
CRank: 5Score: 30880

yeh agreed we need trophies now konami you've sold 4.5 mil now its time to repay the fans and you will see even more jumping on board the mgs4 wagon. i am waiting till trophies come out for this game b4 i play ojn it again lool

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yup since now that the ps3 is officially making a profit per ps3 made (suspected) it won't be long now before the new chips are in then hopefully we shall all have a price cut by next christmas, i can see this working in ps3's favour when that ps2 10 year lifecycle is up at the end of the year.

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yup uncharted 2 update is cool. did you notice the jax and daxter poster in the background of the interview lool sweet, i'm now hoping for another jax and daxter i wanna see them on ps3

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh i think co-op would be sweet on uncharted 2, now just to find a really good partner, also it would be sweet if the girl (dunno her name lool) could do platforming just like drake as well that way you can be just as involved as the other player is.
And oh yeah if they do add in co-op then uncharted 2 >>>>> re5 loool

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

geez ps3 aint copying xbox360 they had the idea of providing hd downloads even before the stupid netflix got made and released, it just takes sony a bit longer to implement their ideas sometimes.

5605d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

oh dear this is graphically worse than some ps1 games lool

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh i died 3 times when trying to get used to the controls, but i will try alt2 and see if i do better, besides this time i will know the way to get them helgasts lool, so how on earth can they do worse than a girl gamer lol, and im bad at fps big time lool

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@nainainai:- yeh but if the se psp game your talkin bout is dissidia then it's a quality game, unlike some of the trash released on the 360, plus it has some of the most loved characters from the ff universe and not many of the whimpy girly new additions (only tidus but even he was bearable).plus the japs are mad about portable systems, all you have to do is look at the npd it makes sense that good games on the psp sell more than ps3 coz 1 they are cheaper and two they have a larger install b...

5606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What anout the xboox 360 arcade, you gotta feel sorry for the owners coz they have no hard-drive to install anything to, lol, anyways if you only keep the necessary game data for games you are actually playingg on you will always have enough space, although i can't complain coz i have a 60gb original ps3 lol.

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't still believe they gave it more than killzone 2, thats bad considering how the controls are awkward and the camera angle can be 2, they should have scored it lower if they can put down killzone 2 for no having co-op then they should put down re5 for having clunky controls and bad camera angles and for making the same thing but hd, oh well i will still buy it anyway coz i love the re franchise.
oh well i am happy killzone 2 scored what id did, and many other reviewers have given ...

5610d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its an ok list all i want is for them to re-release some of these gamnes on the wii, that would be nice, i loved donkey kong 64, that would be sweet to see on the wii.

5611d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeh ps3 has uncharted 2 and killzone 2, but don't forget we have WKC which yes did score low in japan but all the owners think it deserves more, the agency, dc universe, infamous, EyeIdentify, EyePet, Demon souls, Disgaea 3, Free realms(MMO).
Then we have some of the multiplatform titles like resident evil 5, street fighter iv, bionic commando, not to mention that star ocean TLR will be coming (not that anyone cares much), bayonetta, bioshock 2, beyond good and evil 2.
The multipl...

5611d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow that looks sweet, the psp is getting loads of cool gamers now

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hers my compilation (of the ones i have played on)
C64: Dizzy (the first one of course!!), The Great Escape
----big gap---------------------------
Sega Megadrive: Sonic 2
Sega CD32: Gloom
PSOne: FF8, Resident Evil 1\2 (i can't make my mind up lol), MGS
PS2: FF10, MGS2, Resident Evil 4
PS3(so far): LBP, Uncharted, MGS4, R&C TOD
Wii: Chocobos Dungeon (yes i'm weird), Mario galaxy, Zelda TP
XBOX360: Meh i only got 1 game for it so its unf...

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its a load of lies i aint had no problems, mine freezes occasionally when i'm browsing the internet, the only game i ever had an issue with was enchanted arms, that froze if you was downloading while playing the game, it was seriously scary coz it's the first time i had to hard reset my ps3, i say if a ps3 aint booting up right try another hdd first to see if files have been corrupted as this is more likely than the lens gettin burnt out, they get burnt out by usage, not by firmware, yes fir...

5614d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ tudors - oh yeeah the failure of the blu-ray drive which is less than 1%, we certainly have a lot to worry about there / sarcasm.
i'm betting more xbox 360 drives fal than ps3 blu-ray drives so don't even go there...

5614d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well if u ask me it's alot harder to control on the 360 pad, i remember re4 controls on the ps2 was ok and i managed to complete the game, so i will get this for the ps3 since i am better at controlling it via the dual-shock pad.

5614d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

is that guy in those pics a new character, why the afro hairdo?? that is usual for square to make a character like that i would prefer more of a barret type character over this, square are really losing it

5616d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow what an insulting article im pretty sure all my friends have no drug or alcohol problems whatsoever and they are all gamers, why on earth didn't they try running a survey on non-students, that way the real truth will be shown that actually us gamers are some of the most normal people around, we don't go killing, taking drugs or getting really drunk coz we are 2 busy hooked on games.

5617d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is how i would list my favourite SquarSoft/SequareEnix games
3. FFVII Crisis Core.
4. FFVI.
5. FFX.
And im not even gonna discuss FFIX or FFXII to me they are the most dissapointing jrpgs made apart from the awful additions recently made to the Xbox360

5617d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment