
CRank: 5Score: 8330

As long as the conference is not all about MOVE, it should be okay. If it is all about MOVE... well... guess that is officially the end of an era.

Motion control games who would've thought. I always wanted something like this back in the 80's as a kid. Now... hmmm I guess im just too old for this stuff, or too stuck in the past. I like gamepads. God im old and stubborn. Time to suck it up and accept gaming at the present for what it is, rather than constantly looking ...

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can I have a free xbox360 slim(My elite hasn't rrod'd yet but after 3 years i think anytime now)??? Man it pays to be a journalist. :(

Eitherway it was about time MS released a better version, the redesign looks awesome.

But I agree with everyone, that was MS's weakest conference ever. Although to the normal casual person, it might be their best. But I'm not a normal casual person, im a gamer. :(

5100d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol just finished watching the xbox360 press conference at e3, it's real.

Not to mention everyone attending the conference got free xbox slims!!! DAGNAMMIT! Too bad all us normal people don't get one. :(

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really would like to think that all of it was just a "live" commercial and the real meat of it will be shown in the actual conference.

Just under 2 hrs to go to actually find out if they really have made leaps and bounds or are still in the imaginary theoretical idealistic beta phase.

5101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did my comment hurt you? I'm sorry.

5101d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have no idea what i just saw...

Just watching that guy push the two kids away to pantomine a lightsaber sent shivers down my spine of the bad kind. *shudders.

Seriously who actually thought that was real? LOL

5101d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is so weird, its win!

I agree with everyone, killing a soft toy just seems so wrong compared to killing a digital representation of a human in a computer game. LOL try saying that to a normal nongamer, and they'll probably call the cops on us. haha

5102d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm excited to see Reach singleplayer set pieces, the battle of Reach in the novel was all but epic, lets hope Reach(game) can turn these pictures in my head to real visuals.

5102d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are correct, it doesn't have to be HD to count in current gen but im not talking about consoles war, im talking about presentation methods.

But you have to admit, their presentations are more slideshows rather than anything showy. Which in this day and age, especially in a place like TGS or E3, it does come out as boring. They make enough money already so they really don't need to impress anyone, but hey... it wouldn't hurt would it?

5102d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing that scared me the most in deadspace was enemies that just don't die... yep those that played it will know which one im talking about. I hate stuff like that... scares the hell outta me cos i can't blast the crap outta it!

I remember the werewolf in vampire masquerade as well... urgh...

Anyhow if deadspace 2 is scarier thats a bonus.

5102d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

When it comes to E3's, I always put Nintendo last among the conferences. Only because i tend to feel Nintendo treat these things like a shareholders press conference. It seems they don't really see the need to come across flashy, not to mention Nintendo have never relied on "cool" to drive their purpose or their machine. Come to think of it also, what do they really need to prove? Customer base is exponentially through the roof!

I think Nintendo simply sets ...

5103d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Come on England, you made me cry last world cup against Portugal... don't make me start breaking stuff if you lose to the U.S in the first game!

5103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Finally after so long, it will be in my grasp!


5104d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Loved Yakuza's, only problem is the very long story parts that you can't skip, even when youve seen it already.

If you are interested in Japanese culture(urban lifestyle), by all means pick this up. Also if you love just watching heads get smashed against a brick wall, or sadistic violence get it too. If you like minigames, golf, baseball, bowling, arcade claw games where you try to get a soft toy, pool, darts, gambling... look no further also, this has it all as well...

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still havn't seen a Castlevania that excelled in a 3d environment. Because of the past history with 3d's castlevania, I am looking at all of this wearily. Deep down inside, I still think Castlevania should remain 2d, there is still so much you can do with it, order of ecclesia was outstanding. But I will try looking at this with an open mind.

Seeing that large boss in castlevania did not really impress me tho. It's stone and pretty boring like, where is my granf...

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL some people need everything to end it the way they want it. Just because something doesn't go their way, they bring on the hate.

Nice to know how some people have very closed minds. Now just picture these people running a country in politics. Yep they exist in our political parties. Geez makes you scared don't it? No wonder we never really experience true peace in this world.


I was dissapointed that I had to play Jack, b...

5108d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii isn't that cheap, considering it being a party machine, would mean you need at least 2 - 4 controllers with the nunchuck on each. Also you need the component cable, ethernet adapter if you don't have wireless and a rechargeable batteries for each controller. In the end it costs alot more than the xbox360 and ps3 slim standard packages.

Sure Wii doesn't have that many hardcore games, however... Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros, Monster Hunter Tri, No more her...

5111d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alpha said everything i was thinking.

Nice and LOL at all the disagrees... i mean seriously wTF?

Winning by normal business standards is based on sales, sales = money, money = win. People can bend and twist facts as much as they want, but the company that makes the most money is inevitably the victor. Right now, Wii or should we say nintendo is dominating on ALL fronts, console and handheld. To ignore this fact you undeniably have to be 1) a child, 2) a fanbo...

5111d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow I just played the 3d game... it really is good! LOL god i can't believe how well the transition went. PROPS!

5111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed so far, maybe halo reach might take xbox GOTY but right now ME2 is king, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 definitely for Wii GOTY.

Overall GOTY as of this moment would be RDR I think in all fairness to please everyone. Though buggy it is awesome.

Death Angel well said, I put Alan Wake with Splinter Cell, both games were great, but lacked that extra zest in way that if they just put a little more in it they might have got there!

5111d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment