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249d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are people crying about a more than reasonable price increase? I wish it was increased more so we can be given MORE value. Just wait until Microsoft owns Activision, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Sega and Capcom and has all their games free on Game Pass then you will be singing a different tune. Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda on Game Pass with Xbox Achievements and Luigi pink OPI nail polish controller? Yes Please! -This future is 'inevitable.'

249d ago 7 agree37 disagreeView comment

Not being funny, I mean I’m sure Kojima knows what he’s doing, but isn’t Spencer’s hands-off/eyes closed approach in monitoring and supporting developers exactly the reason games like Redfall and Scalebound ran into problems?

249d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Xbox Gaming includes profits derived from the Xbox Store app on Windows.

Microsoft, by not separating the console business from the massive Windows install base is able to conflate the profit and loss of the console business.

Obscure_Observer celebrating Xbox’s ‘win’ over PlayStation ask yourself this question; how can Xbox be making more profit if its install base is a third of the size of PlayStation, and it’s store and accessories likely do a third of ...

254d ago 50 agree18 disagreeView comment

@darthv72 Jez Cordon is manipulated by his Microsoft contacts; he thinks he is being told confidential info when really he’s being fed PR.

254d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

“ Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Casts Doubt on Massive Leak”.

That headline is incorrectly using the English language by saying Phil Spencer ‘casts doubt’ as that means he doubts the validity of the leak. In fact, he actually CONFIRMED the leak but said the information may be out of date.

255d ago 31 agree0 disagreeView comment

Launching a new console and financing all its associated running costs throughout a generation is an expensive business. If the Xbox One and Xbox Series generations have, overall, been losses/investments for Microsoft then its shareholders may not want to go through another round. This also explains why Microsoft was willing to pay so much for Activision Blizzard - because it’s doing everything it can to stay in the game.

256d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

FFS! Why on Earth is there illiterate, innumerate people crowing about $230 million revenue? Without any other figures to give it context such as licensing fees, server running costs and advertising, it’s not possible to know if this is fabulously successful or a loss-making venture. What we can definitely assume is that $230 million is not NET profit!

ALSO, whilst so much internal Microsoft info was leaked the fact that the net profit wasn’t revealed alongside this number ...

256d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

@JusttJD0099 Can Microsoft afford to drop $200 Billion to own Nintendo, its IP, and dominate gaming and collect all the revenue?

Yes it can.

People who were cheering the ABK as great for Xbox didn’t see the big picture, that it was a harbinger of Microsoft’s plan to use its Big Tech wealth to consolidate all that is good an holy into its arms. Is that really going to serve the gaming industry and fans best?

256d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Verge’s Tom Warren with the ‘scoop’.

256d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Insomniac's Relationship with Marvel is Far More Collaborative" - I think they've earned it.

Their two games have done so much for recognition of the Spider-Man and in particular the Miles Morales brand.

258d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Symbiotic!’ Ha ha! What an inventive pun!

This is how it works:
Firstly, ApocalypseShadow described the business relationship between Insomniac Games and Sony as ‘symbiotic’ denoting a close partnership where their strengths complement each other that it’s beneficial to both.

And secondly, and here’s the kicker, symbiotic is a reference to what happens in the beginning of the story of Spider-man 2 as it is about Peter Parker melding with the alie...

259d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

Did anybody of these chumps in the media ask if you can play as Venom?

259d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What this means is that in the week of the Starfield launch Xbox sales went up by less than double. It’s good, and this is not downplaying, but it’s not a major leap in sales, and it will fall in the second week. Meaning, if repeated in all international territories, Starfield has been a hit with Xbox owners but has had not dramatically increased sales.

262d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

@PhillyDonJawn the Xbox physical edition was at the top of the UK chart last week - add it should be as the biggest release of the week. All the collectors will be buying it on release. What will be more revealing is how it fairs in its second week.

Here is the Amazon UK live video game chart:

262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least you can say Metro’sDavid Jenkins explains what he doesn’t like.

263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@JackBNimble some people are shouting that Starfield is the best game ever (a valid opinion) and some are decrying it as a huge disappointment (not many may agree but also valid). So the nuance is one person coming on N4G and giving their subjective opinion that the game hasn’t met their expectations built up by hype but that it’s still a good experience.for them. However, the fanboys and girls will not accept another’s view on a game simply because they personally disagree with it.

263d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Flawlessmic That’s a nuanced opinion that stands out from the people who only see things in absolutes.

264d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

Even if this story was to be approved, I’m not sure the majority of the N4G audience are in a market for a Bidet Converter Kit.

264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the way D brand carefully navigates copyright lawsuits from Sony -it has big bollocks! 🤣

265d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment