
CRank: 5Score: 25080

How do criticisms of a product that isn't even released yet affect the prospects of a PS2 classic exactly? Sales figures will determine if they do a follow-up more than blogs and tweets.

Their complaints about the games list on the classic is valid, I cancelled my pre-order as soon as I saw the list of games... most of which I've never heard of, and the few I like I already own.

2037d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pro tip: Even if you do plan on buying "Destiny 3: The quest for more money", just wait til the expansion that is the equivalent of D1's The Taken King and D2's Forsaken... and buy the version that bundles everything for $40.

You're welcome.

2051d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know the opinions I've heard from press who've been hands-on with the demo seemed to enjoy it. Like all RPG/FPS/MMO hybrids, it's going to depend on how enjoyable, replayable it is and what the end game looks like. But any game that makes you feel like Iron Man is going to do well short-term, they just need to support it with new content and not get too greedy and hopefully it'll have some legs.

2146d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Think we'll find out when CoD and Battlefield try their versions this fall. The market hasn't been friendly to the newest Battle Royale games, so if CoD/BF can't pull it off, it'll probably be written off as a flash-in-the-pan fad.

2153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He (and his ego) walked away from a cushy lead job at Epic to prove he could do it all, better, and with less staff! Only he he can't.. he can only borrow other ideas, show up late to saturated genres and ultimately lose all semblance of relevance in his quest for glory.

2246d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hah nice, 0.5 out of 10.. literally never seen a decimal review score. Almost want to buy it on principle.

2273d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would hardly call the story 'gripping', but it is an excellent game!

2273d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
2310d ago Show

No. Simply put, people like the convenience of turning on a console and playing games without dealing with hardware upgrades, OS updates, compatibility issues, drivers, etc. PC gaming isn't astrophysics and neither is upgrading hardware to meet the growing demands of PC games. But try buying a good graphics card today.. you'll spend more buying a decent to good video card than you would for an Xbox One X or PS4 pro. That's not even counting the rest of the PC parts you'd n...

2310d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't get to play it much due to time constraints, and the one time I did log on my matchmade crew had already taken off with the ship. 2 things I've heard that do concern me though is: No real progression, treasure is simply cosmetic loot. And there's no safe spaces, which I suppose could make it more 'pirate-like' but if i'm not safe in a town to turn in treasure chests, that's gonna be a problem for many if they're getting killed and looted literally rig...

2314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say the overall length of the game made people feel ripped off at the $60 price point. But had they released it at say $40, I think the response would've been about the same. The problem is so few games try to begin and end a story arc, because seemingly every new IP is trying to launch a trilogy. And you could get that feeling with this game as well, it wasn't trying to be a single-player game withthe intention of having a great story, it was trying to launch a franchise a...

2318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You lost him at "think"

2367d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Probably the dumbest comment I'll read today. Look, PS4 is massively outselling Xbox.. I get it, you get it, we all get it. Xbox has still sold what, 40mil consoles? Hardly a non-existent audience. Nobody is abandoning the Xbox, the PS4 is just winning this generation as far as sales, mostly due to it's superior first-party lineup.

But many people like myself own both.. and for the sake of the industry as a whole, I hope both continue to do well. Is that so h...

2367d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ultimate teams have always revolved around card packs, so this isn't news. Neither is EA pushing microtransactions at this point. I didn't buy Battlefront 2, and I won't buy UFC 3.. I'll wait and either Gamefly it or wait for them to be on EA access or a hell of a sale.
Historically I've never played the Ultimate team modes in Madden, and it's an easily-avoided game mode so this could be another case of making this a bigger issue than it really is. But I ...

2378d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Admittedly that was probably the worst one you could've come back and played. I'm an annual purchaser, and even within my clan we essentially expect that each year's CoD will be worse than the last. And while we don't hate WWII yet, we've been spot-on ever since Ghosts.

2388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And there's countless quotes from Phil Spencer saying they don't expect it to be all market conquering.. they say most gamers just need the S, the X is a premium product for those who want 4K and a more powerful console.

2407d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of us bought the Xbox One on day 1 for this same price.. and for a considerably more powerful console I'll gladly pay it again. You're right though, it really could've used a premium launch title to really show off its power.. hopefully this year has some solid exclusives. Sea of Thieves or Crackdown 3 can't come out soon enough..

2407d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was going to say essentially this, it's probably a godsend for those with big hands.. like, really big hands.

2415d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Same.. while I'm sure that leaving behind last gen consoles will help them push graphics forward, they're still going to rely on the same gameplay and design 'hooks' (meaning RNG) to keep people playing. A level 20 cap that will definitely be raised for each expansion, locking down existing content and requiring players to buy the DLC to have access to the full strikes/crucible playlists.. new look, same game.

2464d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was kind of bummed that I didn't get the email from Amazon, not that I would've made it in time to order one. But I subscribed to be notified by email and never got that. Bought one from Best buy anyhow, just a heads up about the email alerts.. never got one for a NES classic either.

2479d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment