
CRank: 5Score: 6240

You note that M$ lawyer indicated that the most important thing now is that M$ comply with the law. If they defy or continue to defy the law the consequences in terms of fines will be huge.

6105d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Commission rarely looses on these things so that is very unlikely. M$ very size itself is evidence of it's abuse of its dominant position. On the other hand sometimes anti-trust actions force the target to re-organize and ultimately they end up more profitable look at Imperial Oil.

6105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boeing got subsidized by the US govt through military contracts. Don't tell me that Boeing is Snow White. Both companies have been subsidized b/c of the jobs they create.

6105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that the decision could potentially have very a very big effect on how M$ does business in Europe and globally. It is as relevant to M$ and the 360 as the post that Sony was selling off its insurance business to gain liquidity was to the PS3.

The very substantial fines which M$ is facing can not regarded even by M$ as a cost of doing business. M$ very size is evidence of its abuse of a dominant position.

The knock on being reduced resources for M$ to comp...

6106d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reyser: With all due respect, Sony is in a reactionary mode right now, they are not shaping events they are following the competition and reacting.

True they are not going to disapear and I believe that over time they will establish a large install base b/c ultimatley they are a big company with a lot of $taying power.

Personally I hope they get there act together b/c M$ without competition would be a terrible state of affairs

6107d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

would have chilling effect on the licensing of IP between video game developers b/c it would open the floodgates to litigation in what is an increasingly capital intensive development environment.

As for Epic's disclaimer courts will generally interpret such things narrowly and against the person or company relying on it. In any event 80% of litigation settle.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that given the competition between the two formats the smart move for the HD-DVD to make would be to provide the dual disc at the same price as the regular DVD as this would truly make it a Trojan horse. If the consumer is on the fence he is not going to buy a disc that gives him DVD functionality as a bonus feature b/c he is paying for a format that is yet to be established. He will buy a DVD that gives him bonus functionality in HD-DVD playability accordingly he should be paying...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

logic. Since the adoption of either format is commercially insignificant at this point I don't see how you can take the view you are taking. I would agree with you if there was a mass adoption of either format but there is not. I am not saying that either format will win and it is possible that if the war goes on too long they could both be superseded by another tech. But right now it seems to me that the first format to reach the $100 price point will achieve mass adoption. Personally I...

6111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

consoles combine affordability with a consistent gaming experience. Computers give a high end experience but require constant upgrading to meet the ever advancing tech specs of the latest games. If a gaming computer was feasible for the mass market it would have to cost about the same as the 360. PS3 problems are largely due to its high price which is well below the price of the "cheap computers" referred to in the article. Computer gaming is cool but requires a more substantia...

6111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and the rewards of owning the format are huge. So there is a whole propaganda war going on and each side is trying to get their message out. Blu-ray has claimed victory over and over again (or maybe it is just this site); the HD-DVD camp has come out with two super huge coup de ta announcements. Whether they are the coup de gra remains to be seen. So yes there is a war and both sides are playing to win; and as in any battle of attrition the party with the most resources usually wins.

6111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

with you that the machine that gets to mass adoption first will win. This means that the most affordable format will win and that is HD-DVD. The fact that the Chinese have adopted the same hardware as hd-dvd, means that there is an extremely high probability that the hd format will achieve mass adoption first.

6111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

national format is precisely that for China. CH-DVD is the format they will use in China. The hardware will be the same but they will use different formats. The intellectuall property (IP)licence will be different; the HD-DVD group is made up of companies which have IP invested in the format and they will get a licence fee for there IP on each HD machine sold. A lot of people commenting here seem to be confused by this. The signifcance is the economies of scale created by the Chinese mar...

6112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The CH-DVD player will be cheaper b/c there will be only one IP licence whereas with HD-DVD there are multiple licenses and thus greater costs. What the adoption of CH-DVD means is that the hardware will be manufactured on a mass basis and this will give the HD-DVD greater economies of scale and thus make it cheaper. The knock on of this will be that HD-DVD players will be even cheaper. This is bad news for Blu-ray b/c it can notpresently compete with the HD-DVD on price. The Blu-ray gro...

6112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought Kaz Hairai said that PS3 was just a games system. The message from Sony is very confused!!!!!!!!!!!!

6112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was that the CH-DVD machine would not play HD-DVD but was compatible tech but with different software they could play the HD-DVD format. Thus the machines could be manufacture on the same line giving economies of scale for even cheaper HD-DVD by piggybacking on the Chinese market. The Chinese Govt does not wish to participate in the DVD format or the the HD-DVD format as this gives them som degree of control over what their populace sees.

In any event this is certainly furthe...

6112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Japanese market is difficult for M$ to crack as the japanese are very resistent to buying foreign products. So unless M$ is virtually giving the machine away they are always going to have rough ride.

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the UK is essentially Europe b/c it is the Anglo Saxon world where the 360 has the greatest penetration. However, the price drop should improve sales everywhere.

6115d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

but first they need to figure out what the message is. confused you won't be after this episode. I seem to remember the PS3 was being pushed as so much more than just a games machine it could be used as computer for surfing etc. that why you would pay more. If it is just a games machine then why PS3 TV oh yeah that where the competition is taking them. Maybe they have come to the conclusion that the majority of PS3 owners are gamers and that is what they use it for. Ultimately it is about...

6115d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He is a hypocrite given that he made his career on doing violent action movies which appeals to the same audience he is now claiming to protect. Video games are a soft target for politicians who want to look like they stand for something. Pure populist rhetoric.

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now if they can make something for the mass market. OOPs of course the consumer will be willing, nay want to pay more for the premium experience. That is why nearly everyone in the world has bought a Blu-ray player; and Ps3 has sold 170 million unit (sarcasm absolutely intended).

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment