CRank: 5Score: 13190

I saw the superior version on my hddvd player months ago. Why does the bluray version need 2 discs? I thought they would no longer need 2 discs. Fools, not only do you get lied to but you pay outrageous prices. After hddvd went away prices not only stopped going down but actually went up. Bluray will fail all on its own. It is still not as good as hddvd or is there a standard yet. Remember "on dvd and psp"? We will soon remember when they said "on dvd and bluray". Sony com...

5844d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

it's a new thing to let the gamers c video from tech shows? 360 has been "bringing it home" for what 2 years now I Think. For those of you that don't have a 360 Bringing it home is a series of videos that show all the tech shows 360 attends. Nothing new sony. I have been watching things like that on my 360 from my couch for a while now.

5844d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think if you really had a hot girlfriend you would not say things like I can prove it and I'll show you a pic if you don't believe me. Keep on keepin on.

5848d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You and sony are not gods you looser. That is the kind of attitude that most of you communist sony fans have. And that is sad. Keep your console and leave me to mine.

5848d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

The best platformer on the gennesis was Ghouls and ghosts. I spent so many hours on that game.

5848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

almost all those girls are hot in one way or another. Yuz guyz must be gay cuz I would do all of them. Do you mean to tell me you only go for super model types? I bet 3/4 of you wouldn't know how to handle any woman let alone a hot one.

5848d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you only knew the greatness that is xbox live. If you think thats funny look at your crippled system with hopes of getting better in the future. I have so many games, movies, tv shows, demos, music videos and more to choose from it makes your psn look like childs play.

5850d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

you have a fps exclusive. lol

5850d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe someday you will get standard features across all games. probably no time soon

5850d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why are you ps3 fans here? are you hurt yet again and feel left out? aww poor little fellas. Stop trying to bash the 360 you sound foolish. Just go enjoy your system, or is it that hard to enjoy? That must be it.

5850d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why not on the ps3? I wonder? Seing how it does 4D and all.

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

keep saying what about 2 worlds and hour of victory? Ok xbox had a flop or to but like said b4 they were not hyped, and the biggest point is the 360 has had a bunch of AAA titles to play and a bunch of other great games also and ps3 has not. And the thing about, some of our games are on pc also... well that is pretty much a MS console as well and most people can't afford a good game system and a kick butt pc to run the high quality games. Suck it up sony lovers your system is not what the son...

5851d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The list is great and will outperform the competition in sales of software again this year. So the sony fans may finally have some good titles on the way this year, I could care less because they all are nothing new and innovative thats for sure, FPS and a kiddie game. We have a much better variety of games, they are just now gonna get some FPS that xbox gamers have already done.

5852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

then why did you read the article?

5855d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

you communist ps3 fans. Why can you all not c that competition is great? If we only had 1 choice that would suck. You little ps3 kids should take a chill pill. We have had to defend the xbox since day 1 from your hate for anything not sony. I don't know what you mistake our defence for but thats all it is guys is defence. We must consistently be defensive to the sony fans or they try and tear us down. And for what? jealousy thats all it can be, why else could you possibly hate a console so mu...

5855d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am so sick of you "sony is my god" ps3 lovers. You have 2 good games maybe 3 and so do we. We have had great lineups for the past few years. Just because you have 1 year to look forward to does not mean the end of my console of choice. I think all you sony lovers are freaking communist, you all want to live in a world with no choice(only one console. Why?

5858d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

none of the sony fans spoke up after what I said on post 3.1. Wonder why? Seems like they don't have much to say when you put it simple like that.

5859d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

why the heck must it be like that? Why don't you just go enjoy your console and let me enjoy mine? Why are you that angry at the xbox? Does it pose that much of a threat to you and your sony gods? I can not understand why you would want only 1 console in the market? This would be a pretty lame arss world if thats the way things went. Only 1 brand of tv, one brand of chips, one brand of soda and so on. Are you communist?

5859d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

The 360 is a joke you say? Jokes on you bud, Why does the 360 have so many great games to play if it's a joke? The online service is the best of any console to date, and the user interface is seamless across all games and activities on the console. The joke is you don't have any of those things with the exception of a couple of good games so far. You can't count things that are not here yet. Because sony said the ps3 would be so many things it wasn't before launch. And it still to this day l...

5859d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Michael Pachter believes" who cares what this goon believes.

5859d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment