
CRank: 5Score: 30880

yeh LBP has nearly sold 2 million now, heh not such a flop afterall huh, u ms freaks never understand that we don't all go out and buy the same game on day 1, that is the diversity that ps3 provides with such a huge choice during christmas this year we was all pushed hard as to which game we would buy, i choose lbp and r2 respectively as could not afford the likes of dead space cod-waw and so on.

5607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

considering that the ps3 has not even got half of the install base of the wii's, then i think Killzone 2 is really gonna kill sales wise if it in a #2 on pre-orders this game is gonna have huge legs.
Don't get me wrong tho i'm thinking the same thing why buy mario power tennis, the wii's software selection is so rubbish at the moment, they are having to port Gamecube games over to make up for all the shovelware.

5607d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blame MS and SE I say, SE was really greedy, and before all you wii fans jump on and say but SE did it to us 2, well yes, but it was under much different circumstances my friends, at least Sony didn't offer them big money to convert they kinda made up that decision based on the technology at the time. Anyway i'm not that bothered about the delay, im used to delays with the ff franchise lol.

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeh but seen as the first reviews have come in for killzone are both above 9 i think we all know its one monster of a game, so hype justified, i just can't wait till i get it now hehe

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm yes to touchscreen, make it compete more with the ds, a bit of a re-vamp on the xmb would be nice, two dual analog stick is definately a must, psn store and trophies would be nice, but hell if they are gonna throw in all that why not make psp2 lol. the list could go on and on, but anyways i have still got my original fat psp, so it won't be too bad for me to upgrade, think of all thoses ppl that upgraded every time they added extra features wow their wallets will be hurting.
More mp...

5617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I must admit i have been using windows since version 3.11, but after installing ydl on my ps3 and seeing how much better linux was i was completeky converted i mean its not much for gaming but then thats what the game-os if for dedicated gaming.
I am converting my pc over to linux soon, can't wait and good riddance to windows, i am adding myself to the developer community for linux now as have programmed from windows for ages now, now its time to make a contribution towards linux

5617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate to say this but the psp now is at an affordable price, so why isn't it selling better than the ds, its plain and simple, the ds is a handheld gadget aimed at a wider audience than the ps, its innovative control system makes it easy to use, so the ds will always sell more than the psp even tho the psp is better value for money and is a better handheld overall imo, and the same is true with the ps3 and wii, i am sure ps3 will never sell as much as the wii, even if it gets a big price red...

5624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why have i got a bad feeling about this game, is this another flop i smell??

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i heard they are gonna allow ps controller support so i think lots of ppl will hook up their psps to a tv or monitor and play using the ps controller yay

5630d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why oh why couldn't they leave this childish behavior in 2008, how many anti-ps3 articles have we seen since the new year started - 2 many if u ask me.
Anyway yes ps3 is more expensive to buy, but tho get a near experience on the xbox 360 you would actually end up paying close to the amount you pay for a ps3 because you would have to buy the following:
a xbox 360 premium 60gb package + selected games - £184.99 - £199.99
a hd-dvd external drive - £45

5630d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

ambientFLIER - leap years come every 4 years not six lol, but yes the next on is in 2012, and microsoft should not be so lazy it was worse than the milennium bug lol, that everyone thought was gonna kill computers, but it never happened lol..
when a software company can't be bothered to program something properly in the hope of every user upgrading before the next leap year one has to worry.Of course as usual Micro$oft only see's one thing $$, that's all they care about, why do you thin...

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually i found the gameplay very good, and loved it when i was shooting as a mantel trooper, i just found the acting so damm irritating now if i could mute them dumb acts when the take their medicine then i could quite easily bare this game, shooting wise it was great, story wise, help me i'm going maaaad...

5630d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RPG Guy FFX was good, but if you ask me Tidus was whay too much of a girly whimp to make this game more likeable than FFVIII, i think the story is very original for FFX but still i prefer FFVIII mad story, anyway i think alot of ppl still think that FF7 >> all FF's lol

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup FF8 2 me was more epic than FF7, but i do find it so hard to play on a screen bigger than 19", I suddenly notice all the imperfections, but hey its good quality for a ps1 game i know that much, i wish they would re-make this beast for the ps3, but they refuse to remake 7 never mind 8, maybe in another 10 years they will remake it lol, if only they'd never made ff:spirits within (even tho i love it) they would not have got into trouble and sony could have then give the money that save...

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yup nintendo can't come up with anything new and innovative game wise since the wii's launch so its now porting old gc games to the wii how sad. thats what nintendo do milk things more than anyone else, look at how long they have used mario and still have not come up with a new mascot, im glad i've got a ps3, coz they seem to be doing all the innovating game wise at the moment.
and if you try to compare sony with nintendo then consider this
PS1 - Crash bandicoot
PS2 - Jak...

5650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what the hell, tomb raider has much older game mechanics, i so prefer the graphics and game mechanics in uncharted, tomb raider sends me to sleep, anyways uncharted 2 looks sweet.

5650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol im wondering if ffxiii will give the 360 rrod within 30 mins of playing it, lol

5651d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

yup crisis core should be number one out of this list.

5657d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok everyone here is blowing everything out of proportion, yes i hate animal cruelty but this surely does not mean the kids deserve death or severe beating, i think that's a bit too harsh, but definitely they should be disciplined, if i ever messed up i remember getting a smack bottom from my dad, but i am grateful as i turned out to be a functional and respectful member of society, discipline for kids is good, trouble is either parents can't coz of the stupid law, or they simply don't care, i...

5657d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow thats a huge difference, but can they make it up in the next few weeks lol.
i still can't understand why everyone wants one, lemme think they bought it for their kids and ppl their are lots and lots of kids around...
i only bought one for my kids, they played it for a month and now it's gathering dust, it is a gimmick big time, and it's about time ninty made decent games for it, but they don't care they have the money and the last laugh, just shows how much they really care...

5657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment