
CRank: 5Score: 8330

hmmm... interesting.

Right now from that ad, I have absolutely no idea what the game is about. Although the part where you see Arthur fall and have a Ryu head and a megaman arm shows some type of customization/creation tool at work there. All up to speculation from here... although I loved the old skool tunes. So nostalgic especially ghouls and ghosts.

5074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mario? NO WAI~~~~

Mario can be full on hardcore in some areas. In the later levels it becomes almost a twitch gamers worst nightmare and don't get me started on Galaxies Prankster Comets... my god.

But he could be meaning that Kinect game's share the same appearance as Mario. As in look all friendly and get insanely hard. But the point of fail there is that he said the river rafting game was similar to a platform game. Ummmmmm.... oooookay.

5074d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


lol wonder what is going to happen to the employee who hit "send".

5078d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game was downright SAD... emotional wise.

At first I didn't actually like the text heavy optional story sequences. But in the end I found those parts to be the best part of the game. It really brings out the downside to being an immortal. God they were SAD!

5078d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The only thing I can be sure about Blizzard is that their cinematic direction for their in-game cutscenes are jaw dropping awesome.

They have been making triple AAA cinematics since warcraft 2. I still remember my mouth hanging open at the "Cold Fusion" scene in Starcraft where the marines brought the nuke onto the space station, it was phenomenal at the time. Now... kind of funny when you realise how far ahead technology has progressed.

Whether th...

5079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LEGO back to the future! OMG I Can't believe you went there!


That would be awesome... going around on lego hoverboards, by a lego clocktower, avoiding lego biff and his gang, and a lego flux capacitor and on and on... roflmao awesomeness right there!

pity most of the young gamers this day wouldn't even know what Back to the Future is! :(

5079d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

In this day and age, consumerism and the power of the actual name/brand/franchise wins all(Whether the game is good or bad).

Whoever is behind the scenes, whether it is Bungie, Infinity Ward or others does not mean jack squat to the average casual consumer. Do people really care that their Nike's are made in Malaysia or China? No... just as long as the brand is strong and everyone is doing it.

I'm pretty sure Halo, and Call of Duty will last for a v...

5079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm... they sound pretty awesome to work for.

To say they are the best company to work for is also far fetched considering we don't have detailed packages on what the other companies offer.

Point 3, can be taken any way you want it. Last I checked Bungie, Santa Monica, Rockstar, Media Molecule all like to use brain storming round table techniques as well. Hell even my company says that in our mission statement, doesn't mean we do it.


5079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tend to think it doesn't matter wether Kinect is actually good or not, as long as the advertising is there and the normal person keeps watching tv and some god awful Kinect ad with a family jumping up down with ALL smiles... yep... that alone will push Kinect through the roof.

I wouldn't even be surprised if some people bought Kinect thinking it's a completely new xbox rather than an xbox attachment. You'll be amazed at how many ignorant family members are ...

5084d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hmmm I just watched Hostel at a friends place the other week... say wha????

5084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of laugh when I think about certain people commenting that these people have no lives.

They get payed more than most of our university graduate jobs doing what they do. They have a countless number of fans that look up to them, they get endorsements, and over in Korea they are famous and featured on tv multiple times, they can also get any girl they want because the culture over there is different and most Korean girls are subtle gamers themselves(they are psychotic at...

5084d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmm let me see...

There have been so called "potential" wow killers like forever...

I remember when Star Wars Galaxies first came out, it was interesting, but eventually was overshadowed by WoW.

I guess it depends on how simple and enjoyable the system is. WoW uses a combination of easy access, vibrant colors, class building depth, and a very simple but effective art style that entices people to play(also the unlimited must get t...

5085d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

hmmm kind of shocked uc2 is platformer... i mean sure you have parts where you jump(espcially unlocking the ice tomb), but... i thought it would be more a 3rd person shooter/adventure.

oh well... guess alot of old ppl will be misled into buying uncharted expecting loads of platforming goodness.

@soda, I agree tomb raider makes alot more sense to be on there then uncharted...

5089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOd i love guile's theme! When i was young i already pictured it would go well with a mosaic of NFL's best sacks, but now after watching this it literally does go well with everything. ROFLMAO!

Those vids were hilarious!

5089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Over in Australia the Genesis was called Megadrive. I remember begging my parents for months to get it. When i finally got it and fired up the game Strider, I was literally blown away by the graphics and the sound, those amazon women sounded like REAL amazonian grunts! LOL... now when i hear it, i have to laugh because it sounds nothing like how i remembered it. But boy was it a step ahead of the NES, and master system.

Now that was a time where Sega and Nintendo were at eac...

5089d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep, couldn't have said it better myself. It's what seperates the real men from the children.

5090d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well... im glad he admits the flaw in his argument. Which is nice, he could've been a complete art hurt fanboi and rattled off a few more nonsense statements. But he obviously displayed maturity identifying the faults in his statements and at the same time being open minded about other peoples views. Even though he still doesn't agree, he acknowledges the fact that he is stubborn and doesn't really want to play games to find out. As long as he admitted that his argument is flawed ...

5090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are bogans everywhere in every country.

In Victoria we do get some rednecks now and again but most Aussies keep to themselves. We are just notorious for being louder than normal when we are drunk. Maybe not as loud as the Brits or Irish, but we are up there.

Also our cities have a multitude of ethnic of diversity from the influx of immigrants over the past century. Greeks, Italians, Indians, Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Koreans, Malaysians, blah ...

5090d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clive Barkers Undying on the pc... I remember stopping somewhere cos it was just getting way to creepy.

5091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What ive noticed is that wii games like mario kart, new super marios bros and mario galaxy tend to start off slow.

As the year goes by, wii owners who own those games will have a party or gathering at their place and friends will come over. Generally during said event, the group will turn to playing the wii(only because the girlfriends/wives aren't really all that interested with gears, halo, god of war, mw2... blah blah) and find out how fun a mario game is, especially w...

5091d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment