What the crap is N4G status? Eff this crap.


CRank: 5Score: 73040

How many Anons there are. /b/tards unite.

Never forgive. Never forget.

5006d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe it was taken out of context, but for a site like lesbiangamer, inflammatory remarks is something they frown on harshly.

Still, not sure if its really N4G article worthy..given the amount of stuff on this site tho, maybe it is.

-For those that didnt read the article. There was a tattoo that stated as such, and Cliffy liked it-

5009d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This was posted already and shown to be made by someone outside of Sony/unofficial/fanmade. Looks like whoever they are, they like the Move.

5009d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

iPad even at its ridiculous pricepoint sold like gangbusters. Come on Kudo. Lets be real.

Edit- This is my favorite part:

"The Xbox 360 is already selling better than the Wii and Sony right now. Kinect's really just going to boost that to a whole new level."

Wha? Are we talking worldwide, or...aah whatever, we know ur just talking US.

5011d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment


That was great. I'm gonna bub u up just for that.

5011d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was a pretty good article. It's really mostly about Valve and what they are about and offer and the possibilities of the future. Nice article.

5012d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

A look at Dante's shattered heart and misunderstood soul. Coming 2011.

5012d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was one on the DS...but it isn't very good. In fact, it's by far my least favorite Suikoden game....and I freaking love the series.

5013d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

U never have problems finding games right now. I stopped playing for awhile and was amazed to see that finding a game took no more than 20 seconds. This goes for deathmatch, co-cop, and even the mission type matches (elimination, plunder, etc)

I also found that I was enjoying it alot more than MW2.

5013d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's all about trying to understand a company who has done quite a few things that differs from it's illustrious past.

And no, they still have to spend money on this. They'll have to add the japanese dialogue from the PS3 version, make sure the audio synchs up correctly and compresses properly as well as print those discs, the casing, possibly market it again, etc. Why do you think its coming out in December and not tomorrow? It's not so easy, and its still mo...

5021d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wada is a moron. And that's not based off of your reasoning. I just think he's a moron completely.

I don't expect this to sell well at all. Maybe 25-75k? But that doesn't help MS because it lets more Japanese Devs see that not even the almighty Final Fantasy (as crap as 13 was to some people) can sell well on the platform in the land of the rising sun. If SE wants to pander to MS, create a joint game. But be upfront about your actions. Don't make a game th...

5021d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because you REALLY have to wonder...Why? We're talking a major difference in platform favoritism in Japan. When 360 RPGs get ported over the PS3 in Japan, they sell reasonably well because more people have/prefer the PS3 over the 360 there. It;s not the same thing reversed SE.

I'm...just flabbergasted.

5021d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

I see what you mean No Way. But multiplayer is all about deathmatch without really having any story to back up why you're killing each other besides reaching the score limit or carrying enough flags somewhere.

If we're talking about the single player aspect however, then you have the developers creating a story, letting you control another countries soldier on his mission to kill americans. It makes them real in a sense and americans aren't ready for that.

5023d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're only able to access Hard mode after completing the game 100%? Is there collectibles or something that you need to do outside of beating the game to get 100%? I can understand beating the game once unlocks a harder mode. But if 100% means getting everything and doing everything which includes secret areas/collectibles, then that's not very accessible.

I'd love to know for sure tho.

5023d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

F@#K YEA!!!

But really it is cuz of that. The prideful nature makes it ok to shoot virtual enemies from various other countries, even countries where the foreign relationship is currently weak. It reminds us that we're big and strong. But to present one where we play as the "enemy" and shoot some red white and blue guys till they lose the white and blue part is a no-no. I want to see a vietnam game...played to the very end where we got spanked. Doubt that'll...

5023d ago 21 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do not fail me Sony. If a new Wild ARMs is indeed in the works, LET ME FREAKING KNO!


Resident N4G Wild ARMs Fanboy.

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

iPhone - A phone. Mostly purchased by adults, and college students with disposable cash. You'll find the odd teenager with it who has a rich parent to buy it for them too.

DS and PSP - Less likely adults buy them, but a decent amount nonetheless. Again, falls into the category of teenagers with income to purchase it or with parents to buy it for them.

Adults with their own money are more likely to buy a PHONE than they are a gaming system due to which is ...

5026d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually quite awhile. I have to charge my controller maybe once a week and thats after playing on average 20 hours. I usually charge it when its on one bar and im near a laptop, otherwise i can wait till it warns me its low. Even then, i still have a good 30 minutes left.

5028d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because they don't want to/it doesn't appeal to them. That's the bottom line. Why are there are so many opinion articles around explaining the obvious?

5031d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

too bad you're too much of a twat for people to appreciate the system for what it is. Instead, most on this site will look at this article and think "hmm...that guys a d!ck" and with just cause.

5031d ago 23 agree5 disagreeView comment