CRank: 5Score: 68950

Actually, this game is more of a PvE game now, considering they gutted their original PvP-focused design.

Well, at least it still has the incredible character creator.

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Much of the game used to be aimed at a PvP audience, but they gutted most of that idea and went for more of a PvE experience instead.

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, speaking from the PC side of things, it would be more attractive if the business was done like GOG digitally. Steam, Origin and Uplay is still a DRM sort of walled garden, while GOG allows you to save games and install them anywhere, anytime.

In other words, you have external hardware for your games, instead of using discs.

3102d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


After playing Bioshock Infinite, you can definitely noticed the magic isn't really there. Bioshock 1 and 2 just had something special, except the 2nd which tacked on a MP mode.

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are ''Games Journalists'' not supposed to find out each crumb of news, then report it for the public to know about it? So what if you find out something early, because no one should fear the ''almighty publisher'' if you find out something early.

Are sites really that dependant on goodie relations with them, and if so, ask yourself what you exist for in the first place.

It reminds me of getting free copies, but it comes with ce...

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll always pick a good sub MMO over something ''F2P/B2P''. If you read between those lines, the games are leaning more towards making you pay for things, instead of actually unlocking them.

FFXIV adds things to the store as well, but it seems more like something that was already in the game at some point, or popular character atire.

3103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of them lack fortitude, yes. They'll lap up anything that releases, which in turn makes it worse for the rest of us in the future.

Then there are those people not even reading sites, which simple picks up whatever catches their eye as an impulse purchase.

3103d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

LO2 being made with UE4 in mind would be interesting to see. But then again, that's up to Microsoft, and Mistwalker seems more interested in mobile software currently.

It's still one of the more memorable experiences. It was also one of the best examples of a turn-based game.

3104d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The changes to Lara Croft only reflected a murderer on a larger scale, not really much else.

She was already strong before that change.

3104d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Certain games comes with certain expectations. This is just one of those that failed in that department.

3104d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, the fact that the name is Star Wars will sell the game either way. Mix that up with the depth of a puddle in gameplay, and nothing out of the ordinary map-wise compared to previously, then you pretty much have CoD with a Star Wars skin.

Hell, even Battlefield has been damaged in terms of team-based gameplay, thanks to Dice.

I would tell them to create a new IP for what this caters to, but it seems like people have yet again supported their practices wi...

3104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man, those problematic individuals should've been uprooted a long time ago, considering the damage their ''justice'' is doing.

3104d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, there are plenty of examples in the comments here as well, when asking yourself why Tomb Raider was changed this much, and gaming in general. Unfortunately, the companies are catering to that demographic, because it's easier to sell them a shining turd.

Oh, and inb4 this article is removed from approved, because it doesn't fit a certain guideline.

3104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, if the publishers are getting worse than it already is, then i'll just double my efforts to not support them. :)

3105d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It always made me wonder how Pete Hines got this job, considering his arrogance is usually at an all time high.

3105d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Nothing will stop competition, if the PC is where everyone goes. All it'll do is give them a single space to create better games, and get your attention. Gaming will still stay diverse, but developers will have more available to them.

One problem is the DRM from the likes of Steam, which should be replaced with GOG's way of doing things. That way you can save any of your games externally, without depending on a online connection.

Oh, and instead of pl...

3106d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now we just need them to take coding seriously as well. :)

3106d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take a long and good look at how business is being done today, then you'll notice just how much you can save by just waiting for it. I know it's hard in some cases, but it's really not worth it to pay a boatload upfront for half a game.

Hopefully more people see it this way, in due time.

3106d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course EA would do this. It's been revealed before, that companies have used teams for sites like Reddit, Youtube and even on here to create a positive comment stream. Some even review their own games positively on Steam.

3107d ago 32 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not only are their own defections defining their human state of life, but also the games of the future. It's just sad to see larger companies cater to it more and more.

I shudder to think what will happen later on.

3107d ago 19 agree8 disagreeView comment