
CRank: 5Score: 6240


4919d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mr. Patcher is an investment analyst and his area is video games. He admits that his public persona is about self promotion. His pronouncmenta are about raising his public profile. Indeed his more extreme statemnts get him more publicity b/c fan boys get over excited. He makes his living out of analyseing the profitability of companies in the games industry.

4928d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would suggeset that M$ future business model is cloud based with the 360 acting as a console. X-box live is at the core of the business plan selling movies and media and games. As such the power of the 360 is less important b/c the heavy lifting is done on servers over the internet. Think of On-live and you seethe potential for M$ with there existing install base. The cost of the 360 is dropping as the technology ages, M$ loses money on the new console when it comes to market and recove...

4954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read this b/c I was hoping there was something that would interest me for my PS3; I was dissapointed the article did not have anything to light my fire. Oh well having both does give you otions. This is just fan boy CR@#.

5078d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that the onlive model may allow the present consoles to continue for a very long time, consequently I think that the logic of the the next 360 being a PC is unlikely

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavy rain crashes my PS3 and is buggy at times and that is not what I expect as a consumer. Natal has not hit the market yet and so whether it is good bad or indifferent remains to be seen. Quantic Dream should concentrate on fixing their game and taking care of their own consumers.

end of rant

5174d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure the developer does not make anything out of the second hand sale. Nor does any other product manufacturer. However, many sale of new games are funded by gamers who sell their used games to allow them to buy the new game. So the developers may be no better off as this move may impact there sales of new games so ultimately they will sell either less games or sales will be slower.

There is definitely an element of greed here; but the retailers are just as bad

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

M$ is going to cloud computing; so ultimately the 360 will be a thin system; DVD capacity will be irrelevant. M$ has been working towards an Onlive type model.

5203d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tried it . It seems very dated visually. I would rather play MW2. Whike ut is only the Beta I can only assume that the graphics are close to the final. Anyways sadly it does not appear to be my cup of tea. For those o of you who enjoy moore power to you.

5263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no difference between short HDMI cables in terms of the quality they deliver. It was irritating when I had to buy an HDMI cable for my PS3. In Canada they list for $50, but if you whine they drop the price down to $30. I liked the fact that I could plug the 360 HDMI in right out of the box.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that the failure rate is terrible and it is very very very annoying when your 360 fails. I am on my third one; but the 3yr warranty keeps you locked in along with the games that you have already purchased and xbox live; the system is a lot fun when it is working. Also the replcement with a arcade remains the cheapest option ( after all I already have the hdd. I am sure that this has been part of M$ strategy.

My 360 will go out of warranty this December then I will r...

5404d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I doubt that Activision really wants to drop the PS3; but they certainly do want to make more money out of their IP. Either Sony will have to molify them by reducing their royalties or they are going to have to drop the price of the console to encourage faster adoption.

The consloe is still to expensive for the average consumer and there is a recession.

This is after all quite a threat and Sony can not afford to have defacto all Activision titles as Xbox exclusiv...

5463d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is nice to to know that M$ counsel is conscious of admitting liability on the RROD issue. But it should be a rarity for someone to have this type of failure once let alone on multiple occaisions. That M$ is constantly improving things is nice but if they were selling me a beta machine for testing purposes they should have made that clear to me a prior to selling me the machine.

My first elite perished a mere four months after I purchased it; the second one lasted eight mon...

5587d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Signed into live got the update and started to play cod 4 on live. About two minutes into the game the screen went white; for a second I thought it was a flash bang but then I realized that the 360 had crashed but no rrod. I turned it off and restarted it and then I had rrod. Did the troubleshooting without resolving the issue.

I can not say that it was the update; but I can say that my 360 rrod very very shortly after the update.

Spoke with M$ and was told t...

5596d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in Japan shows that the Japanese are not generally receptive to foreign products. Most Japanese that I have met still think the PS3 is to expensive; a view I share notwithstanding that I own one. Sony has to compete on price as well as games.

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seeing is believing. The man is completely delusional if he thinks that Sony is the "official leader" unless leadership is from the the rear. This is the same type of logic that thought it was a positive thing to tell gamers that they would need to have two jobs to buy this system.

M$ has a good business going. As for the 10 year cycle that is nice but PS2 continued support help to slow down the adoptions of the PS3

So I hope that Sony will shut up and ...

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The studios are not going to stop releasing on DVD anytime soon b/c the market is so small on blu presently. The scenario you described will only happen when there is mass adoption of blu and that will happen when machines are selling at the similar prices to DVD machines and given the investment by the blu ray group that is not going to happen any time soon.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DVD went mainstream when you could buy a machine for $89 then $69 then $49 or as low as $29. Certainly more people will buy at $199 than $499. But money is tight right now and Blu-ray is expensive all the way round relative to DVD. As I have said before the difference is not as big between blu and DVD as it was between DVD and vhs.

For the record I have a PS3 and the Blu-ray movies are great on my 50 inch HD TV but with very few exceptions I will not be re-buying my substanti...

5665d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow the site indicates that this is unfair to Sony. Please this is business which is trying to sell product. Stores tend to push inventory when they are overstocked or on the basis of profit to be made from the SKU. We live in a culture where businesses attempt to sell us things we do not really need or want. As a consumer you need to make your own mind up. In any event surveys show that most consumers regard suggestions from sales persons with suspicion. Ultimately it comes down to buy...

5721d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment