What the crap is N4G status? Eff this crap.


CRank: 5Score: 73040


"Touch your body and she'll touch hers!"

The game practically markets itself.

Aww, looks like it really isn't for Kinect or Move..but rather it's an actual peripheral you buy and F*@# the S%*# out of.

.....sad face.

4982d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You mean all 2 of them?

4982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I should probably play this then. I have it installed on my xmb, but i haven't touched it yet.

4982d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess they considered it a success...because they considered places outside of the US? And that it didn't even release in it's home country yet?

300k (If patcher is to be believed for his estimate) is abit lower than one would expect from the US, but in the same time frame roughly, 1.5 million was sold in another part of the world. Maybe not 2million launch day, but 2 million for 2/3 of the market is by no means a failure. Whether or not Japan has much impact is yet...

4982d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

The article makes a couple of good points. I havent played any Mass Effect so I don't know what the explosive introduction that occurs in part 2 is. But I also don't know whether or not PS3 players are being short-changed because quite frankly, NO ONE knows what the "Up-to-speed" module will be for them. No one except Bioware. And considering the amount of praise Bioware has received for their ability to craft a story, it shouldn't be too hard for them to adequately brin...

4982d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yea?...i had no indication of such things. Can you link me to that? Or perhaps tell me where you can buy "pulledfrommyass" newspapers nowadays?

4983d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

I forgot about that campaign! To be perfectly honest, I was curious as to how many KB Move commercials we would see leading into the holidays.

It makes sense to have him out now in the first month or so of it's release. He's become a pr icon to say the least and people are familiar with him. However, you can't see his face every month with the same commercials either. Thanks for reminding me about the coca cola campaign they have in store.

4983d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is actually very good. We had "numbers" from VGcharts regarding US but nothing about Europe and Japan hasn't seen the Move launch yet either. That's around 2 million combining Europe and US. Nice job. More software is the key now that it's in the households tho.

4983d ago 23 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everyone loves a good drama

4983d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is possible to navigate the XMB with just the move controller. Hold down the T button in the back and just move the Move around as you would your hand. You don't need an PSEYE turned on for navigating the XMB as well which is freaky cool.

As for playing with the navigation controller, I've played 2 games with it. I have MAG so I played around with the Move and Navigation for awhile. For that I had to tweak certain settings within the game to match what felt right f...

4990d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"My favorite, which has not been made into a game yet -- but I am sure will be soon -- you have to reproduce somebody's pose in 3D. Everybody makes an idiot of themselves, it's fantastic."

That's not the statement you want to make. I want to hear more about those other prototypes though. If you have 100 or so in house Ubisoft, give us some more examples! Maybe a medical game that scans your body and places all the organs in it to help people study.

4992d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It's the best of both worlds," he said. "It can do more specific actions that the other two can't, which will allow us to do games in other genres such as fighting games [and role-playing games] that we're not seeing across other devices."

This is what has me interested the most. I already know how precise the move is (it really is surreal how crazy it follows even the slightest twitch) but I wanna see it in multiple genres. Now that Move is b...

4992d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I learned how to curse while playing this game. What I thought to be the made-up language of my childhood turned out to be the inner rage all gamers possess, and as such I was able to summon foul words from the pool of profanity.

Fffffuuuuuuuuuu----- this game.

4993d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was inevitable. There was little news for quite some time now and for an ambitious MMO that had the interest of many comic book and DC fans, it made no sense to go silent a few months before the release. I think alot of people expected this, especially with no Beta being announced. But I'm glad to see that it's not scrapped, a beta is incoming, and hopefully it's in good enough shape to play test and with enough feedback, balance and tweak any issue.

2011 howev...

4993d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Letz Risk It
gamertag: Letz Risk It

i take poops with more entertainment then this game

_____________________________ ______________
LMAOOOOOOOO, That was the funniest I read so far. Amazing.

I also love how much sales talk they're doing bringing in Black Ops and what have you.

4995d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

It isn't bad at all. Ive seen more Move adverts on TV than I have for some of their other big titles which shows they're really pushing behind it. As word of mouth spreads, it could showcase some very positive sales for the first 30 days. Still, word of mouth and advertisements isn't enough for many folks. A solid display of GOOD titles is also necessary. Some customers will buy now knowing what games lie ahead (I want Sorcery like never before as well as KZ3) but for those still ...

4997d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed the first beta before MAG released immensely, but didn't want to commit to 60 bucks for essentially an online-only FPS with MMO attributes (Socom:Confrontation while good, was nowhere near as good as previous Socoms, even if it wasnt made by Zipper)

30 bucks is the right price now and the patch looks like it's essentially a brand new game! Word from a friend who was in the 2.0 Beta says it's amazing and the Move support is incredible. 30 bucks+My Move = ...

4997d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? Well name some. The PSN import store will be having a few games, but if you think some SRPGs are even better than FFT, I'd love to keep a lookout for them.

4998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well War of the Lions is the remake/port of the original Final Fantasy Tactics that was on the PS1. I believe it's on the PSN store as well. They added a few things to War of the Lions but they also took out the Duplicating Trick. You know how AWESOME it was to have more than one Excalibur in my inventory? Enemies had no chance!

4998d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd prefer more Final Fantasy Tactics in the vein of the original, with a dark story filled with backstabbing, loyalty, and honor. Not so much the Advance Series which took a huge nose-dive in terms of compelling story-telling.

4998d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment