CRank: 5Score: 10550

In about an hour when I go to pick it up from EB Games.

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This coming from a guy who thinks Madden 08 is "fresh"!

6082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It should read, we need more games that are just plain "fun". Not to mention, fun with real strong lasting appeal.

Halo just feels right. I don't know how to explain it any other way.

It's not the most visually stunning game, but its not as bad as some people would like to think either.

This is why I have high hopes Team Fortress 2. It just looks fun.

6082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It says that Half Life 2 and Episode 1 have some graphical "enhancements" while Episode 2 looks stunning with some of the best facial animations they have ever seen.

I hate to tell you but the PS3 version will be exactly the same!

Go back to guarding your bridge troll!

6082d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just thought it was funny that someone disagreed with you. WTF?

Anyway, I am getting this game today and I too am in the same boat. My PC was a dinosaur that could never run this game at its full potential. Now for $60 I get the entire series (I did play Half Life 1) plus Portal and TF2.

The deal of the century!

6082d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PSP priced at $170 is totally worth the money!! IMO its hands down the best handheld on the market.

I have both systems and since I purchased my PSP, I haven't even thought about picking up my DS.

But I don't think that it could ever overtake the DS in terms of sales. It's almost 25 million units behind the DS. Even if no one bought a DS over the next year, it would still take a long time for the PSP to catch up.

It's still a great system ...

6083d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though I am still playing Halo 3, this game is a "must own" IMO.

The art direction for TF2 looks incredible and the fact that you get Half Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal, and TF 2 all for $60 is a total steal!!

I think Steam has the actual value broken down and if you purchased each one of these seperatley, it would run you about $130.

Not to mention that most of the idiot kids will be playing Halo 3, so the community of ga...

6083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is just a sorry excuse God of War clone. Everything about this game screams "CRAP!!!"

I literally laughed at the graphical quality of the first cutscene. It was a complete joke.

The gameplay was sluggish and clunky IMO. Everytime you tried to make a move it felt like it took forever for the charcter to respond with an action. Especially during the fight scenes.

Then there is this action of blocking and scoring "1 hi...

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you really trying to go there?

Halo 3 deserves the credit.

The additions to the multiplayer aspect are incredible. The graphics (regardless of the fanboy idiocy) are great. The 4 player online co-op (fresh new feature BTW), is awesome.

You say you have it but it sounds like you never played it. There was no "Forge" in Halo 2. There was no 4 player online multiplayer co-op in Halo 2. There was no "theatre" in Halo 2. No...

6084d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

With your 3 year old upgrades? Just wondering?

6087d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good luck with Crysis!

You are selling a game that potentially requires hundreds of dollars in upgrades just to play.

The console shooter may be behind in terms of tech, but a PC shooter like Crysis is a little out of reach for most people. Even with a decent PC!

This is why PC gaming will never take over the console market. It's too unobtainable for the average gamer. PC shooters cater to the hardcore.

6087d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you want to see the Bungie logo on a Playstation system. "Oni" was one of the first games released on a PS2 and it was indeed created by Bungie and published by Rockstar.

6087d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been thinking more and more about this "alleged" split of Bungie from M$. Now that some of the "shock" has worn off, when you really think about it, can you really blame Bungie for wanting to "let go"?

Bungie has been working on the same series of game for almost 9 years when you take into consideration the amount of time it took to develop the first Halo up to its release in 2001.

Halo is M$'s cashcow and of course they wou...

6089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you kidding me? Halo 3 sold 2.4 million copies in 4 days! You don't think that people would go crazy over a "portable" Halo game?

I really like Metroid Prime Hunters and this game seemed to follow the same control scheme. Not to mention that as far as handhelds go, the DS handles way better in FPS genre games than the PSP. The touch screen capabilities are almost as accurate as using a mouse.

I guess M$ decided that it was best for them to k...

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That option only opens the search for people on your "recently played" list. The other two options narrow it down to friends only or invites only.

Trust me, I have tried to find a way around this because I just couldn't believe that I wouldn't be able to "search" for an online co-op game. But unfortunately after a visit to, I know now that there is no way to openly search for an online co-op game.

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can still gain enlisted "rank" (gaining experience points) in Halo 3 while playing social matches. While your number rank won't change unless you are playing ranked games.

The only time either of those won't be affected is while you are playing custome games.

But I do see your point when it comes to GOW and COD4. I was really turned off by the fact that the GOW "online" achievements were only obtainable through ranked matches.

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do think that it's stupid that I can't "search" for a co-op game. Not everyone on my "friends list" or "recently played" list is playing "legendary" 4 player co-op at any given time.

Not to mention that many of the people on my friends list, I met during random matches of 2 player GOW online co-op.

The fact that I can't choose specific "objective" based multiplayer games doesn't really bother me too much. ...

6090d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only way a "Halo" game could ever ever grace the likes of either the PS3, Wii, DS, or PSP is if Microsoft says so. Thats it! Microsoft owns all rights to the Halo franchise. No if's and's or but's about it.

Also the name Bungie Studios will forever be owned by Mircosoft of course unless Microsoft disbands Bungie as they did with Fasa. Either way it just means that Microsoft has full control.

That's all. There really shouldn't be any disucssion ...

6090d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because they recieve gifts, doesn't mean they are forced to give them a good review.

Sure it may be incentive but this thing happens ALL THE TIME!!!

The fact that this retard is sending it back is what kills me.

Just keep the stuff and then write a garbage review if you want.

Either way, they won't send you anything ever again so why send it back? Just keep it or give it to me!

6095d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Newsflash for ya, Halo 3 has sold over $170 million in sales in just one day. And that is only in the United States!!

It broke the record for entertainment releases on day one. Beating out blockbuster movies such as Spiderman 3 and the most recent Harry Potter book.

So I think the whole "cashcow" thing is working out for M$ quite well!

Regardless of you ignorant, biased, and uneducated arguments about this game.

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment