CRank: 5Score: 10550

I hope you don't have a projection T.V.? If so, the light gun will not work!

I had a 56" Widescreen projection HDTV and because the mirror is projecting the image onto the vinyl screen, the light gun will not register.

I am pretty sure that if you have a LCD or Plasma, it would be just fine.

6201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The last time I bit into some huge Sony hype, they announced that they were coming out with a pink PS2.

They need something big.

6201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only problem is that when I was playing games "drunk", it was during the N64 era.

When I was in highschool my friends and I would get smashed and attempt to play Mario Kart 64. Then maybe a few rounds of Goldeneye!

Too bad that most of my friends gave up gaming oh so long ago so now a druken night of gaming consists of a night of Uno or Rainbow Six Vegas over XBox Live.

Speaking of Uno, I am shocked that it didn't make this list. ...

6204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its just too bad that many people purchase things according to price rather than quality.

Thats why companies like Vizio and Westinghouse are selling boatloads of HDTV's. You just can't beat the price and they still look great.

6207d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know its somewhat hypocritical for a video game player to call someone a geek but the ones who roll the 12 sided die are on a level of geekdom that I will never reach.

But yes, please STFU! Its not the greatest game in the world by any means, but I am having a lot of fun with it right now.

6210d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't expect this game to score anything higher than an 8 on any review. I do expect to see a lot of scores in the 7.5 range once they start to appear.

I beta tested Shadowrun and while I did purchase the full retail version, I do believe that the price is too high for an online only game.

This ame should have been listed at $40 across the board. Not $60 for the 360 and $50 for PC.

Oh well, I am having fun with this game and I see myself havin...

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played a custom game with the new wraith about an hour ago and while it was cool to see, it wasn't very effective against someone with a spartan laser.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did a custom game with swords and low gravity last night. It was pretty fun but extremely hard to kill someone.

6215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did I miss something with here? Did the first Raving Rabbids warrant a second one for some reason?

6222d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's nice to read something like this amongst all the fanboy bullsh1t that ends up on this site!

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am having a blast! 71 games online so far since the "Crackdown" beta release.

Even though I get my arse handed to me!

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So far I have racked up 71 total games since the "Crackdown" beta release.

And so far I have come to the conclusion that I still suck at Halo, even after 71 games!

I could so far tell you where every weapon is on ever level but yet I still get my rear end handed to me in just about every game.

Although I do show some flashes of greatness with an 18 kill game here or there but most likely I end up with no more than 10 kills per round...

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL at you!

6224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You won't buy a system because of a power brick? Cmon! give me a break!

The PS3 is IMO the most unsightly machine on the market but if it had the games that I want to play, I would most certainly pick one up.

Sure, presentation matters but to make a decision solely based off of the power brick? I guess the Japanese are more fickle than I!

6224d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

First, why is this being posted as "new news"? This temporary fix has been out there for a very long time.

Second, this will only temporarily fix the 360 for a short time. You will experience the red ring once again.

Third, I would only use this method to get your 360 in working order after you call M$ for repair. This method may get your 360 working long enough to cover the time it takes for M$ to send you a shipping box.

Last, don'...

6231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to really enjoy his podcast but its comments like this that made me stop listening to it. Epic did them a favor by "suggesting" that M$ use 512 rather than 256. Actually let me put it another way, Epic did us gamers a favor by convincing M$ to make the change.

I think this is a real stupid comment to make towards a company that has developed the biggest game on the 360 to date. Maybe even the biggest game on all of the next gen consoles to date.

6237d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What Will M$ Do?

I am a 360 user and Live subscriber. But it will be interesting to see what M$ does to combat what "Home" could possibly turn into. I just hope that they don't write "Home" off as some sort of gimmick!

M$ can't deny the fact that with "Home", Sony can essentially provide all of the features of "Live" with a huge "Second Life" or "Sims" type interface.

Fanboys can call ...

6239d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or should it be called what happens when you finish Twilight Princess? Because I haven't touched my Wii (tee hee!) since I finished Twilight Princess about 2 months ago.

The amazing part about it is that I would never ever consider getting rid of my Wii.

It's a very unique piece of equipment. I just like having it. Very strange!

6241d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The hostility isn't because 360 users want M$ to participate in "Folding at Home".

Its that the PS3 camps are pushing "Folding At Home" as this "look what we can do" feature. And in turn try to make the 360 look inferior.

In turn, the fanboys are out in full force because of how "Folding At Home" is presented.

Like I said, its a neat function that the PS3 can perform. But all in all it has absolutely no...

6242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I too favored my PS2 over the XBox. But its amazing that the PS3 has yet to give me any reason to purchase one while I can't seem to live without my 360.

6242d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment