
CRank: 10Score: 42960

they go about their business making great games. they don't get into slagging off the competition, they just do their thing and they do it incredibly well. i wish more developers were like this.

5817d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

because i'm sure it won't be long before we hear the cries of 100?!? only 100!! that's not enough... we need more!!! sony screwed us again with only 100 on the friends list!!!

/end sarcasm

5818d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

gimmie gimmie gimmie. me likey.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

when they had problems, and a number of them did, there was nothing we could do about it beyond not buying the game.

i'm actually thrilled that patches can be implemented (automatically no less) to fix things that were missed in QA, to add things that are now available (rumble & trophies patched into ps3 games) etc.

if i get a more stable game or new features added i have no problem waiting a couple minutes for a patch to download and install.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's wiping out my bank account =(

5819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My girl got way into rock band with me, hell i even got my 68 year old mom and step dad playing it with us. she loves singstar as well.

i got her started with parappa way back, then okami and katamari. you should know your girl well enough to have some idea of what she'd like. once you get her started on something she's having fun with, it's hard to get the controller away from her.

good times. =)

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the article said “Let’s put it this way: they’re worried the current line-up can’t carry Q4 for the entire Xbox brand in the core market. You’ll laugh when you see what they’re planning."

so... spectacular, a little desperate and you'll laugh when you see what they're planning... hmmm...

then my guesses would be something like:
Halo 1 remade with the Halo 3 engine?
A Halo Trilogy Super Special Edition 3 pack with bonus features and behind the sc...

5832d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and he's absolutely right.

As to "Simple, mute them, report them and move on." you spend more time muting people then playing the game and reporting them never seems to do anything so i think something more is needed here.

5833d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

every console was 52 mario games, metroid, zelda and donkey kong.

the wii is my first nintendo console and i got it so i could play some of the older games (with VC) but i had no illusions about what i was getting into. mario is shoehorned into every game and genre imaginable and third party support is sorely lacking - compared to the other consoles anyway. it's just the way it is.

i enjoy the games i have and hope for some new ip's but i'm certainly not holding my ...

5835d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

the original author says it's ok for nintendo to restrict (and make difficult) the online component so a young kid doesn't hear someone curse... well last time i played halo 3 (not rated E by the way) it was young kids doing _most_ of the cursing and trash talking.

I play my ps3 online the most because that's where the majority of my friends are and, for the moment at least, there's much less cursing/trash talking. I also play the 360 online and mute whomever i need to. the wii...

5835d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

although i'd like more than just the few updates they've given since launch because of repeats on my friends list.

mine is the 'solvalu' from (one of my favorite games) xevious. i even paid for the damn xevious picture pack on the 360 so i could use the same avatar there as well. new pictures come along and i change it every now and then.... for a couple of hours. but it's always back to the kick ass little ship from xevious. that just suits me better.

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was actually listening to the latest insomniac podcast on the way to work this morning and left off in the middle of the interview with two former insomniac devs that were explaining their new company (bionic games) and new wii title (spyborgs). they described it as playing a saturday morning cartoon.

i don't know that it's something i'd buy but they got me interested enough that i'd like to check it out when it releases. the last thing i expected was to sit down an hour la...

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played friends Nintendo systems in the past but this is the first one I actually purchased. I bought it for the fun of it and with the promise of Virtual Console games. The idea that I could download the older Nintendo games that I never got the chance to play was a big draw for me.

I'm not going to go through the memory card shuffle or the delete and re-download. At a time when 4, 8 even 16 gigs of flash memory is dirt cheap putting 512Mb into a system, especially when...

5838d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

was something I was very interested in. The more I read about the game the better it sounded. It's a shame Jaffe dropped it. Maybe some time in the future he'll come back to the idea, either for the PSP or PS3.

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on. The price of the hardware and the target market is soooo different between the two it just can't really be compared.

Parents buy the kids a DS because it's what every one of their friends has, it's relatively cheap, and it'll keep busy and quiet on long trips. Now seniors have gotten in on the DS as well with all the Brain Training puzzle games (my mom loves her DS).

Apple may do well but it's designed and marketed as a music (and sometimes video) player, ...

5839d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i may go broke either way...

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seem to fit the results of the older gamer there (and I am in my 30's). While I have all three systems, I tend to use the PS3 the most, then the 360, then the Wii. Although that damn Super Mario Galaxy is keeping me plenty busy for hours at a time on the Wii. I enjoy all three systems for different reasons and at times, I'm annoyed at all three systems for different reasons.

I'm just glad to be in a position that I can afford all three so I can get a more 'complete' gaming e...

5839d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As mentioned above, the PSP sales have never been stronger. Sony is actually quite happy with it (as they have recently stated). There are a ton of great games available like God of War, Crisis Core FF VII, Patapon, Wipeout Pure and Pulse, Lumines (Ubisoft), Twisted Metal, GTAx2, etc. That being said, I'd still like to see more support in the games area. There don't appear to be a lot of big names on the horizon. Either way, I get the most out of my PSP with an 8Gb memory stick filled wi...

5839d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

When it was announced that _every_ PS3 would have a hard drive, people rejoiced. 'Devs will be able to take advantage of the Hard Drive knowing it's in every single PS3'. Now that they're actually doing it people are complaining.

Look, each dev has their own reason for doing it, install/no install, mandatory/not mandatory, and none of us has an real factual information on why each of them does it. We can speculate, whine, complain, praise until we're blue in the face but in th...

5839d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

insomniac is busy with R2 - we haven't heard much of anything from naughty dog since uncharted came out.....

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment