
CRank: 5Score: 30880

noo its not too late i think they have finally swung some developers in the psp's favor last time i heard

5385d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

chance are that sony did not know about this problem i mean it's not very big unlike rrod, they tend to strive for quality so i can't imagine them selling a faulty product, besides all the newer versions don't have this problem.
Oh and as for the update problem, i agree this can be a bad thing but thats why it tells you not to disrupt the ps3 while it is updating, i mean there are lots of warnings, if you get a power cut while updating i can undertand you being mad, but really most of i...

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^ uncharted 2 looks and has a better gameplay than all of those games you listed now stop talking rubish.
averyone knows that when doing a multiplatform it is built on a engine that is better suited to the xbox and pc's, but if a company put's alot of effort into the coding they can get both versions looking and performing the same.

5387d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Noo the YLOD must have grown somewhat for this to happen oh well it might get sony to do a better warranty so it's good for all i guess

5388d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

just remember this game is going to be bigger than the average game, so i am sure it will be more than worth it's cost, i think i better start saving because i got a feeling that the ps3 jap version will be the best before they bring it to europe and do many modifications all in the name of m$
i don't know how people can say this is down to the ps3 alone i mean not all games cost that much on ps3 the average game here in the uk goes for around £35-50 depending on the game, a good e...

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i bet they will try and spin this 500k of sales as a fail, i alreaddy heard some retards saying it's only because there has been a shortage for a while and all the ps3 selling are just people that have been waiting for more stock, how retarded is that??

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has been on vgchartz for ages but none the less we are all in awe of the great week the ps3 is having:) (that is the non-haters anyways)

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^ no really all the press and xbox fans have done since ps3 launched is bash it with flambait articles which were not always true, way to show your colours microsoft, i knew they were in the business of bullying companies out of competition, but really these kind of moves should be made illegal and m$ should be made to pay for what it has done, atleast we can all confidently say that sony never ever bashed any other console as badly as ms has done and it's not always aimed at the ps3, they a...

5392d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow what a great result for sony, all the hard work they have made is now starting to pull off, i just hope it keeeps on going on like this, then i will be one very happy person

5392d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

if ppl think heavy rain looks like a ps2 game, then they really are either blind or ignorant. if heavy rain were coming to the xbox all those fanboys would be all all it like kids with candy and they would be praising its high graphics, i am getting really fed up of all the delusional fanboys who think all xbox games have better graphic because microsoft says so.
anyway to the point the ps3 demo was superior i have seen it myself, it was going to be a masterpiece, but now, who knows... ...

5394d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

element x you do know that you will probablby spend alot more on batteries (unless they are rechargeable) by the time an internal battery runs out on a sony device, your logic is flawed hence all the disagrees.
my original battery for my psp 1000 is still fine and i have had it for ages

5400d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeh thats one hard promise to keep, what happens if demand is bigger than what is in stock lol (hehe will be funny if it happens)
either way i hope the ps3 sells loads it will finally shut up all these hate articles we keep on getting posted

5409d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh by the way if some one cries coz you dumped them it because you hurt their feelings, they are only pshyo if they keep on following you around everywhere and bugging u^^
I will say this xbox fans are so scared right now the only weapons they have are this at the moment seen as there are no real exclusives coming for their precious xbox, oh one halo reach and that's it meanwhile all us ps3 fans will be enjoying uncharted 2, r&c, demon souls, gt5(hopefully) ninja gaiden sigma 2, and...

5410d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes we all now can definately argue that the new ps3 is cheaper than the xbox 360 with all of its features,sony really have spoilt us all by making this great move now even more people will be able to afford to jump on the ps3 band wagon and trust me alot more ppl will definatley jump on ps3 now.
bas luck ms, thanks for trying but, sony was never gonna take all this abuse silently.
i just hope ppl realise now that ps3 is definately the best choice now.

5410d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^ thats just down to controller preference really you can't blame thee ps3 for the fact that the only controller your good at using is the xbox one (that is if you actually owned one at all lol)
lucky for me i can use both even tho i more or less started off with a ps1 gamepad.
The games are sweet and when it comes to movies well blu-ray is the best thing that has happened to the movie industry if you ask me.
oh and by the way you can leave that switch on at the back it doe...

5412d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you forget one thing the wii is in the affordabality of most people's wage's and its more reliable than an xbox360 and it has kiddy appeal, there really is not contest between the wii and the xbox 360 lol, once the price comes down i think you will find that ps3 sales will surge the Playstation brand is strong there has always has been a strong demand for it but the trouble is sometimes people cannot afford to pay for it so they don't and opt for one of the cheaper options.
the looks of...

5417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if they can be sued for this lol, and if so i hope Sony sue them big time for making such a low blow, all us LBP fans know that that song is definately more suited to LBP than the XBOX360, which may i add is not always free to connect unlike PSN and LBP.

5423d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is different because the japenese eat copies of MH for breakfast (well actually they but them buy it by the bucket load)
the MH fanbase don't care where it goes because they will follow it

5424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ooh yeh this one is definately on my radar it looks so fresh, i think they choose well going with SEGA, this will give them more creative freedom, way to go.

5426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am sorry but the jap ps3 demo did look better even in game than those screens - forget the whole cgi/in game comparison, yes the cgi still looked better, but i can definately say that the in game graphics has been downgraded alot of polygons have been taken out and shading and lightning effects, you xbox users may think you might be getting the better version but your not you will be getting the same crappy version as us ps3 users, besides it obvious its been downgraded as the xbox can hand...

5426d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment