
CRank: 5Score: 8330

when you tell someone "UC2 is about a guy who goes looking for treasure with a few accomplices and blah blah tibet blah blah snowy mountains blah blah and the hero looks ordinary...", most people will say "man that sounds boring".

Then you play it.

Then you understand what its all about! No matter how much research you do on UC2, no review or preview, no synopsis, no walkthrough, no youtube gameplay video can fully show how good it really is. It i...

5273d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still can't get over the Mannequin Rape scene with Pyramid head in Silent Hill 2 and you hiding in the closet... that was just waaaay too uncomfortable for me. Yes that was scary as hell.

5274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

only game that made me think weird thoughts standing in a hallway at night.

5274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man... this list is pretty weird... im amazed there was no mention of the shibito in Siren, or the Fatal Frame ghosts, or the werewolf in Vampire Masquerade, or PYRAMID HEAD from Silent Hill, or Alma from Fear, or Shodan from System Shock, or... the list goes on and on...

All of the ones above, made me shat my dax more than half of the characters in that list. Although there are a few i totally agree with, i would've completely forgot about the GARY incident in Fallout if it wasn...

5274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kind of funny.

I remember how when uncharted one first came out and i first looked at NAthan Drake. I was like... "errrr... yeeeh definitely not my game, he ain't cool looking or anything". Then slowly as i played the game, he began to grow on me, i seem to recall the first time i laughed was the parachute jump where he goes "crap crap" haha.

Anyway, after UC2, i think he is one of the best characters in a video game history. You can pretty much u...

5275d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

No challenge?

I'm pretty sure you yourself are challenged...

Bet you threw that controller down in nerd raging fit when you hit the first lot of boxes with the archers on the boat in gow1 because you couldn't just simply jump to the top to kill them... oh wait... you sound like you haven't even played it!

5275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow awesome... so i guess everyone on N4G is from the U.S???


5276d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

You seen how much shelf space is allocated for ps3 in JBHIFI? It's almost double that of xbox360!!!

Well... here in Melbourne CBD anyway! XP

5277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


what? I thought someone said Ps3 was doomed because of Bluray and HDVD would be... oh wait...

I don't get it... why is a multi-platform title being talked as Ps3's last saving grace?

Oh they are talking about it only being released in Japan... wait a second... don't more households own a ps3 in Japan already... hmmmm puzzling.

*shrugs... "who knows?" O_O

5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Baka you are right! Persona is turn based... my bad! ~_~

I have no idea for the life of me why i said that it wasn't... gaaaah!

I also totally agree with all of your previous posts! Lol'd at the porn cheese one.

5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most JRPG's are "turn based" apart from said few like the tales series, personas, secret of mana's, kings field lot(aka demon souls) and a few others.

Honestly, the way i see it, there is only so much "turn based" systems can evolve. However to say JRPG's are not evolving is a comment in poor poor form. I'm sure if Zeschuck was given a template of a game that was to be built around a turn based mechanic he wouldn't be able to "evolve" the genre much ...

5277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't agree more with your association to human nature and our need to WIN.

I have to agree i have succumbed to such human nature multiple times. :S

As for the sentence about "I'm going to buy 360 because my friends have it?"... you are pretty much on target there as well. In fact my girlfriends friends boyfriend(blah try saying that quickly 10 times) just said that line yesterday. Also i said that line 2 years ago as well. :S

5280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is pretty absurd to think that only one region is important. I mean if we were all in some kind of weird interstellar war with some alien race, would we care how many guns one country has? Or how many guns the planet has altogether? A far-fetched idea i know, but hey... it could happen.

Go Team World! XD

5280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was thinking the exact same thing...

*looks around... <_< ... >_> .... :( nope.

5280d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

zomg... playasia ship my copy NOW!!!! >:( grrrr...

[*grabs a paper bag to breathe into!]

5280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh man... old squaresoft... cries*

You couldn't be more right~! :D

5283d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wait a second... did i hear you right?

You said "Classic" hack and slash games like GoW and Dante's Inferno. Last time i checked Devil May Cry was released in 01, and God of War was released in 05.

And i never spouted this game is better than God of War or that this game is totally innovative. Do you read before lashing off your mouth like that?

I am just saying Bayonetta is a good game, full stop. And likewise before... duuuh of course its a...

5284d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly, everything from DMC is in Bayonetta when it comes to gameplay.

You have your long reach attack weapon which is a katana, a counter item which basically resembles the Royal counter system in DMC's. Shotguns, a whip, claws that can do lightning and fire depending on your method of attack. Basically the claws and the guns can be attached to your hands or your feet or both if you purchased them. But overall the combat system is like DMC's no doubt about that.


5284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, if you are a real gamer you will understand what Bayonetta does right.

There simply is way too much hate for something people really know nothing about. What i fear the most, is that even when it does come out in the west, the hatred will run so deep that Bayonetta will be clouded with bias and many people won't even give it a chance(many things in the world are fueled by such hate).

The point being is there are too many sites giving it the thumbs up for it...

5284d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

fair enough Dante and God of War have so much in common that its common sense, but... i really don't see the point in this video comparison.

Anyhow i will be buying Dante because i really want to see the designers depictions of the 9 levels of hell. Although i am disappointed in how weak the story is to the actual poem and the design choice for our hero(why he stitched that cross into him, before he even found his lover dead, is beyond me... i mean did he even think about what sh...

5284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment