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''Nintendo Explains Decision To Charge For The Nintendo Switch Online Service''


2609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the nintendo switch box is crap. worst package design for any console.

2609d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

People expect racing and sports titles to be updates.

But people expect other genres to give them a totally new experience with each sequel.

Even call of duty gives you a new game. Why would splatoon be any different.

Nintendo are known for reinvention, if they can reinvent Mario several times over for more than 30 years, why is splatoon an exception?

Nintendo are simply getting lazy and sloppy.

2620d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

The game is a deluxe version of splatoon.

Nintendo are just trying to fool consumers by calling it a sequel

The switch already has a load of wiiu ports so Nintendo are trying to pass this splatoon off as a new game.

Pathetic really

2620d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Because the switch isn't powerful enough to render an invincible mastersword

2633d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

the universe already unanimously acknowledged breath of the wilds masterpiece status.

at this point its just a fact of life.

any review scoring breath of the wild below 9 is propaganda. fake news. lies. hate. idiotic. trolling. uninformed. lunacy

2634d ago 14 agree16 disagreeView comment


a Ferrari with a smudge on its windscreen is still a Ferrari.

a Skoda with a smudge on its windscreen is still a Skoda.

See. zelda is in a different league to these other games.

2635d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

the wiiu was shit. an embarrassment.

2635d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

all the reviews with scores below 9 are from nameless sites/reviewers looking to cash in on what is possibly the greatest game of all time. they just want the attention, even if its negative.

all the reputable sites and reviewers gave the game 10s.

who really cares what some obscure website who nobody heard of thinks?

the universe already unanimously awarded breath of the wild game of the decade. anyone who says otherwise are the sam...

2635d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

pitting breath of the wild against horizon dawn is like putting a xenomorph in a cage for a fight to the death against a poodle. its a forgone conclusion

just in case there is any confusion, zelda is the xenomorph.

2636d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

In an alternate universe where breath of the wild doesn't exist, maybbe

2637d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fake news.

The universe has already unanimously approved breath of wild as a timeless classic.

There will always be people who say we never landed on the moon, earth is flat, and breath of wild is 6/10

2638d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

breath of the wild transcends video games, its an exquisite work of art that will live on forever in history alongside the mona lisa and van goghs sunflowers

2639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

jim sterlings review was fake news.

just the world we live in.

if man achieves something great, like walking on the moon, there will always be people who say it didnt happen, or discredit it. people still to this day believe the earth is flat.

so of course there will be the few lunatics who believe breath of the wild isnt the masterpiece that the universe unanimously agreed on.

again, its just fake news.

2639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the universe has already decided that breath of the wild is a masterpiece.

any negative reviews from this point forward are simply fake news

2639d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

The problem with splatoon 2 is that Nintendo has the audacity to call it a sequel, when really it's just splatoon deluxe.

Its clear that Nintendo are flooding the switch with wiiu ports and we're too embarrassed to call splatoon 2 what it is- deluxe, so try to pass it off as a sequel.

2641d ago 22 agree11 disagreeView comment

its just going to be a deluxe version of the wiiu smash bros game, just like mario kart 8 deluxe.

nintendo are going to turn the switch into port hell

2641d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

is that before or after hell freezes over?

2642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly. a total garbage waste of time release that only a damn fool would double dip for.

lets face it, the vast majority of switch owners will be nintendo fans, so they would most likely already own mario kart 8. this switch 'deluxe' editions just screams desperation to me. they obviously are scraping the barrel to bring games to switch.

zero interest in this pointless shovelware

2642d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

breath of wild is so good that it made people forget the switch launched with practically no games of its own.

when the smoke clears, people will realise this and i think the switch is going to have a very tough time.

the only chance switch has for success is if the initial sales are so great that third parties flood the switch with games to cash in and builds a momentum that drives the console higher and higher.

but im sceptical.

2643d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment