
CRank: 5Score: 25080

Just keep your expectations in check, Bungie is exceptionally good at over-promising and under-delivering. People wanted raid matchmaking? We'll do 'guided raids'. People wanted changes to Crucible? We'll make it 4v4.

Wait for reviews, or Gamefly it and see if it's your cup of tea. You'll thank me later.

2513d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly this.. I'd suggest waiting until it releases and read the reviews. And now that crucible matches are 4 player per team, and I always mention the Playstation exclusivity deal that withholds the best items from Xbox/PC.. it's a pass for me, thanks. (Rise of Iron content for Playstation remains exclusive until after Destiny 2 launches.. expect that kind of crap in Destiny 2)

2523d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This. Another Hero shooter.. yay....

2524d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe don't make your first game be a hero shooter.. no shortage of AAA options in the genre.

2526d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
2540d ago Show

Wow reply that basically sums up this website.

2540d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The retail price is $40 USD.. so unless this is an international post the $70 price is wrong. Even if you buy the $15 map pack you're still looking at $55. That said, the DLC pricing is a greedy cash grab, and I'm not sure MW2 warrants a remaster.. but it's Activision so I'm sure they'll do it to milk the dollars out of us.

2542d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The article says "who has limited data caps these days".. here's an answer. Literally everyone who has Comcast which is a considerably large portion of the broadband customer market (Comcast and Time Warner own most of the cable internet business). Comcast implemented a 1TB data cap last fall/winter, and charges for blocks of usage after that. When Centurylink was trying to sell me on their slower but more affordable internet, I found their monthly data allowance was 600GB. ...

2542d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

20% is quite a bit different than "we just signed a deal".. 20% means an engine is in place and development is underway. Whereas an exclusive deal doesn't have a title, engine, release window, etc.

2551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I figure it was an attempt to quiet the masses that were asking for it, but ultimately just resulted in people asking WHEN it is coming instead of IF. Big fan of the original though, so hopefully they don't tarnish the legacy by trying to cash in on the nostalgia.

2553d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for Sony's presentation next year, can hear all about God of War, Spider Man, Death Stranding, Detroit, Shadow of the Colossus! (feel free to copy/paste this post for the next 2-3 years)

2553d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

Yep Sony's replay of last year's E3 was sure incredible, can't wait to see what they announce for THIS year?

Oh, the exact same stuff.


2554d ago 8 agree32 disagreeView comment

Thats funny, on my Xbox it'll be running at 0 FPS and take up 0 GB of hard drive space. It'll also cost me $0 as I don't pay for less content for 1+ years after Playstation gets it.

2554d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
2554d ago Show

VR as a whole has hurdles to overcome before it has a chance at mainstream adoption. The cost of VR hardware is not particularly cheap, so again you're looking at $1000 for the console and hardware. Then there's the cabling.. until the technology advances to a point it can be wireless, otherwise Microsoft sees it as a PC device. And VR has to find a way to work with the most popular gaming genres like FPS, action/adventures.. right now VR titles are limited to 'experiences'...

2554d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony: Backwards Compatibility is pointless, nobody wants to play old games.
Also Sony: Re-re-release of Shadow of the Colossus!!!

2555d ago 13 agree92 disagreeView comment

He says in his post that it isn't really cheating so calm down people. There's a few reasons Sony has done a better job at their conferences than Microsoft. First they do a better job of showing upcoming games along with projects/games further out. They could be more honest about the long-term projects.. showing Death Stranding, Spider Man, Last of Us 2, God of War is great presentation fodder but I would expect only one of those to release this year. That leads into my second poi...

2558d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Historically, Far Cry has based their games on controversial and political themes, only to walk back into traditional gaming tropes and never really say anything one way or another. I would expect the same here, it'll be a religious cult based in Montana with some hints of extreme'ism, only to avoid offending anyone and take a basic "interpret it how you want" approach.

2558d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've heard that the PSVR box doesn't passthrough HDR. And the fact they opted to not upgrade the optical drive to a 4K UHD Blu-ray drive is also surprising considering they were the original console to support Blu-ray. It's a nitpick, but to make a box that can output 4K HDR but not give it a drive that supports that same media seems ill-advised. Have they not made enough money on PS4 to spend a little coin and match the Xbox One S optical drive?

2561d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Part of the lack of popularity on Xbox is the titles that have been made available (that and needing to have the disc in to play). There's been a couple quality additions recently, but prior to Black Ops 2 and Bioshock it was very lackluster. And unless EVERY game comes to backwards compatibility, there's always going to be someone who keeps their old system to play specific games. Take Burnout 3: Takedown for instance.. it's never coming back, and it's not available on Ste...

2561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment