world and their position was natural and destined to continue. In previous iterations of the Playstation they built it and the developers came; this was doubly so when we talk about the PS2 with the 100 million plus installed base. Thus the developer had to work with what was provided. Ultimately a lot of developers learned to develop great games for that machine as millions of satisfied gamers can attest to.
However now the install b...

6127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony is a hardware company and the PS2 was known to be difficult to write for; it appears that this is a continuing with the PS3. Sony's installed base with the PS2 made it imperative to develop for the PS2. Clearly from Sony's previous attitude vis a vis the PS3 they expected their previous dominance to continue and that developers would just have develop for them irrespective of the difficulties. Thus the problem with third party games developers given the small installed base. Thus the ...

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems to be another post indicating that the PS3 will magically increase its sales this x-mas. I have not seen anything that is compelling to encourage this great leap forward. In 2008 maybe but not in 2007. Certainly I would expect Wii to dominate provided that it can get product to market. However, I do not think that Wii sales are cutting into M$ market b/c Nintendo has managed to create a new market for itself among the casual gamer. Certainly M$ would like a piece of that action. I...

6128d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So now M$ has by your reckoning an approximate install base of 70 million consoles.

The fact is that M$ has a better install base a lower price and more games. Translation higher sales. The Wii has innovation and the best price point. Translation the console is selling like hot cakes. PS3 has a high price with some potentially great games next year. Translation for the vast majority of consumers (i.e. not Sony fan boys) no compelling reason to buy the PS3.

6128d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


6128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment