CRank: 5Score: 10550

I have an autographed football with numerous (Baltimore Ravens) signatures on it.

In less than a years time, I wanted to remove some of the signatures due to the simple fact that some of the players turned out to be total "scrubs" while others became prominent players on the team.

The players signed the ball with a black permanant (sharpie) marker which I supplied to them for the signatures.

I used "Goo Gone" and rubbing alc...

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are looking "WAY" too far into this one.

5936d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I still don't believe this story. When I received my 360 back from M$, I had black smudges on my system as well. And I didn't have signatures and pictures drawn in black marker all over the box.

I still don't believe that there is a solvent that M$ service "drones" could use that would wipe 2 year old "permanent" marker from this 360 and show almost no evidence of what was there.

Sorry, I just don't believe it.

5936d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering they left "fun" out of the original.

OK, I'll give the game some credit, at least the first half hour or so was "fun". The rest of the game put me to sleep. Repetition killed this game for me.

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I had a console with those signatures on the case, I would never have sent the console in for repair.

It sucks that it "red ringed" on him but at that point I would have just "retired" the 360 and purchased a new one. No way in hell would I have sent that in to M$.

Sure I would have been out a couple of hundred bucks but keeping that console case "intact" would have been more important to me.

The situation suck...

5940d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did a spec for an "excellent" conditioned PS2 with one controller, power chord, component (HDTV) cables, and 7 or more games. Do you know what the "whopping" total was?


At least Gamestop is giving $50 for a working PS2 without games.

This is a total joke!

Use Craigslist or Ebay if you want to sell your equipment.

5942d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have played both GOW games and loved each one of them. I'll pay $40 for a game that I know I will enjoy.

Not to mention that this is a "portable" game. I only play my PSP at work during my lunch break. So after I am done eating I only have about a half hour or so to sit down and play.

I finished GOW and GOW2 in about 2-3 days a piece. I paid $50 for each of those. So if it takes me 2-3 days worth of lunch breaks on my PSP to finish this versi...

5942d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

While UT:3 isn't a bad game, it's not on the level of Halo 3 or COD4 from what I have played.

I wonder if these comments were taken out of "context" or if Mark Rein is just trying to put a positive spin for PS3 owners looking for a solid shooter.

When UT:3 is released on the 360, it won't matter much. Sure,people will buy it because it's "new" but they'll be right back to playing Halo 3 and COD4 in a short matter of time.


5944d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I don't always agree with Jaffe, I do love the fact that he doesn't care what people think.

It's great to have a developer who is involved with the community in the way that he is.

That was a great way to start off the morning.

And yes, I thought his comment about Mario Kart was "awesome".

5967d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just picked up Rock Band yesterday and while I am hitting 5 stars "drumming" on medium, I decided to play a few guitar tracks with the new guitar to see the comparison to Guitar Hero III.

Well, after playing through 3 full sets of songs on "hard", there really is no comparison. "Hard" mode on Rock Band is "elementary" when compared to Guitar Hero III "hard mode". By the third track list, I am hitting 99%'s. It shouldn't b...

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only $900!!!

Sign me up! $900 to play another FPS with great graphics is totally worth it!

Ummmmm....yeah, no thanks!

Crysis will be on a console eventually. I'll just wait.

"Cry"terion can whine all they want. But they will be porting this over to home consoles whether they want to or not.

5985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well when one service has millions more subsribers over the other one, you will in turn have more complaints.

I adopted online gaming with the PS2 when it was first released. I played SOCOM, SOCOM2, and SOCOM3 online almost non-stop. And yes, there was racism going on in those games.

Nice try!

"Live" always gets pushed to the forefront of these issues because it is the dominant service.

You just have to report these peo...

5989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And the reason why is because he missed the part where Mass Effect is an RPG not a FPS.

BioWare never inteded this game to play like Halo because Halo is a FPS with zero RPG elements whatsoever. Halo is a great game due to the fact that it was built from the ground up to be the best FPS that Bungie could create.

BioWare designed Mass Effect as an RPG from the ground up. People who buy this game thinking they are buying a Halo RPG, are going to be sadly mistak...

6003d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

You get the good, the bad, and the sarcasm!

These are by far the most enjoyable reviews on the internet.

No star rating, no number scale, no letter grade. Just an "witty" opinionated review.

Half the time, you can't even tell whether he likes the game or hates it. It's genious!

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's pretty cool! I had no idea that something like this was possible.

Too bad I don't have a PS3 as of yet but once I do, I will easily get the most out of this service.

Bubbles for the both of you!

Thanks for the info!

6013d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets say for example. I start up remote play on my PS3 from home which would then be connected through my home network via wi-fi.

I then get to work and connect my PSP through my wireless access point at work.

Since both the PS3 and PSP are connected to some sort of network, would I be able to use "remote play" from work? Even though the PS3 and PSP are on two seperate networks?

Also, you are saying that I can literally "turn on&qu...

6013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once you are playing the PSone game on the PSP through remote play, do you have to stay "online" with your PSP?

Once you disconnect from your network, would you essentially lose the ability to play the game?

So in other words, its only available for play on the same network that the PS3 is connected to. In turn, it's only playable in my house.

Am I getting this straight?

6013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't Mass Effect published by M$ studios? So the only way Mass Effect could end up on a PS3 is if M$ somewhat "allows" it?

Yes, Mass Effect 2 could end up on a PS3 but we also don't know what sort of ownership that M$ has over the Mass Effect "property".

IMO, PS3 owners shouldn't worry about it. Nobody seems to be able to port over to the PS3 correctly anyway. The blatent graphical glitches that appear on the 360 version would only be w...

6013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This demo is a glitchy mess.

It tries to play like a standard FPS and GRAW at the same time. And it doesn't work!

The screen tearing is laugable and the constant drop in framerate makes it unplayable.

I really did like the story though. The beginning sequence had me excited to play the game. To bad that is where anything positive about this mess of game ends!

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He shouldn't have been fired for giving his honest opinion. That's what reviewers are supposed to do. Give their "own" opinion. Which in turn we are to believe that they are unbiased and not judged on things such as money. It taints the whole process. Obviously we can see that money wasn't an influence when Jeff was reviewing a game. That is good to know! His bosses on the other hand, now thats a different story!

We are going to get a ton of "PR" spin...

6031d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment