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Microsoft takes a smaller cut too, this is common for big titles.

468d ago 6 agree65 disagreeView comment

This is actually pretty common. Only the small guys are giving up that 30% - the big publishers negotiate it closer to the 10% mark - and that applies to every platform.

Now that this is out in the open, maybe we’ll see more pushback and/or lawsuits about it - it’s technically not fair business practice to screw the smaller guys and 30% store cuts are already under heavy scrutiny in some regions.

Also… if they’re going to bump it up to 30% after the acqui...

468d ago 16 agree63 disagreeView comment

PS3 being a mess was why we got the PS4 that we got. That is not a bad thing.

469d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sometimes these big companies need a failure. See Xbox One, PS3 and WiiU.

469d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Lol you know the numbers are bad when folk are reaching for “software attach rates”.

Ok great it has a high software attach rate which ultimately means nothing when the hardware attach rate is so terrible.

469d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

I would love a QB sequel, very underrated game.

469d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Even GP makes more revenue per year than PSVR in its lifetime and has way more people interested in it, so yea, that’s a better bet.

I would rather they invest in content / acquisitions to put more stuff into game pass, yes.

469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So… has it sold out on PS direct yet? Is it invite only? Are there queues?


“ PSVR made Sony at least $2.5 billion”

So? Kinect made 1.2b in a quarter and outsold the PSVR - it was still a flop 🤷

469d ago 3 agree53 disagreeView comment

All he said was it had lackluster preorders - which we know to be true given that it has failed to sell out on PSDirect.

469d ago 3 agree53 disagreeView comment

Agree. You’d have to be nuts to look at the state of VR and say “oh boy, there’s a market I must push into! A niche hardware device sold at a loss with a super low attach rate that everyone else either skipped on investing in or are now bailing out”.

There’s a reason why every big player minus Sony has skipped on VR or subsequently gave up on it.

469d ago 3 agree37 disagreeView comment

Or not. It’s not worth the investment in terms of resources, time and money. Even Tencent just dropped their plan for a headset based on the VR market.

VR is just too niche and small for most companies to care about, and as a result lacks real quality titles.

Better to spend your resources elsewhere.

469d ago 2 agree35 disagreeView comment

So it’s a threat to the likes of Ubisoft and EA and empowers devs to effectively self publish? I welcome that.

No more flooding the market with cookie cutter open world games, no more MTX pay to win BS. And more creative games being made rather than what big publishers think will sell a lot of MTX.

470d ago 9 agree50 disagreeView comment

“Getting Call of Duty and the rest of ABK isn’t good for Xbox gamers”

Now there’s a terrible take 😂

470d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah exactly my thought lol. It’s immersive as long as you don’t trip over the cable.

470d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Pre-orders for day 1 shipment can sell out. PS5 did.

Not worried at all - PSVR2 won’t be much different from the first in terms of sales performance, so Sony will continue to invest as much in traditional gaming experiences as before.

470d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is a bizarre comment lol.

I personally wouldn’t spend $550 on something I didn’t plan to use too much - but it’s his money, you’re not his financial advisor or bank lol.

470d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

It won’t be a scalpers fest. It isn’t selling out, so we already know it’s not a scalpers fest. And you can’t scalp what is readily available to buy.

Basically, it’s not as mainstream as the PS5, plus the amount of people willing to spend $550 on an addon accessory is far smaller than those willing to spend $500 on a full out console.

470d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

Simply put, yes.

470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It can vary by game (presumably due to developer choice), but they do - at least on Steam, I only have EGS for the free games :p

They basically make you login with an Xbox live account when you run the game on Steam and then use Xbox Live for all the save games, leaderboards etc (it doesn’t require gold though like on console).

I suspect Sony will go the same route, and I support that idea - I’m typically against having 910283 publisher PC launchers and a...

470d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

@Gamer A Steam subscription would be out of this world I bet. I’d be in for that.

@shinoff Not true at all. Saving games to local storage is so 1990s. Also puts you at risk of losing saves, less mobility in terms of playing on other consoles, also a PITA when you migrate to mid/next gen consoles.

Cloud saves are table stakes at this point. Every platform offers it and gamers just expect it.

So what we’ve got is core platform functionali...

470d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment