
CRank: 5Score: 16680

maybe in the future for this title, "sixaxis"

Leaves many to ponder....


6180d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still one of the worse selling fighters out there compared to Tekken and Soul Calibur

Still would rather play on an reliable system.


6180d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony started from SCRATCH and didn't initially want in the business to begin with...but Ken helped change their minds.

Folks SONY made this industry as big as it is today whether you admit it or not the TWO MOST successful WORLDWIDE consoles EVER is the PSone and PS2, they have every right to say what was said.

This gen is NOT over...Sony hasn't lost ANYTHING!

I swear, MS strolls in the scene and you ACT like they are a GODSEND to the biz when in f...

6183d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

I rather enjoy getting MOST of the content off the websites however I don't think Sony is going to be idle when it comes to demos, yet they can prove me wrong.


Well...No cable or satellite, so that's out...allows me more time and money towards other hobbies

Why do people just come into this article and just start disagreeing with people stating an obivous opinion, do they really have nothing better to do in life?

6183d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really excited for the outlook of this should be a day one for me to say the least.


6183d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When he states that it is coming "very" soon does he mean on the PS Store around E3?

This game should take the world by very interesting to see what the critics review this for.


OT - Welcome back, deep!

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Since it's getting difficult to make software availability a differentiating factor, superior marketing and pricing strategy will be the key for Sony."

Because you "KNOW" how to have a successful console, right?


Sony doesn't need advice from a failed company that couldn't provide us with a console business structure to last.


PS - Bitter Sega fan from the Dreamcast

PSS - No ...

6184d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

While this fantastic "news", we will still not be seeing these until late 2008(hopefully) which means people still complaining about the "lack of games" on the PS3.

Hopefully they can get these finalized and delivered so that Japan picks up some interest in the system.

Personally I'm beginning to think that the Wii is just a fill-in for the PS3 before the big games hit then it could change dramatically for the Wii if PS3 picks up momentum. <...

6184d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

was more about the sucesses of the Playstation brand yet spun into something else...good job


6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Folks I have seen and played Forza 2 and that "damage" is pathetic, scrapes and bent hood isn't the kind of damage that excites me, you want damage play Burnout.(Don't believe me look at my gamertag in my profile) I have friend that plays it.

These are racing sims not "be the most realistic in damage" racing sims because no one would play them.

"Delaying" the game is perfectly fine because they NEVER promised it this year or even clo...

6184d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's not a broken design(no need to fix it) and I am ONE of MANY that very much dislike the X360's controller


@bladestar - Yes. "Rumble" is very last-gen but "Touchsense" isn't and that is what we will be getting! Enjoy your last-gen unreliable tech called X360, it won't last! Just like Xbox it will be dumped for the next thing MS wants to feed you.

6186d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony is not going to devote time and money if the devs REFUSE to start on PS3 first then port the X360.

That's the problem is devs will start all of their products on the X360 but not the PS3...they will lose in the long run.

Maybe MS is waving the royalty fee for developing it on the X360 first since MS knows that is weakness to the PS3.

Food for thought, think about it.

@10 - I don't care what they say, the obivously are not doing ...

6187d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Call off the production of the PS3!
The GTA VI sales aren't up to snuff against the Xbox 3"fixme"

Imbecile Xbots will try to press news of anything in light of all the GREAT news that the PS3 has been getting.


6187d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does the baby need a bottle?
Does the baby need a bandaid for his X3"fixme" to work again?
Does the baby need some money to get a PS3 because he can't play his Xbox 3"fixme"?

The ONLY system that continues to "FAIL" is the Xbox 3"fixme" over, over, over, over, and over again.

Down to one bubble Xbots so the gauntlets are OFF!


6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great news for everyone!


6188d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@original seed

First and foremost, yes that was your opinion but you didn't state any games...sorry but hand full of FPSs/TPSs doesn't make selections great.

It does make them saturated with action titles specifically and not much room for variety.


Sony's 5.5 million is as accurate as MS's 10 million because both companies stated SHIPPED to store numbers they can't and/or won't post what has actually been sold.

6188d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

This game is looking fantastic!

Sorry but if you HONESTLY believe that every last single trailer that MS has released for Halo 3 and especially Gears of War doesn't have any sort of CGI you are a FREAKING IMBECILE, period!

If you weren't so blind maybe you would realize that most companies use SOME CGI in their trailers.

I didn't see anyone complain about CGI when Square used it for their Final Fantasy trailers/commericals but when Sony uses it, it...

6189d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Awake the sleeping DRAGON on the gaming industry AGAIN!


6190d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just makes you more excited to be an owner because that $600 investment is out of the way?

I firmly believe that Sony is going into E3 with the humbleness and apologetically style giving us a "what we(gamers) want presentation".


6190d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment sorry you feel ripped off...NOT

Sony was in legitgations, weather you agree or disagree they couldn't do anything, so they delay the PS3?...screw you from wanting to keep the PS3 from millions of gamers and how you feel about being ripped off you are just ONE person

Self-centered people really irk me!

This is great news because it is showing us(PS3 owners) that Sony is listening regardless if these fools like calderra or Der Fuhrer agree o...

6190d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment