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you can not combine the PS2 and PS3 sales b/c it an artificial picture. The fact that people are buying a PS2 over a PS3 is bad new for Sony b/c the PS2 is an impediment to PS3 sales and results in Sony copeting with itself and is not aquiring the install base it needs in the present generation. M$ forced its consumers to upgrade and is not competing with itself and canabalizing its install base.

6067d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

numbers were close to NPD numbers for Sept 2007 so their numbers could be close to showing the true position of the respective consoles.

Speaking ancedotally I can not find a Xbox 360 elite for sale in Canada except for one on Amazon market which some rip off merchant wants $888.00. I guess I will have to wait for M$ to restock the trade channel. Hope they follow Sony exam and give price parity with the US; but if they are selling out then they probably do not have to.

6067d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sucks for anyone who is not a casual gamer.

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree with the article as a 360 Wii fighter in the shape of Arcade makes sense. M$ is going after the Wii market and this market does not care about the same things that more serious gamers care about b/c if they did the Wii would not have record sales in the first place and Nintendo would be out of business. M$ may benefit from a shortage of the Wii.

I think that the problem for the Arcade is that the Wii sold on it low price and the cool factor of the innovative Wiimot...

6068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

to its shareholders; the people who have invested in their company. This is business and childish ideas of laoyalty to a particular console have no place in the real world unless there is mutual benefit. Capcom presently does not see a mutual benefit.

One might equally argue that Sony has not been loyal to the developers by providing them with a console that provides them with a huge install base from the beginning by giving the consuemr an affordable system. That Sony was ...

6069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but it does not mean anything unless it is a sustained trend. Certainly with the price drop you expect a jump in sales but the numbers that really count are the total x-mas numbers; not one or two weeks which are aberations from the general trend.

Compestition is always good for the consumer as it keeps business honest

6069d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The premise of the article is that it is "games that sell consoles not the other way round". The article then goes on to contradict its own logic by presenting a rosy Xmas for the PS3 b/c of the lowered price despite indicating that the games line up is not so good.

6071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the business reality is that there are three consoles in the market place and none can be presently said to own the marketplace; hence the need woo the third parties. Content is king and the appetite of the consumer is varied and voracious. Remember outside the Wii games the AAA titles for the PS3 and 360 are very costly to make compared to previous generations of console.

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

business mate and making money and that is what Sony and M$ are about. The Sony fan boys remind me of the free traders who want free trade when they can bury their competitors (PS2); and fair trade when they can not compete with their competition (PS3). And presently Sony fan boys are upset by the fact that Sony is not competing effectively. Crying about the year lead that M$ is unfair is plain stupid; it is a business reality. If M$ gives incentives that is their business decision; if So...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are talking about Bungie; in which M$ still has equity interest and a game development relationship. Business partnership does not require parties to like each other; it merely requires that there be a level of cooperation that allows them all to make money. Sony had a reputation for treating third parties badly; this was due to the PS2 dominance; third parties wanted to make money and Sony provided that opportunity but it was Sony's party and they called the shots. Now things have changed ...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

business does take place in the here and now not the future. You are right that game development takes one two or even three years but the bottom line is always the driving force. Games releasing next year will not sell a console this year if there are no games available now. And this is Sony's problem and hence they have cut prices to try and remain competitive (remember there was an expected price cut at the TGS and Sony told the press when that did not happen that they felt that games ...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when the sales are aligned the 360 and PS3 are essentially equal in sales. So it would have been a good competition if they had launched at the same time. But they did not. In the real world 360 has a year lead; and the PS3 is continuing to hold its position in third place b/c it does not have the sales to catch up with the 360 let alone overtake the 360.

Halo 3 sales have been huge. Some analyst have accused Halo3 of cannibalizing sales in September. Halo 3 caused a huge ...

6072d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

to get that wish list of to Santa real quick; Christmas is a coming. Seriously this is not going to happen while the console manufacturers look at the potential profits of their respective console. Besides the single platform already exists it is called a PC. I suppose EA could make their own console and do exclusives for that; but I suspect that they do not have the pockets for that. Competition is a good thing and I am happy with a three way race as I think that it means better games fo...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did not sell well in its first year? What are you talking about. All I remember was not being able to get a PS2 and people selling them initially for crazy amounts of money. Indeed the shortage hyped the product and helped to drive sales. It was this type shortage that M$ was accused of creating artificially when it launched the 360. Whatever way you cut it PS3 is in trouble. The US market is the largest and most important; it is a cohesive market where a lot units can be shipped. Cult...

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I would rather wait with my money in my pocket than Sony's. But my gratitude to the early adopters who willing to pay the high price of allowing me to have a low price PS3 with compelling games in another year or so!

Seriously make Sony work hard for your money;after all dear Ken wanted you to have to work two jobs for the PS3 habit.

As the man says caveat emptor (buyer beware).

6073d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so cool can't wait but I guess I will have too.

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

has in my view compelling exclusives along with all the great multis; like it or not Halo 3 is phenomenal. Exclusive games drive console sales Sony does not have that right now (Sony knows this b/c that was the key to the PS2 success). Most consumers will not purchase a system that offers them good things next year hence PS3 low install base.

I could could buy PS3 right now if I want but I will wait for games that make me want to buy it. Halo made me want to buy the origina...

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

infers that Blu-ray is what is driving PS3 sales; I would suggest that M$ is better off with games like HAlO3 than emulating Sony present strategy which is presently a price drop and mediocre games for X-mas. Having said that an updated 360 with HD-DVD would be a logical progression. Indeed it is one which Toshiba may be willing to fund as they are trying to win their own format war in which PS3 is Sony's Trojan horse. However if they made the HD-DVD add on $50-$75 I believe there would be ...

6073d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

is necessary b/c Sony needs to move systems as there are no compelling games to do this; so the price cut may bring some of the PS2 crowd on board and encourage x-mas sales X-mas. Sony really can not afford to compete on price right now. The gap continues to open between the PS3 and the 360 and Wii. It is all about the install base and M$ is building that .

6073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

does not have any significant games this X-Mas so to stay in the game and move units and increase its installed base it is cutting prices on its system which was not moving b/c it is to expensive. M$ has games and so that will move the system. Sony is in this for the long haul just like M$. The video was just stating the common sense b/c the reality is that PS3 has only one way to go and that is up (I supose that it could remain where it is). Wii does not shift games in the way 360 does b...

6073d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment