
CRank: 5Score: 30880

well if m$ are jumping off the bandwagon early again to make another console then i am sure lost of 360 fans will be most upset, especially if they pull all support from it just like they did with the original xbox, honestly how many times doe m$ have to back stab you all before you realise that buying their products is a bad idea...

5374d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@fm81 open zone------>>>
lots of people sstill love ff8, because it was a masterpiece, and it's not sad to want to replay it as for your other comment, well yes the latest final fantasy may not be up to par story and character wise but by hell does it look nice (even tho it's been gimped)

5375d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@fm81 you forget mass effect 2 may be coming to the ps3 as well, as for gares 3 it will will like gears 2, with no many improvements made to it as a whole, yes it will sell, but this only proves that all xbox owners care for are shooters, i don't know about halo reach yet i just hope it is better than odst i hate rip-offs and halo odst is one of them. and gt5 will probably sell loads when it comes in march 2010, keep on dreaming that the 360 is better lol

5375d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think i may finally buy re5 now that it will support motion controls, i just hope the characters dont move around like tanks still

5375d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

oooh yes, i wonder how many month we have to wait before us europeans get it lol

5375d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason why so many copies were sold is because that's all xbox owners have at the moment(fps-wise because they love em), i mean just look at the choices we have we have unchated 2, demon souls, ninja gaiden and thats just a few, playstation users often have a wide-spread appreciation of games which is not just limited to fps games, which is why most playstation exclusives don't sell 2 million in one day

5375d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

oh yeah now that is what i call good news

5377d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

(just as a joke) i wonder if they were too busty playing on the beta while developing halo odst, maybe thats why halo odst sucks so much, because they was to busy worrying about their next uncharted fix lol

5377d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is the time where we all need to stand with sony, we should all help sue the bbc for their childish biased report, which was totally unnecessary. i hope lots of people are complianing to the BBC about this onebecause as you said not many electronics companies get targeted for howing such a low faluire rate as 0.5%, which if anything should be praised not judged upon, if every company was sued for this kind of thing, well just imagine how fast you would see how all the businesses die, the...

5378d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeh but the problem was they made it sound just as bad a srrod if that is not slander i don't know what is??

5380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah they are stupid people will find other places to buy pspgo if they want it that badly, retailers are only doing this because they are scared that eventually if it catches on they everyone else will copy and then there will be no place left for game retailers

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this so needs to happen i would play this game all over again just for trophies

5381d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^at least you didn't have to fork out for a new one, sheesh some people are really unhappy no matter what happens.
not many sony machines die before the warantee is up you are one seriously unlucky person

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually that is a good idea, remember what rediculous prices ppl paid for the wii when it was so short on supply during it's first release year, i might just make a gamble hehe

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@enjoy76 - when you trade in your games you may as well give them away for free because stores always give you a stupidly low amount for the game, an example is i traded in two recent games that i bought for my ps3, you want to know how much they gave me for the £15, yes that is right £15 what a rip off, meanwhile the games store will be lauging because they will re-sell each game for at least £25 each making a massive profit..

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now when my daughter who is nearly 8 wants one you know it is going to be huge, kids love eyepet

5382d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't think as much shovelware will be coming to the ps3, don't worry, you may be asking why, but it will be for one simple reason sony will not support bad developers and if they don't have their own cash for the developement then they will not be able to develop, this will insure less shovelware actually comes to the ps3.
I also think you are forgetting that fps are sweet using motion control, so its not all bad.
Plus justy imagine what sony can do themselves with this technol...

5382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not even i think edge would dare to give this a 5/10.. i can see them giving it an 8 just for being a ps3 exlusive tho
back to e3 not anyone could hate u2 it was that good not even xbox fanboys...
u2 is gonna be huge, ppl get ready to get put your wallets i have already made my commitment

5384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im sure the huge check that m$ wrote more than made up for their loses when they realeased this for the xbox 360, still it's funny because even after all of m$ trying to get ahead we still end up getting the superior version, and it makes the m$ userbase mad why?? because they feel cheated this is why stuff like this should never happen, they should let it be multiplatform from the start that way both sides get the same version an no-one feels cheated.
if m$ can't see that they are ruin...

5384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeh trust me no one will want it to red ring, unless they have become so attached to xboxes that's all they expect a console to do (just joking)

5385d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment