
CRank: 5Score: 102630

Since you have no basis of comparison you're just talking out of your ass , I play this on base ps4 and the difference is night and day compared to the ps5 version . Why bother commenting on something you know nothing about but I guess there are people like you who just like to complain about nothing lol .

1135d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh ya I'm sure all those talented people who work at high profile sony studios want to work on preserving old games /s ... God that would be a waste . " Ok boys we aren't making cutting edge ps5 games anymore we're now gonna become gaming preservationist" , ... "but sir that isn't what we got hired for " .

1138d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nah Sp games thrive ... but I feel we could use some more HQ RPGS ... always more rpgs lol

1145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The characters ,story and world are already there, all they just need to find someone who can pull it off faithfully . They don't need the old team to remake it ,plenty of remakes over the course of the years have been made by different developers without any original staff involved. Comic book characters and their stories have been interpreted by different artists for a century in comparison . I just think old games have stories that are worth being retold even if it's someone else r...

1146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xenogears or Legacy of Kain are the main 2 games I’d like remade from SE

1146d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this gets Sony one step closer to getting future Bethesda titles on ps5 !!!! Sony lets MS have some games and maybe vice versa then everyone wins

1147d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact is there is no end all be all game machine that;s just gonna magically play everything , there's a combinations of 350+ mill ps 1,2 and 3 systems in the world with plenty of physical software you can get your hands on if you look hard enough ... be a collector if you're worried about game preservation. I wouldn't buy a bluray player and expecting it to play vhs and laserdiscs . Since when did microsoft set the standard in gaming lol , all they have is old and 3rd party g...

1150d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

The fact is there is no end all be all game machine that;s just gonna magically play everything , there's a combinations of 350+ mill ps 1,2 and 3 systems in the world with plenty of physical software you can get your hands on if you look hard enough ... that's game preservation if you wanna be a collector . I wouldn't buy a bluray player and expecting it to play vhs and laserdiscs . Since when did microsoft set the standard in gaming for you all lol , all they have is old and 3rd...

1150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meh... Ps4 was Sonys fresh start to get away from the old ways of hardware development at the sacrifice of their older catalog . Sometimes you gotta let go of the past to look for a brighter future . A good chunk of essential PS1/2 games have already been remade and the rest can be considered a product of its time , if you weren't there or didn't support them then hey you missed out . Ps3 is still the basterd child of not being able to play its games on any other device but I'm s...

1150d ago 12 agree42 disagreeView comment

Man this series needs a remake , imagine Nosgoth in full ps5 glory with sdd to fully showcase when Razeal shifts into the soul plane . I can imagine the Pillars(pre Kains rule) looking awesome as hell reaching the sky in hd . People talk about how ps1/2 era was the best place for rpgs .......... NOPE it was the best time of the vampire games lol .

1153d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya going the pc hardware route wouldn't be a bad idea , something still small but dedicated to all types of gamers . Honestly going into something as big as bestbuy is kinda sad really , I mean back in the day you'd have rows of physical media like cd ,movies and games but those pretty much gone the way of the dodo and just feels empty . If GS can sell ssds , vr equipment, monitors I'd be inclined to start going there again , it's probably been like 4 years since I've been...

1157d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The past 15 years of the mainline FF have tried to be overly ambitious .. 12,13, original 14 and 15 were all lackluster with ridiculously incoherent storylines . What has me hyped is the studio developing it , they have great writers and with 14 as any indication they'll focus more on just making a great game . It'll also be the first M rated mainline FF if that alone isn't ambitious enough and DMC type combat in an open world .... I'm hyped

1159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess ima have to try to get a ps5 sooner then later along with the ps5 update for 14 coming soon .. damn you SE lol

1159d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It takes about a couple years after a console release before we truly see their potential , been gaming 35 years and it’s the way it’s always been . Writing articles like this shows how naive people can be

1161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything they've been working on and building up to since the Eyetoy on ps2 has been leading into this ,. I like to think last gen to be considered the bronze age of vr and we're now in the silver age , ps6 will be the true golden age but I'm down to start the ride this gen to experiences the new innovations that'll come along with it. I mean I was sold on the idea about living in a fully vr mmo world long ago in media and science fiction where everyone in the world had to u...

1163d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The story is better and way more fleshed out in X and the music is just beyond memorable.
XII's summoning were lame and the license board was awful , I mean why did I need a licence to wear equip?
You say it has a job system but the combat wasn't great , in X every action in combat actually mattered
It's probably the worst interpretation of ivalice I've seen , FFT, Vagrant story and even FFXIV did better , XII feels like a wannabe Star Wars. Non...

1163d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

. FFX is way better then FFXII in almost every aspect

1163d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment


1222d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That’s cool and all that you haven’t had much problems but I could care less if you believe me or not , the fact is I have 3 broken controllers in my drawer all because of drift ........ nothing really more to say about it lol other then the colors are red , gold and blue and now using a white one

1236d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I’ve had 3 ps4 controllers get severe drift , seems to be a problem with all last gen consoles . Hopefully current gen won’t have these issues but it’s a wait and see scenario

1236d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment