
CRank: 5Score: 16680

Still it's pointless, because Halo has a MUCH bigger following, Killzone doesn't have the following.

I just can't stand when people compare apples to oranges, it's a matter of preference nothing more.


PS - I suppose Goldeneye was chicken scratch.../shrugs

6190d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here it comes CONSUMERS demand, Sony delivers!

This is the Sony we all know and love!



Suppose that the firmware 1.8(upscaling) wasn't demanded by consumers, more games weren't demand by gamers, rumble in the controller wasn't demanded by consumers, getting more exclusives(Haze, rumored Capcom and Konami exclusives)

This is the Sony from the PSone and PS2 era not E3 2005 to PS3 launch Sony, times are chang...

6190d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wish people would just let well enough ALONE!

WHY must we(gaming industry) keep comparing this franchise to HALO?

Killzone is a different breed of FPS, let it GO!


6190d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Didn't Bill Gates clearly state Halo 3 would ship along side the PS3, that was funny when he stated that but still...don't even bring the PS3 into the picture, ALL GAMES get delays, even Half-Life 2

BTW this was not intended to be a reply to calderra

6190d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's the most absurd thing to EVER say!

"Don't PLAY your X360 because it MIGHT break!" That's like saying don't DRIVE your car it MIGHT break! It's made to play games on regardless if it's a lot or a little.

Just because it's used as intended doesn't give the excuse it should break down, you're exactly the reason why PS3 fanboys react to X360 fanboys in the ways they do.


OT - I hope that's not even remotely true, beca...

6191d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Unfortunely due to nature of the content in RFOM the game could never be officially bundled with the PS3, it's because the younger general public can't purchase a PS3 since the 17+ rated game would be included.


6191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

trying to jusify that your system is capable of handling this game, even if it could handle the graphics, it will be on multiple disc like it or not.

I would have to agree with the IGN PS3 Podcast, I think that it's an 80%(stays exclusive) 20%(ports to X360)

Sony doesn't want to let go of this franchise that got reinvigorated on the Playstation brand.


6191d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo is just ONE game...

"I have a great deal of respect for Halo, I think it's a great piece of software, but it's one title, I think that it's very dangerous to build an entire brand personality or platform around a single title. At PlayStation what we have done successfully... is to create tremendously varied entertainment opportunities on our platforms that cover a lot of different bases, a lot of different game styles and as a result grow the market for a lot of diffe...

6191d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

agree with this, MS is always trying to dance around stuff, "Ya know, things break!" they act like the buyers are stupid to shovel they dish them.

Come to think of it the most part they are right about that, people just keep replacing their consoles over, over, and over again, sad really.


6191d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Too many putting faith on the success of PS3 is sorely laid on Killzone!

Can you say absolute denial that Sony can't have other successful franchises?

Killzone is just one game in the IMMENSE line-up scheduled to come out.

Believe me that this game will not make or break Sony's console line-up because there is still TONS of games that show more promise and we know that they're coming THIS year.


6191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IT'S FREAKING PEER to PEER online gaming!!!


"Another thing that is totally unfair for paid subscribers is that paid content costs the same for Silver and Gold users."

"If we are paying a monthly fee for Xbox Live, the least we deserve is to have dedicated download servers similar to those offered by FilePlanet&quo...

6191d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

The trailer was shown at E3 2005, still goes to show you how much the "general" public really knows about the gaming industry


6191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You seen in game graphics ONLY through the beta, we still have no confirmation that the FIRST Halo 3 trailer was actually gameplay and not just prerendered footage.

Unless you mean to tell me that you have seen special footage no one else has seen.

Single player has not been shown and that is the whole point of my post, we don't know what it will look like.

6192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well see when you release a trailer like they did a E3 06 and then beta becomes graphically inferior to that trailer, you have people complain. The developers said that the trailer was all in-game graphics yet the beta was a far cry from it.

The bar was set when that trailer was released, just like Sony with Killzone, Motorstorm, etc...

We still don't if Killzone will ever live up to that E3 05 trailer

That's just my 2 cents

6192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Another attempt to bash the PS3, tell you guys what, it's not "cool" anymore

Didn't laugh once because the SONG was retarded plain and simple

Systems hardly EVER have TONS of games within the first year.

If don't believe that then you:

A) Must be between the ages of 12-16 years old
B) Blinded by MS hype that you would believe they'd die for you
C) Just plain ignorant to gaming in general ...

6193d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I believe that is what this update is referring to when "adding" those PSone titles.

This is much better than last weeks and let's up it is a sign of things to come in the next few weeks leading up to E3.


6195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's try this again.

360=Terrible Hardware, DECENT software
PS3=Great Hardware, LACK of software


6195d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am also scared that 3rd parties will dilute the market with half-arsed titles that get reproduce like rabbits.

Here's to hoping that Nintendo doesn't expand the market to the extreme that it starts effecting us gamers that like full-fledged games.


6195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"they'll be so far from MS & Nintendo that there won't be a thought of a comeback."

Thanks for "professional" information, because YOU of all people know where the industry will be in about 5 years.

"Heck, even the Zune is raking in more sales than Sony's 'iPod-killers'!"

Zune is a joke! MS knows it, it's obvious you don't understand it, yet.

"All Sony has are their too expensive Bravia TVs...wh...

6196d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hope everyone is ready to start seeing the TRUE side of MS soon, because this is evidence that it's coming!

I really hope MS eats a turd and DIES!


Another reason I won't and don't own anything MS except this CRAPTASIC keyboard, not even XP or Vista, MS will give them to me!

6196d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment