
CRank: 5Score: 25080

Yes how dare a Japanese game have shoes with a Japanese flag style on their characters. People need to chill the f*** out about telling developers how to make their games. If you're offended, ignore it or turn the GD game off.

2555d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was skeptical for those same reasons.. it's selling well enough now that I'll just sit on my hands and watch.

2561d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I didn't read it either, but agree that comparing these two products is far-fetched. At worst, Scorpio is an overpriced premium Xbox One with the same problem as the core console, a lack of exclusive games and an emphasis on 4K/HDR which are not common in the gaming space. It's an iterative update that puts pressure on the competition by increasing the amount of RAM and improving performance on 3rd party titles.

Dreamcast wasn't just an upgraded Genesis, it ...

2561d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't think the OP realizes that GTA5 still frequents the NPD top 10 several years after its release and has sold 80mil copies. Rockstar lives by their product quality, not pumping out decent games every year or 2 but rather making masterpiece games every 5-7 years. They'll be just fine, thank you.

2562d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree as well. This has been a growing topic and conversation which is good for the industry as a whole, but still entirely up to the developer how their characters are portrayed. If I buy a Japanese game, say from Team Ninja, I know how I can expect the female characters to look. Whereas if I buy Overwatch, you get a wider variety of characters physically. Or take Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy is a fit young woman who has a realistic body type for a character in her world.. that's no ...

2566d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like most of the comments here have covered the usual issues of VR hardware price and a small library and lack of a 'killer app'. If you look at sales numbers for gaming software, the industry is driven largely by FPS, sports, and platformers. These are genres that will struggle to transition to VR as the technology doesn't handle that kind of motion. From what I gather most games employ the 'teleport' mechanic to move you to set positions. So there's some te...

2566d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

To answer the question at hand... $499 is the max price to not alienate gamers. The base XB1 sold for that (albeit with Kinect) and sold well enough. Ideally it'll be $399 with a $449 larger HDD SKU. So really anywhere in the $399-499 range would be fine, anything above that will be a massive mistake.

2567d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, source bias aside there's some good points to be made. We have yet to see how the Sony exclusivity/marketing deal will affect Destiny on other platforms. It's likely that the PS4 Pro limitations (lack of 4k/60) will mean Scorpio won't be allowed to hit those marks either. And PC not having dedicated servers, along with the delayed content due to the exclusive deal means that platform gets a double-whammy.. good luck building a solid player base on any platform other than ...

2567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played it for a month or so, it was a good change of pace but even owning the season pass I haven't played it since then. I'm curious to see how a sequel sells.. that'll tell EA Massive exactly where fans stand and how successful the franchise is.

2569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully.. though Horizon tends to be the more casual entry, Motorsport is more akin to driving sim rules and seriousness. Forza 6 has the Porsche and NASCAR expansions which add new tracks and cars. Hot wheels is really the first DLC to really break the rules of it's core game.

2570d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it was a Gran Turismo DLC it'd be plastered on the hottest posts for weeks.

2570d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cross-play does favor PC, but it would also enable a much larger matchmaking pool. I'll use the original Titanfall as a point of reference. The PC version of Titanfall had to remove certain game types because there weren't enough players. Now if it was cross-play compatible with the Xbox version this wouldn't have been an issue.

Just have it be opt-in.. then if you get salty from PC players owning you, opt back out.

2570d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

First off, you're absolutely correct.. the fact one console paid for content over the other is nothing new. And Bungie's deal with Sony has certainly helped it to be the premiere console for Destiny. As an Xbox preferrer, I'm OK with the CoD exclusive window, and deals of that nature. Turnabout is fair play afterall.
What I don't like about the Bungie/Sony deal is this.. 1+ years of exclusivity. Exclusive items and strikes.. I get it. Business as usual. What is...

2570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very true. It's easy to look at sales numbers right after launch and say "look at how well it's doing!". New consoles always sell well.. it's about how well it can maintain that momentum. There'll be a similar jump in sales ones Mario comes out this fall, but it will be interesting to see how it sells in the months between and after that.

2575d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rockstar has nothing to fear from an annualized sequel-factory like Ubisoft. Between RDR2 and Wild West: Online, Far Cry 5 had best steer clear of the western genre or pay with poor sales and franchise damage/fatigue.

2575d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly.. even Phil Spencer acknowledges that Scorpio is a premium product for a small market. The Xbox One S is the mass-market product that people who don't have plans to get a 4k TV should buy, Scorpio is just the shiny upgrade for those who want something faster.

2575d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

What a customer decides to buy is always up to them. That said, the Scorpio is a premium offering for those who want more than the base model. The general consensus is that a 'core' gamer is someone who plays games occasionally and/or buys only a handful of games. So the base model Xbox One and the Xbox One S are the products targeting core gamers. Hardcore gamers want modest performance boosts, 4K resolution and HDR for a higher price.

2581d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bingo.. that and franchise fatigue. I essentially stay up on weekends after kids go to sleep to play a couple hours, so your statement on limited time rings true here as well. Needless to say, Horizon Zero Dawn is taking some time to get through.

Also I have a group I play CoD with, and we have a mantra when someone gripes about the game.. we say "it'll be worse next year". And that's been pretty true for some time now.. between getting older and the fe...

2584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's a strong anti-CoD contingent out there that seem to whine regardless. If it's not the setting, it'll be mechanics, killstreaks, spawn traps, DLC/season pass, realism, nerf/buff an item or perk. Then it'll be the top selling game of the year despite releasing in November.

2587d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'll sell well enough considering the lack of games, and loyal fans looking to add to their library for their new shiny console.

2587d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment