
CRank: 10Score: 42960

They're the ones who would get the most out of it. My friend may be getting his first PS3 for Xmas this year and I'm gonna recommend it to him. He'll get the most use out of it since everything will be new to him.

For long time owners who have bought a lot of stuff from the store, no it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You very likely have most of what they're going to offer for free or at a discount anyway.

4965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because there's never any PR spin involved when a game is delayed.

Sony, like MS and Nintendo would come right out and tell you:
"Our biggest game of the holiday season is being delayed so we can go back and add a Firmware Update right on the disc. That way we can stop pirates and their USB hack that's been in the news so much these past few weeks. Not that we want to call attention to the pirates and their hacking of the PS3, just that we wanted you to ...

4984d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I took those pictures of you playing SingStar Dance.

4986d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's -THE- definitive racing game of this generation. At least that's what they told me.... 26 times... during the E3 Press Conference in '09

4993d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I'm buying this collection anyway. They're both spectacular games and the bumps in graphics will be a joy. Ico always felt like they were trying to push more graphically than they could accomplish on the PS2 at the time.

5010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And then count them all as sold just like the 360 numbers. I like my 360 but the MS PR spin is absolutely insane at times.

I really wish someone with time (a real journalist) would sit down and get to the bottom of all the numbers thrown around by all three companies to get a true picture of sales and usage across the three consoles.

I know it's likely not possible because to get to the true numbers you'd need to know such minutiae as, how many were ...

5010d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

about any number of games. Katamari Damacy comes to mind.

I think there's plenty of room for the quirky, oddball games but this would have been better suited as a cheaper PSN title than a full priced disc release.

5026d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was kind of worried about one specific issue. It's not that the game is unresponsive, it's that you have to understand exactly how it expects you to make your movements.

When I was watching Jeff Rubenstein (from the PlayStation Blog) play it, he was doing great. Cruising through the level with very little problem. Then he handed the controller to me and I was a mess. It took about 5-10 minutes or so (along with his coaching over my shoulder) to understand that w...

5026d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was at the event and she's absolutely right, the protest was hardly a protest. They didn't talk to anyone in line, they just stood in front of some cameras holding up banners. It looked more like a fund raising photo-op than a protest. They didn't try to stop or say anything to any of us and were gone before the majority of the people even arrived.

5027d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There does tend to be a disconnect between the N4G, 24/7 Gaming enthusiast and the real world. The Wii is the perfect example. We seem to expect that the general public follows this information at least half as much as we do when the reality is far different.

Go to your local GameStop, Best Buy or WalMart and stand around browsing for a while, you'd be shocked by some of the questions people ask. I know I am every time I do it. The general consumer isn't nearly as...

5038d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

an arcade game called "Deadstorm Pirates". I saw it in an arcade a few weeks ago and watched 3 people playing it, pumping money in until they got to the end. It looked absolutely gorgeous and it never crossed my mind that it would end up on the PS3. Very excited for this.

5040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We're comparing loading times between released games and games still in development? Yeah, that makes sense, should be a fair comparison.

I hope we get comparisons of BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite loading times in the next couple of weeks because I don't wanna wait until 2012 to know whether one loads faster than the other.....

5045d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

but can't talk about it.

Look up......

5046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and so is everyone else on this page. Mark my words and come back tomorrow, you'll see after the reveal that everyone above me has it wrong...

5046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People (on my friends list anyway) on XBL change their names so frequently that I don't even know who half of them are anymore.

5049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's definitely a winner in terms of a puzzle game. Just as mind bendingly messed up as the previous Echochrome games. Once I got through the initial control trepidations on the first level I was having a blast with it.

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The actual gameplay we got to see in the trailer looks a bit thin. Don't get me wrong, the presentation is awesome for an Indie Game title and the graphics look top notch, however, if the entire game involves flying a spaceship on a 2D plane and shooting things in outer space (which is all I saw from the gameplay) then I don't think it'll be worth it.

I will definitely demo it either way.

5055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you understand the definition of "Third party accessories"?

Sony is not making these, other companies are. Don't want it, don't buy it. It's as simple as that. Don't bring fanboy nonsense into this.

This is all the same type of unnecessary third party plastic add-on crap that flooded the market after the Wii was released. Most of this stuff probably won't work anyway because it blocks the glowing ball the camera needs to t...

5068d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because I was. I've personally played with Move at two different events in the past 3 months and never had any lag with it at all. It is solid 1 to 1 movement. Really it's everything the Wii should have been.

As for Kinect, I didn't personally try it out because the lines were too long at the MS booth and I wasn't interested in the 3rd party Dance games (of which there were many) but I stood and watched people from outside the little glass bubble as they pl...

5074d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

and I saw lag on every single game being played. I also saw bad calibration issues on Joy Ride for several players.

5074d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment