CRank: 5Score: 13190

You don't make any sense. That's you in your avatar pic huh?

5821d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

When you say the 360 is outdated you just sound foolish. If it were outdated then why do all the ps3 owners long for standard 360 features? Sure the console has hit a few bumps along the way but be real for a moment and look at the sheer number of great games to be had on that system. The games continue to look great in most everyone's opinion, and still rival the games on ps3.

5821d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

So what about the graphics are showing age? They look just as good as the ps3 graphics do. Some a little better some a little worse. As for paying for live... yes it does stink having to pay for a premium service, but I get by just like millions of others. If you truly had a live account you would understand how much superior it has been over psn. So many on demand movies, so many demos, so many arcade games, tv shows, music videos, e3 coverage. And the list grows every day. And that is on to...

5821d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

to you ps3 fans on getting this feature finally after how long??? Trying to be more like xbox every day. As for MGS4, You all sure are putting a whole hell of a stock in this title. Hopefully for your sakes you do get a AAA title out of that overpriced so called game system. I have had my game system for almost 3 years now and have played 126 sweet games for it and downloaded a bunch of HD movies from the market place lately. Could not ask for a better gaming experience.

5843d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

may I ask is so next gen about that game? The only thing I saw new in that game so far is real long drawn out cut scenes and a mortor being launcehd. The mortor part is pretty cool and I have often wanted to use one in a war game. But what about that gameplay or graphics is so revolutionary to gamming?

5843d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

be careful what you hype for. Remember haze cough cough.

5846d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

buy a game console to avoid the hassle of pc gaming. Thats why I stopped trying to keep up with the pc gaming world, to costly and time consuming. I have always enjoyed the ease of console gaming.

5846d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

how the sony folks say, "go get some air while the game installs" or some dumb crap like that. When I want to sit down and play my game after getting back from the store with it I just got plenty of fresh freaking air and I want to try my brand new game. You cannot justify your ps3 shortcomings.

5846d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Can't deny any of what you just said

5846d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

360 already has 300+ movies available for download. I watched one in hd last night and it only took 20 minn. before I could start watching it. 20 minn... thats about as long as a ps3 game install.

5848d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully for your sake you guys that have been so faithful to your ps3 will get what you got coming to you. As for me, I have been enjoying these features you hope 4 for what 3 years or more now. Eventually I hope to get a ps3 when they have it all squared away and updated properly because I am a gamer that enjoys all games. Unless of course by then a different less expensive new and better console emerges. And why do you fools insist on killing off the other consoles? Stop being so threaten...

5852d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I was having flashbacks and enjoying the thought of playing a new version of Golden axe, but now you say there is no co op? That seems strange and way off what the old game was about.

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is sounding better all the time. I am looking forward to it and it's new features.

5852d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

online sucks but xbox live gta is hella fun. No lag and lots of people.

5852d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is funny as hell, Why would they advertise this way? Goes to show the smarts and power of sony. piss off.

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a bunch of complainers. Never happy.

5852d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Bluray and the players (with the exception of the ps3) suck ballz. The dang format is unreliable and not even finished yet. Way to expensive and poorly thought out. Why would this option from Toshiba be bad? It would let everyone save a ton of money and still be able to watch there older dvd's in HD. What's the beef with that?

5852d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

and waiting and waiting. Meanwhile I have enjoyed quite a few movies in hd on the marketplace. And it only take 15 to 20 minn. before I can start watching the download. It's good to have a 360. Play in my world or wait in yours.

5853d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess you need something to play with since your game experience is gimpped. You can play with it while you watch bluray. Maybe it will transform into 4D glasses so you can c your ps3 in 4d like sony said you would.

5853d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

just freakin wow! You sony fans can't just be happy that you might have a great game (for it's genre) and be cool with that. From the lies that sony sold you all on you should of had games like this and better long ago. Now you finally have a potentially great game on the way and all you can do is bash xbox. Children, you are all like children. And as far as the fella that said his #1 game is Shenmue... why do you dorks bash someone elses opinion. his favorite game should not matter to you an...

5853d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment