I like to challenge my own and others opinions.


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2108d ago Show

N4G= News for gamers, right?

This is news related to gaming.

2108d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment
2108d ago Show

Yeah, turn resident evil 1 into FIFA, just release an updated version every year

2110d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Pandora's tower wasn't perfect, but it was good. The story was what compelled you to play it to the end. It had great music too.

Last story was quality. Just a solid game

Along with xenoblade, both of these titles saved the Wii during a horrendous drought in its final year before the wiiu arrived.

2111d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's probably because the game isn't that good. If it were good, they would let everyone see and play it.

Games that rely on hype always disappoint in the end

2112d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are only so many letters, words and punctuation marks. Just because you arrange the words in a different order, doesn't make it original.

Every word you have ever uttered are merely echoes.

The same with music, there are only so many ways you can arrange the notes.

No such thing as original thought either, since all thought arises from language, and all language are within the limits of the culture they came from, or from anot...

2113d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

There is nothing new under the sun. Every so-called invention was built on already existing ideas. Even this article is one of many many tellings of the same story.

People just like to claim ownership by saying it's their own because they arranged the words in a specific order.

Even my opinion is unoriginal.

2113d ago 0 agree24 disagreeView comment

its a gimmick. or what you might prefer to call branding.

2118d ago 4 agree46 disagreeView comment

why? if you built a business, would you like it if people were blatantly STEALING from you and preventing you from growing your business further?

you aren't entitled to all the games in history, you know

2121d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

Its not hard to top GOW. its just button mashing. Not really much difference from Golden Axe on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.

2124d ago 8 agree68 disagreeView comment

A good game is fun to play, not political. If I want politics, I watch the news.

is chess political? no, its fun, strategy. sure you could make it political by attaching meaning to each piece and the setting of the board, but the game itself is meant to be fun.

same with Pong, pac man, Mario, Zelda etc all the classic games are just that- games. you play them for fun.

making games will be the downfall of gaming. they will cease being...

2124d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo don't listen to fans who cry out for updates of beloved franchises, proving they don't cater to fans at all.

Nintendo only cater for themselves. things like Labo prove this. they make what they want, or what they think will sell- not what the fans want.

so why on earth would they ever give fans what they want and create limited editions that are actually desirable? instead they bundle together standard editions with garbage, such as amii...

2125d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nintendo own Rare's DK. It's a Nintendo IP. Rare were basically commitioned to make it for Nintendo. And I'm sure Rare (and any other party involved) would agree to other titles being on the N64 mini - for the right price. Everybody wins.

I want to see some more obscure titles that I always wanted but didn't get the chance to play, such as Body Harvest, Win Back and Silicon Valley.

2129d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's NEZ. Any other way is incorrect.

2130d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

HZD is a average game hiding under beautiful graphics. If you ported the game to a system with far lower specs and scaled the games graphics down, what you would be left with is an average game. It's a superficial game.

Nintendo games are always great games. That's why 30 years later they can release things like the classic mini console and it still be a great showcase of the games. In 30 years time, HZD will be forgotten.

Sony mostly relies on ga...

2131d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Switch needs to come down in price. It's not worth it. The price holds it back... Even with the few must have titles it has, the price makes it impossible to justify purchasing.

The PS4 on the other hand is worth it. You get serious hardware that can also double as a media centre, plus all the AAA 3rd part games.

Nintendo still have a lot to learn. Weak tech, minimal games and no 3rd party support does not represent good value.

2133d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

This generation is so lame. It's embarrassing

2133d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the reviews say the collectors edition is not worth the money. and lets face it, £80 is a lot for a substandard edition.

it doesn't even have the cd soundtrack that the American counterpart does. rip off!

2145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The whole package looks really tacky

2146d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment