What the crap is N4G status? Eff this crap.


CRank: 5Score: 73040

Remember Xenosaga? How you could technically destroy various things in the world as you approached it..will they go this route? I need more info dammit! TGS needs to hurry up.

5092d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care if its basically lying to me with the promise of playing something before alot of other people just so they can cheaply have people beta test and give them feedback; shoot im helping them make the end product BETTER (if they listen that is)

All I care about is playing this game one way or another. If it's an early and horrible build version, fine. If that helps it to be the beauty I know it can be, even better.

This beta will be mine.

5093d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea for real. This still has some time before release right? It still looks like it could be polished to the sheen that most ps3 exclusives are known for. Considering its Jaffe and I KNOW he'll have support from many at Santa Monica and ND, he can make this game look muuch better. Not to say that it looks bad now, far from it, but I want to see the cracks in Sweet Tooths mask as I blast a rocket towards his face.

5099d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nuff' said.

5099d ago 24 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where did you see $99 Arcades and such?

Last I checked, it was $149 Arcades, $249 Elites and $299 Slims.

"In the wake off the formal announcement of the '360 slim', Microsoft have also commented that they will be slashing the prices of the older model 360's.

The 360 Elites will now be $249 USD, whilst the Arcade will be $149 USD. The 360 slim will be $299 USD, the former price of the Elite model."

5099d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

crapgamer is that. a crap gamer.

He's been so hyped for this and just wont see otherwise. now he resorts to private messages. Awesome.

5100d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they simulated Denmark scoring a goal FOR Netherlands at the start of the second half...big blunder there.

5100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol..Gaf is awesome. From what Ive been following from a couple of live blogs, not necessarily too exciting although the star wars game was pretty cool. can't wait to see vids.

5101d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yea, if the pricing is in fact 50 dollars. It could very well be 30 dollars like the PSEYE is. One thing that is an advantage about this, as I've stated above, is that for the people who don't plan on playing with 3 other people, they can just buy 2. Or there are people who just want to try out the Move or play with it themselves, then that's only 30-50 dollars. It's like controllers. From a consumers point of view, its more logical to buy 2 controllers if you only plan on hav...

5101d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea the bundle is supposed to be under 100 dollars, and include a camera, a game pack, and the Move controller. Granted no one knows what the standalone product will be. If you have an official link Montr id like to see it, but as I can tell:

A PSEYE costs between $30-40 (from amazon and other retailers)
So the move would be between 50-70 (if they include the packaged game as $10 MSRP)

But then again, where as with 3 or 4 friends it'd be around th...

5101d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"And announcements of about the most anticipated games of the decade *cough gt5 cough*"

LOL..GT5 looks to be releasing very soon. First Kevin Butler and now the actual website.

5102d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally believe that UC2 is an amazing game as well and would love it to have sold a crapton of millions, more than the millions it already has, but I also know that not everyone will enjoy the same game I do, and if there are a variety of other games available at or around the same time as UC2's release, then people will purchase whatever suits their tastes, not what someone else thinks is absolutely amazing.

The argument that just because a game is amazing to a gro...

5107d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

that was awesome.

5107d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This was written LAST YEAR
"Metal Gear Solid Rising: 6 Things to Expect from the Game
by Patrick Shaw June 11, 2009 00:00 AM PST"

...what is wrong with N4G...besides the obvious.

5107d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There theories seem to be making quite abit of sense. these guys really went into try and decipher this image and with plausible results to boot! Color me excited.

5111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

did he take the helghan helmet and put it on? Does this mean while we're in hostile territory, we'll have to act as if we're helghan and blend in?...oooo I am AMPED! Can't wait to see what happens nxt. Good song too for the teaser.

5111d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy Jeebus Cakes!

I didn't think of that...3D porn...mm...

5114d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

You...sick son of a gun. but dammit if im not excited as hell! Let's go Media.Vision!

5120d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game was one of my favorites!! Back when Squaresoft knocked out quality titles back to back to back. Ah man...good game.

5135d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You should read the bungie forums. They are going crazy over there. My favorite post so far:

Xpro 360 Live | Exalted Member

| more groups |
I'm so disappointed Bungie

Bungie is my Xbox logo

Bungie is my favorite dev

Bungie means Xbox and Xbox live


I dont want multi plat Bungie games

I just wanna die


04.29.2010 7:21 AM PDT ...

5146d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment